Public humiliation/arousal (depends on your point of view, I guess)

Well, a month or two after I had accidentally (but thankfully) revealed to my new gf that I had a thing for girls in boots, and also a fetish for getting kicked/kneed in my balls, we were on separate 'nights out'.....her with her friends at some bar, and me with mine at a different bar. We didn't know where the other was going, but it was no big deal.

About 1:30am I was walking through the town looking for a taxi, and just about 100 yards up the road, my gf and a couple of her friends were running across the road. She saw me and came over, said goodbye to her friends and we headed on by ourselves to try to get home. It was a cold night, and so after calling a cab, we stood in the doorway of a shop and waited. I took off my jacket and put it round her, and then folded my arms around her shoulders, and she folded hers around my waist. She was wearing her tight white top, black stain mini skirt and strappy high heel stilettos. 

I should say, at this point, that ironically I hate feet!!! (I know???!!) So, though I thought she looks really sexy in that toed shoes really kill it for me. I was getting a bit pissed off at being so cold, she said "What's wrong?". I said that I was just wishing I was in a warm house right now. She stuck her heel into the top of my foot and twisted it down, "I know, I'm cold too", she said. "I know.....fancy a boot in the balls?". There weren't many people about, but there were some. "Firstly, you don't have boots on - which is a shame", I said, "and secondly, not really with people about." I was, at this stage (as I still am) very embarrassed about my fetish and couldn't tell anyone.

"Ok.", she said, "I know I don' about you help me put them on when we get home? In the meantime, have this instead" she lifted her knee up into my balls hard, and left it there for a second or two. I grunted as I bent over slightly and kissed her mouth. And as I did, she gave me two more fast knees. Just as I fell to my knees on the ground, a group of 4 or 5 girls walked by and, having seen what happened, whooped and whistled "You go girl!!" "Want some help?", another said. My gf looked quizzically at me and said "She HAS got boots on, I suppose!!??". She did, indeed, have gorgeous white knee high boots with a short skirt. "Yes please", said my gf....."If you wouldn't mind being quick, though, as we have a taxi coming". The girl in the white boots didn't need asking again.....she swung her leg and planted that boot right into my groin as I kneeled on the ground. I thought I was gonna throw-up. Two of her friends then had a go, as they casually walked by.....I DID throw-up!!!

My gf stooped down and was very apologetic. "I thought you would want her boots in you?", "Didn't think you would throw-up....I'm so sorry". When I looked up at her, she was smiling. "Thank you", I said, "that was great!!". "I tell you what", said my gf, "when we get home, how about I let you help me on with those black knee high boots?". "That would be nice", I said, "but I'm not sure I could take anymore kicks tonight!"

"I didn't mean to kick you with!!!! ;)", she said with a sweet smile.

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Comment by playfight on July 28, 2014 at 4:33pm

Wau,it is like vanilla girl ask stranger hot girl to have sex with her vanilla bf in front of her and she gave to him ultimate orgasm,even better.

Did stranger girl kick u so hard u throw up or gf knees was so hard that u were already close or u drink to much. Was that hardest kick ever for u and how u feel next days.

U can pay to be busted by 2,3 or 5 super hot girls all night but u can not pay that.

Comment by Harvey B on July 21, 2014 at 10:31pm

Yes, that sounds like a dream, lucky you !!

Comment by joe on July 14, 2014 at 7:24am

It IS a true story....and, yes, I was one lucky sonofabitch that night!! :)

Comment by Kinks_and_kicks on July 9, 2014 at 4:05am
This is an amazing story! This is he kind of thing that will hopefully be happening to me sometime soon :)


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