A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
This is an embellishment of a true story. Please enjoy.
Goth Girl Ballbusting.
I was standing at the train station, waiting nervously. The train pulled in and I nearly turned and ran. I didn't though. I wanted this so badly and from our emails up to this point so did she. A definite spike of sadism had always been present in her messages. She really wanted to cause me some pain and this was both enthralling and terrifying at once. My mind buzzed with possibilities as the train stopped and She got off.
This cute little goth chick was far hotter than her pictures had shown. She was divine. I decided right there and then that she could do whatever she damn well wanted to my balls and I would take it and beg for more.
With a growing bulge in my trousers offsetting the fear and dread I still had gnawing away in my stomach I strode over and said 'Hi, Mistress' Taking in her evil looking boots, slender legs and cleavage popping out through a buttoned up jacket. Her dark hair was shot through with red and she had piercings scattered about adding to the image of a distinctly alternative lady who would have no compunction about leaving me crying and holding myself.
'Hold this' she says and hand me her bag and sets off walking. I follow behind a little unsure what to do as we take the steps up from the station I can't help but run my eyes over her again. Her goddess figure again firming my resolve to take all the punishment she offers. We turn out of the station and walk to the right. I keep half a pace behind her unsure if I should be making conversation or simply knowing my place. We turn down behind the old hotel in a unused snicket. She stops so suddenly I nearly walk into her.
She tuts in disappointment. 'You will learn to walk to heel like a dog. Now open your legs. ' She looks left and right to see no one is coming then grabs my hoodie and pulling me in launches a hard knee into my balls. She checks my face for a second. No doubt watching the pain in my face before striking again and a third time.
'I hope that doesn't hurt too much,' she mocks. 'I'm not going to go gently on you just because you're a pussy. We agreed I beat you until I've had enough fun not until you thought you'd had some pain. And this!' She punches my balls for emphasis. 'Is just us getting started'
'Now spread those legs and count out ten kicks. If you flinch we start again. Understood?'
I nod, 'yes Mistress' Determined to take all ten first go. The first kick comes in hard before I really expect it. 'One' I groan pushing my pelvis forward a bit to make it easier for her. 'Two, Three' I take them quite well. Aware the pain is starting to build. She kicks hard for such a small girl. She said she would.
'Look in my eyes' She commands. I hadn't even realised I was staring up at the sky, waiting. 'Better' She kicks even harder than before causing me to groan and croak out for.
The effect she's having obviously pleases her as she grins in enjoyment. Watching her face I can see that putting me through hell is going to be fun for her, really good fun.
I'm watching her face now waiting for the next kick with the raging pain building inside me.
She kicks up and stops short. I flinch anyway. I can't help myself.
'Oh dear' She says, 'who's a bad boy?' For all the world scolding me like a naughty pet. She shushes away my attempts at apologies and tells me to open up again.
'Ok no flinches this time, ten hard and fast. You just gotta keep standing till I give you permission to fall.' She motions to open my legs a little wider and smiles at me before stepping in and kicking my balls like rugby pro. Then she steps back and slams hard kicks with weighty boots into my balls I can't possibly count them. The shock pain is over ridding my ability to do anything but keep my legs straight and let this little goddess have her fun,
'Ten' She shouts as she fires the last one into my mangled nuts. She looks up at me enjoying the spectacle of my pain as I'm standing there legs akimbo. 'And one for luck' She takes a running kick into my balls. The pain is like nothing I've ever known.
She bursts out laughing. 'Wait for it' My legs are trembling with the effort of keeping me upright. She pauses gleefully watching me battle to stay on my feet. 'Ok drop'
I sink gratefully into a crouch not sure whether to clasp my abdomen or my balls. I really want to check for damage but I'm scared to look. She pops herself onto the wall.
'You have one minute recovery and then we're off. Kiss my boots while you you're down there' she says kicking me in the face with her newrocks. I oblige, certain now I have made a mistake. But she has the control. She has the compromising photo's I sent her and the only way to get them deleted was to take this punishment. Plus she was really hot. Deep down I knew I was enjoying this.
'Time up! on your feet' I groan as raise up from my crouch, trying to sneak a look up her skirt as I stand. 'You're parked over in the supermarket carpark as discussed? At the far end where we cant be seen?' She demands. I nod. She holds out her hand 'Keys' I give them to her and follow along best I can with my sore nuts being careful to watch her and not get too close. She stops abruptly twice on the way back. Each time I manage to slam the brakes on before colliding with her. I get no praise, she just continues walking.
