This one is recent, fresh In the mind and has gone straight to the top of the list for me personally.

I had a new busting buddy we had had a few sessions, She knew what I liked and could handle by this point and I trusted her to respect but push my limits. We had a good thing going.

But, as always seems to happen, She started seeing someone. So there we were on my last session. We agreed to make it one to remember. So a playful game of strip ballbusting later I was tied spead-eagled on the bed with her sat between my legs gently stroking my member.

She punched and squeezed them for a while got them nice and sore alternating hurting and teasing me.

Then She asked me if I'd like to cum tonight.

I said of course I would.

She then explained I only get to cum if she thinks I've been in enough pain.

I assured her I was nice and sore and ready to explode.

Then came the words I will never forget: I'm going to punch you five times. Each one harder than before and you can't stop me. and if you try or I hear too much talking going on you ain't coming. Ok, lie back down.

I should point out my legs were very well secured but my shoulders dislocate easily so I have to be tied outwards rather than above so I could sit up to some extent but was still very well tied and helpless and extremely aroused.

Punch 1 hurt - a lot. She meant it, I really felt it but handled it.

Punch 2 took my breath away

Punch 3 followed immediately and I was worried at this point it was extremely painful.

She had a laugh at this point, asked me how they were feeling and giggled at my reply.

Then I was forced to lay back down.

Punch Four Impacted HARD! I was up straining against my bonds shaking my head, NO! NO! NO! I was in agony and truly helpless. I remember the laugh. I remember being in so much pain and her laughing so much.

 I begged her not to do number 5. I pleaded but She just pushed me back down and stroked my inner thighs.

Eventually my breathing calmed a little. She put a pillow over my face.

I felt her take my balls in my hand

The only work for what happened next was: FUCK!

lets just say it was the worst I have ever experienced and possibly the best. 

Views: 425


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Comment by William Beaver on June 22, 2019 at 6:24am

Damn, she's nice... And a hard hitter! :D

Thanks for sharing!

Comment by Trev Howser on June 21, 2019 at 1:21pm
Comment by William Beaver on June 20, 2019 at 9:08am

Hey Trev, is there another way of sharing the clip you mentioned?

Comment by Trev Howser on June 20, 2019 at 8:50am

I have a short clip but its nude so not suitable for here

Comment by William Beaver on June 20, 2019 at 7:02am

Nice story, thanks for sharing this one

Comment by Allen Witts on May 19, 2019 at 3:34am I literally just opened your profile in a new tab because I wanted to check something else on the site and I clicked the link of a random person in the discussion in front of me. Only to discover that you'd posted this blog post like 30 minute ago XD That timing, though.


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