Lighter kicks because he was being a wuss ;)

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Comment by Tender Boy on May 6, 2012 at 3:48pm

Thanks for the link and the video, Sophie.

Please don't worry about the softer style of this video.  Sometimes softer can be sexier.  You two definitely got it right in this video.  

Speaking of that, you have a nice kicking style, one I haven't seen before.  You raise your knee up as part of how you aim, and you hold that pose very nicely for a moment, and then you swing your foot up to make contact.  It's very cool.  Since it's so unique, I think it might be a little harder for us viewers to sense how hard  you're kicking Damien.  So that might be why you get these questions.  

In other words, even when you kick him hard, it might just not look totally obvious that it's a hard kick.  So thanks for letting us know when it is, like telling us that the third kick (the one that sent him to his knees) was harder.  Now that I view it again I think I can tell.  It does seem like you give it a little extra "oomph" there, LOL.  :)   You just have your signature style and that's awesome.

And your laugh after you send him down is sexy and adorable.  Even if Damien is on his knees I know he must love that and being with you!  :)

Comment by Sophie on May 6, 2012 at 2:11pm

One more thing. The "booty short video" or 10 Kicks is now uploaded in the erotica group under Damien's Videos. 

Here is the link because its a little confusing on how to get to it.

Comment by Sophie on May 6, 2012 at 2:08pm

To Dave, Kickball12, Tender Boy, Steve Webster, Mike Smith, Paul Kicked, DV, and Wutchaknoboutdat thanks for the kind comments I'm glad you like the video and hopefully we will continue to supply you with more fun PG BB vids.

To Wutchaknoboutdat-Yes I agree that often times a woman is even more alluring with clothes on than off and I was not trying to offend anyone or push my fetish onto anyone that wasn't interested so I'm sincerely sorry if it came off that way. 

Also these kicks are pretty soft because the third one in this video (the one that dropped him) was really hard and made him pretty sore so thats why I was going easy. Its not because he cant handle it. 

Comment by PaulT on May 5, 2012 at 8:04pm

wow, very sexy! ;)

Comment by Tender Boy on May 4, 2012 at 11:44pm


I think you need to put down the coffee.  :)   You're reading waaaaaay too much into some innocent comments.

Thanks for telling us about the erotica group.  I did not know it existed.

Comment by mike smith on May 4, 2012 at 8:59pm

Dvhour, I didn't realize there were videos in the erotica area; that's cool.  I always figured when I want to see nudity, I can find another site, many of which are helpfully linked from here. 

Damien and Sophie, don't be discouraged from showing lighter kicks sometimes.  They can be fun too, and this video is great.

Comment by dvhour (Site Owner) on May 4, 2012 at 6:18pm

ATTENTION: Tender Boy, Steve Webster and anyone else who wants to start a mutiny 



First of all, Sophie is new and does not know all the rules of the KITG site yet. She was told by Mallory that there was a special area made for both her and Damien and that she could post her "booty shorts" video in the the Erotica group on the site, at which point she did join the group. You guys may not be fully aware of this but Sophie can upload any nude, lewd or erotic imagery that she wishes there. Matter of Fact, Anyone Can!!! Its been this way for several months now. The Erotica Group is a private area and the only place on the site that we will permit nude, lewd and erotic imagery. Here's the link=>


Moving forward Sophie, let this be a teachable moment. Though you may not have meant anything by it, making a simple statement like "apparently booty shorts aren't appropriate for this site" has an accusatory tone and as you see below it stirs up passionate "Off with their head" management complaints as seen by bothTender Boy and Steve Webster… Its not just directed at you Sophie, cause several others have made similar comments and I had to step in again when I saw the familiar inciting comments from members. I personally don't enjoy having to set the record straight like this I prefer that people watch the video rather than attack me and Mallory.  


We have real site responsibilities and legal pressures, we don't need Tender Boys and Steve Websters stirring up people with "management cant run a website" talk. We work damn hard for our BB and CB family so please respect our values, rules and all the hard work and thought that we do for free for this site. The major difference between KITG vs other BB sites is tone, temperament and our PG-Rating! YES Mallory and I make no secret that we are firm about our visual presentation on the PUBLIC part of the site - meaning no nudity or lewd imagery. People can say that the fundamental nature of BB and CB are both lewd and profane… and one can argue that KITG should not exist because of the very subject matter. 


Our argument is this… No one should be stopped from telling a visual story or from having a place to express their passion or fetish. There are Rated G, PG, PG-13, R, X, XX, XXX movies (ie. visual stories) scattered throughout all of history… The reality is that the vast majority of BB and CB websites and visual story tellers fall in line with the R, X, XX and XXX Rating. Mallory and I choose to offer a more tame and comfortable PG-Rated Zone to pacify our Parent company Ning and the non-community folks intimidated by or not interested in the other X-Rated stuff can at the very minimum can find a home in KITG and discover a deeper connection with the fetish and themselves. Dare I say that its partly why we have the largest female membership of any BB site in existence… Both Mallory and I are not prudes and certainly we are "adults" who appreciate some of the R, X, XX and XXX Rating stuff in our personal time… but this is not the vibe we want for this site. This is why we have strict rules for the public area of the site. I hope that clears it up for you three and anyone reading this. Now lets move on and enjoy this spectacular video above. Thanks for sharing the video Sophie and Damien. 

Comment by Tender Boy on May 4, 2012 at 8:20am

Booty shorts red alert!  Hide your eyes everyone!  LOL

Come on management, we're all adults here.  I'm a guy and really I couldn't care less what kind of shorts Damien (?) is wearing.  Let Sophie show her video.  

I'd love to see her go harder like she says.  She's trying to show us and you, The Management, won't let her!  Come on, man.

Comment by Sophie on May 3, 2012 at 11:10pm
Well we have other videos where I do go harder on him and yes he can take it but apparently booty shorts arent appropriate for this site.
Comment by Tender Boy on May 3, 2012 at 10:10pm

Great video, Sophie!  It's sexy and fun.

And you say those are just lighter kicks?  Wow, do you ever go harder on him?  Can he handle it?


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