We get to my car, 'bag' she demands. I wordlessly hand it to her. 'Now open my door like a proper slave' She throws her bag into the footwell and sits in feet out. I stare the the tops of her stockings. 'Come here' she beckons. I step round in front of her. My legs spread over hers She leans back and kicks upwards into my nuts a few times. Before sitting up and giving a punch or two. I'm holding the roof for support as she causes a fire in my already agonised nuts but glancing down at her face and how much she's loving this means I'm willing to take much much more pain.
'Now round the other side and pants off before you get in, boxers too. Lets have a look at how we're holding up.
I quickly rip off my pants and boxers before jumping in the car. I give myself a quick check and surprisingly my orbs are both intact but very hard to the touch. I turn to look at her, suddenly uncomfortable in my nakedness, but she's rummaging in her bag and paying me no notice.
'Aha' she exclaims dragging out a bunch of hairbands. I know exactly whet they're gonna be for and I'm not wrong. But next she pulls out an old pair of knickers and some carpet tape. 'These are mine from yesterday, just for you.' She wads them up and forces them into my mouth before taping over my mouth and around my head. 'breathe though your nose,' she advises. Like I have any choice. Then she takes my right hand and tapes it to my steering wheel and my left and and tapes it to the passenger headrest. Reaching down between me she tapes my legs to the bottom of the seat. Her breasts rubbing over my cock and swollen balls causing me to get hard.
She sits back up and giggles at the effect she's had on me. Her small frame allowing complete freedom in the confines of the car. She reaches over and starts popping hairband after hairband onto my balls. Ignoring the fact her touch has caused a raging boner and just concentrating on separating my balls into two distinct orbs.
I look down as she nestles herself between the gear stick and handbrake. Her beautiful face, propped up on one elbow so close to my exposed genitalia. This could be so different I think to myself. Then the that beautiful, evil, malicious grin again. She reaches out her right hand and admires her nails momentarily before flicking my left nut. You wouldn't believe a single finger could cause so much pain but it did and she just kept them coming. I stiffened back into my chair. Fighting hopelessly to get away from the precision targeted pain. She smiled as my pain grew and my breathing became laboured and intense.
'Oh but we can't leave the other one out can we?' She said in a high playful voice. Her hand hovered over my prone nut like an eagle over a rabbit. I stared into those beautiful lined eyes. Open wide in enjoyment, relishing the pain she's about to inflict. I look at the hair draping across her face the soft skin of her shoulders and neck, her frankly amazing cleavage and smile to myself. I'm ready for any pain from this girl.
Her hand descends punching both my nuts ones causing me to expel the breath I'd been holding. Then She grabs tight hold of my right nut and squeezes it as hard as she can.
I squeal behind the tape and through the panties. The pain is unimaginable. And she's not even using her nails.
'Look at me' She commands. I stare deep into those amazing, soul drinking, dark eyes. As I do I'm filled with the ability to suffer for her. To worship her beauty by suffering for her entertainment. She wrenches hard on my nuts. Sinking her nails in deep watching me the whole time. I shed a few tears of pain but take it. A goddess like this can have whatever way she wants with me. My eyes trace down her body wishing I wasn't tied up. What I wouldn't give to run just one finger down her side. But no. I'm here to suffer. I know my place and that thrills me just as much being worth of the time and effort to make me suffer.
She takes a break from squeezing my nut and flicks lefty a few times before kneeling back up on her seat. 'Right about time for some real agony' she whispers in my ear. I'm aware of her lips so close to my skin. Her breath sends a delighted shiver over me. I concentrate on the feel of her soft breasts against my arm.
She pops off the hairbands. The returning bloodflow causing me to snort fitfully in pain. I'm sure my nuts are mangled now. She cant have too much left in store for me. Then she grabs one hairband and loops it twice around my my nuts pulling them to the bottom of my sack. She tapes my swollen member to my stomach with a muttering about someone enjoying this far too much. Then She grabs hold of my plums and lays them out in the palm of her left hand.
