Nicole Lesley Ormes, a mother of four, pleaded guilty in to assault occasioning bodily harm after kicking a resort manager in the testicles and obstructing police on Sunday.

A duty manager at Novotel Twin Waters was kicked in the testicles after responding to complaints about a domestic incident in one of the resort’s units.

Nicole Lesley Ormes, a mother of four, pleaded guilty in Maroochydore Magistrates Court to assault occasioning bodily harm to the manager and obstructing police on Sunday.

The 35-year-old personal trainer opened the door of unit 29A about 9pm with swelling and redness to her face and bruising on her arms.

She had consumed about 10 Jagermeisters and Red Bull while drinking with her husband.

Police prosecutor Wayne Clarke said a man pretending to sleep on a couch rose and started “a scuffle” with the manager.

Senior Sergeant Clarke said the man then jumped over the second storey balcony into a garden below and Ms Ormes blamed the manager.

“She shaped up in a fighting stance close to the (duty manager) and ... hit him with a closed fist to the chin and began to claw at his throat with her fingernails, scratching his neck,” he said.

“(The manager) phoned police and ambulance. She became aggressive.

“(She) approached him towards the front of his body, about 40-60cm away, and drove her knee into his groin where the complainant felt tremendous pain, felt like vomiting and fell to the ground ... in the foetal position.”

The manager went to Nambour General Hospital with scratches, a sore neck and sore testicles.

Ms Ormes was fined $600 and ordered to pay $600 compensation for the manager’s pain and suffering.

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Comment by Rigoletto Mobile on March 24, 2011 at 10:45pm
Now I *know* I need to move to New Zealand!
Comment by Lexeme on August 24, 2010 at 11:16am
Does Jagermeister make women more likely to go for the nuts? Might have to test this hypothesis out..


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