Groin shot, self defense course final

Watch until the end! :-)

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Comment by Weak dude on August 12, 2014 at 1:54pm

it looks funny

Comment by PV on May 30, 2013 at 5:12pm

Nice video. Love to see how much pain a guy can have even with a cup!

Comment by gal pic on February 9, 2013 at 11:54am

לא פיירררר..... חמודה איך היא ברחה חחח
 צרי קשר יש לי רעיון נחמד 
אגב, את גם למדת או עדיין אומנות לחימה ?

Comment by Tender Boy on August 10, 2012 at 11:10am

Her technique could use some work but I really like her spirit.  :)

The scene is kinda-sorta of "over" but she so clearly wants to finish it with a kick to the balls.  It's like she had a ball-kicking already in her mind and was just not going to walk away without getting her chance to give one.  That is awesome.  I gotta tip my hat to that sort of determination in a lady!  Bravo.

It's funny that the guy is wearing so much padding that his "balls" (or the closest outside point to them) is somewhere down around his knees.  So oddly her kick hits his "balls" but it's not where real balls are located on a man's body.  It's almost like she was practicing a shin kick (which isn't a bad thing to practice for self-defense, actually) but I hope it doesn't inadvertently teach women inaccurate testicle-kicking technique if they ever need to defend themselves.

Comment by Brendah Moore on April 6, 2011 at 4:18pm
Didn't do anything for me.
Comment by Zwyx on April 3, 2011 at 7:31pm
Eh, yeah. She didn't particularly do too hot a job. If the first three "get back!"s don't work, I don't imagine the following 79 would, either. Now that I take a closer look, her last kick doesn't really appear to connect all too much.
Comment by Zwyx on April 3, 2011 at 6:05pm
Ha. Awesome.


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