'This is gonna hurt so much' She tells me, 'Worse than anything else today. Afterwards you might just get a little treat. So saying she raises a fist up high. I concentrate on how gorgeous she is. I know I have to watch her now. And it's still thrilling to see this celestial being working over my nuts with such zest.
Her hand descends. Agony washes over my body anew. Time after countless time she slams he fist into my trapped gonads. Sometimes a hammerfist sometimes knuckles driving hard into my balls. I think I'm going to pass out from the pain. I scream through the gag and She just keeps punching. A strange ethereal beauty in her determined, sadistic expression. Even She's breathing hard from the exertion. I try to curl into a fetal ball but it takes her no strength to hold me back into my seat. Pushing me back with one hand and that mocking expression on her face.
'Ha Ha' That was so much fun. I needed to vent like that. Oh you're crying. Aw well I promised you a treat didn't I? How about I kiss those balls better?' She looked into my tear stained eyes. 'Would you like that?' I nodded and she slipped her head into my lap.
I felt her hair against my naked thighs. Christ, how was i still hard? I'd coated my stomach with precum during that last beating. oh gods, I could feel her lips around may balls. pulling them into her mouth. Oh god she was sucking them. It was pure bliss as tortured as my balls were having this divine being put them in her mouth was the closest to heaven I had ever been.
Then from nowhere she bit down hard on my nut. I leapt up hard against my restraints new waves of agony flooding me. I swear she's broken one. She chomps again on the other nut. White light flashes behind my eyes the pain is so intense. I no longer know if they're intact. She collapses back into her chair laughing.
'Sorry, really couldn't resist. That was quite the reaction though. Guess that hurt a lot?'
She pulls off my balls and looks up at me. 'Well as you've been good and taken an awful lot of pain for me I'm going to reward you.' She starts to wank my cock looking up at me.
'I'm going to suck your cock for 30 whole seconds but you're not to cum in my mouth. If you can't resist it will go very, very badly for you. So whatever you do... Don't cum!'
The feeling of her hot mouth enveloping my engorged cockhead was the most pleasurable sensation of my life. I watched her cheeks change as she blew me. It was expert technique by one of if not the most stunning gothic princesses I have ever seen. Her warning rang around my head but despite that and my sore balls (maybe because of them) I could feel the orgasm starting to build. Plus, despite the fear I wanted to. I wanted nothing more than to cum in her mouth. Shooting my load past those perfect lips would be worth any pain.
She senses this. Pulling her head back long enough to growl: 'dont you dare cum' at me. That just makes me hornier. As my cock goes back into her mouth I lose control. I begin to fire wildly and uncontrollably. I've heard that sore balls make for a more powerful orgasm and my mangled nuts propelled me to the most intensely powerful orgasm of my life. Into this perfect goddesses mouth. Shot after shot. My whole body pulsed with the intensity. She didn't stop me. She wanked me into her mouth draining my balls. Holding mu cum hamster like in her cheeks. As I lay back spent she sat up fury in her eyes. She ripped the tape off my mouth and fished the panties out. I clamped my mouth shut knowing what was coming. Please no. She grabbed hard of my balls and yanked them hard away from my body causing me to gasp as my mouth met hers. She forced my head back and spit my load back into my mouth. Never relenting her deathgrip on my balls 'I told you not to do that' She said. ' Now swallow your filth. I was going to ride you if you survived but now i'm going to hurt you! And it's gonna hurt more post orgasm! Lots more.'
' I am fucking pissed off!' She's sitting across my knees now dribbles of cum still on her chin. I want nothing more than to spit but I don't dare. 'Swallow' she insists using her whole body to pull on my balls. I have no choice. I retch as it slides down but it's worth it not to piss her off any further. I though this ordeal had ended but now I felt like I was back at the start.
'Show me' she demands. I stick my tongue out causing a smile, 'now clean me' she says making me lick her chin and neck and even down across her boobs. Tracing this goddesses skin with my tongue in other circumstances would be the stuff of dreams. Even cleaning up my own cum I start to get hard again but she doesn't care or notice.
'And now I'm going to punch you in the balls until you pass out.' She say's it brightly almost matter of factly. My whole body shakes in fear. She rams the panties back in my mouth as I try to beg her not to. The tape goes right around my head and around the headrest locking me in place. I see that evil glint back in her gorgeous eyes as she raises that fist and feel the first punch as darkness claims me...
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