The hubster and I were enjoying a nice thanksgiving meal at his parents house, the turkey was cooked to perfection, dressing was moist and delicious, all the fixings you could possibly want, an entire table designated to desserts, conversation no longer centered around me and my heel firmly pressing my husband’s balls into his seat. How could this holiday possibly get any better?!
The day started off as usual; my poor sweet husband woke up to me gently caressing his goods under the covers. As he came to, I look him in the eyes and whisper “Good morning.” Before he has a chance to respond, I hit him with the same old question I’ve asked him for 6+ weeks now, “Are you ready to get this taken care of???” I get his usual response of no response, so I get out of bed in a huff. “You know this is hard for me too! We haven’t had sex in like 2 months!!!” Nothing. I roll my eyes and go into the bathroom and start getting ready. We have to be at his folks’ house for a late Thanksgiving Day lunch. I don’t want to go to my in-laws house mad at my husband, but I really don’t understand what’s the big deal about getting a vasectomy. I have to somehow turn my mood around.
Now, I’m not blonde, but I do have some blonde moments from time to time. Most of my life I thought that men got neutered like the dogs I’ve had in the past so I kind of understood why he didn’t want to have it done. That was an incredibly embarrassing discussion when he had to explain to me that all they do is cut the cord so that sperm can’t escape the balls??? Like that makes waaaay more sense, but how was I supposed to know??? I’m not a guy or ever had a serious conversation about vasectomy before getting married and having a child! Anyway, bad looking out on his part for explaining all that to me, because now I’m even more furious that he won’t go have it done knowing that nothing is being removed.
He walks past me in the bathroom, his dick is still hard as he steps around into the shower. “I know what you’re doing in there!” I exclaim.
“Yep.” he shouts back.
I think, yep?! Not even gonna deny it?!?? Calm down, Shannon. Take a deep breath. I’m looking through the mirror at this point, when that familiar smirk crosses my face and snaps me back to reality. I slip off my gown, panties and socks and peek around the shower. We have a deep walk in shower with no door or curtain. There’s my husband, back to me, left hand propped up on the wall, jacking off with his right hand while the hot water cascades down his muscular back. It’s hard for me to be too mad, because he’s just so damn hot standing there. His butt cheeks are clinched together and I really want to just kneel down and bite his tush to get his attention and then finish the job for him myself. But I can’t cave in. This has become a matter of principle. Now, I’d love to say that I knew the exact second he was just about to cum, and that would make for a great story, but I don’t. We’ll say he was close at least when I drove my foot square into his balls from behind. “God dammit!”, my husband yelps out as he collapses on the shower floor. “I’m really really sorry baby.” I plead, “I swear I didn’t mean to kick you that hard!” I meant to kick you harder, I think to myself, but I know the floor is slippery and I don’t want to fall down. I step over him and turn the hot water side off so there’s just cold water hitting him and quickly get out of the way of any retaliation. “Cool down baby and then we’ll talk.” I knew that he wouldn’t be able to get up for a few minutes. And sure enough I hear the water running for another 5 minutes or so. “Look honey, I am sorry. I really wish you’d go get this vasectomy so we can put all this foolishness behind us.” Finally he comes back out into the bathroom and surprisingly doesn’t look mad at me. Holy shit, are you kidding me, I think to myself. How is he not mad at me right now??? “We’ll talk about it after Thanksgiving. The urologist isn’t even open until Monday.” he says. Are you fucking serious?! I know my eyes were bulging out of my face because there is no way of me containing the excitement I feel right now. This is a huge win! I feel like I’ve just won the lottery! For my husband to even suggest the idea of talking to the Doctor?!??? “I love you, baby.” Is all I can think to say out loud. What a stupid thing to say right then. “Love you too. That really fucking hurt.” He replies as he walked out the bathroom to get dressed.
Most of the rest of the day was too busy and hectic for us to talk -between getting us all ready to go and then being at his parents’ house with all his family. But here we are at the table all properly seated, men on one side and their respective wives or girlfriends on the opposite side. And just like always, everybody wants to talk about the new baby(my husband has a large family so it seems that someone has ALWAYS just had a baby). His mom looks down at me, and asks, “Well, you two, when are y’all going to have another one?” Not much can make my husband put down his mother’s cooking, but that question right there is definitely on my short list of topics I hate for his mom to bring up and he knows it. I’m just looking at him, “uh....” I’m waiting for my hubs to answer his mother first, but he’s just caught like a deer in the headlights staring at me. So I say, “well, I’m not sure we really want anymore children right now.” I mean, what the fuck am I supposed to say??? “Aww you two really need at least one more!” his mom replies. “Well, you’ll have to talk to Shannon about that, momma.” my husband cuts his eyes at me as he says it. You little shit, I think to myself as I slip my shoe off under the table. You are not going to pit your mom against me on this. She’s saying something in response but I have no idea what because I’m busy trying to find his lap with my stocking foot from across the table. That’s when I feel his leg and trace it in to his crotch where I find his balls with my toes through his slacks. They feel HUGE under my toes. Are they swollen from this morning, I think to myself. His eyes get wide as I lift my foot up so that my heel is on his balls and I begin to press down firmly. “You know, we’re just so blessed with two wonderful daughters we have. I really don’t see how we can do any better than them.” I smile sweetly as the whole table let’s out a collective “awww”. That’s right assholes, I think to myself, you keep thinking I’m the sweet one as I crush your son’s balls with my foot. And I am really trying to push down as hard as I can but with my leg being completely extended, I don’t really have good leverage so I doubt I’m causing him very much pain. It’s more of an embarrassment thing for him I guess since all of his family is unknowingly witnessing the punishment to his manhood. They carry on the conversation like normal, football, the weather, what’s for dessert, blah blah blah... and I sprinkle in little comments like, “Oh honey, tell them about the ‘ball game’ we had in the back yard the other night?”(story for another time). Or, “How are your cranberries, sweetie?” Or probably my favorite, “Baby, can you pass me those sugar plums?” This was the best Thanksgiving ever!
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