Me and Julie bust my boyfriend!! (finally!)

I finally got to live out one of my biggest fantasies and team up on my bf’s balls with my friend Julie!

Like I’ve said before. Chris and Julie have never really gotten along, and he tries to avoid hanging out with her for the most part. At the same time, he has always wanted to be busted by two women, so I was pretty sure he would go for it, despite his dislike for Julie. I wanted it to be a surprise though, so it took a while to get the three of us together without letting him know.

Friday evening, Chris had a friend over to play music, and I went out with Julie. At the bar, me and Julie talked some more about busting Chris, and she said she would be willing to do it that night. I just needed to make sure his friend was gone so I texted him to say I was going to get food on the way home, and asked if his friend wanted anything. He said that food sounded great but his friend was leaving soon. Perfect! We had a couple more drinks and caught an uber back home.

When we got there, we found Chris still playing guitar on the couch, wearing just his boxers. Julie laughed and said “Hey Chris!” He jumped up and asked me why I didn’t say she was coming over. He started to go get dressed but I grabbed his arm and told him that he should just go ahead and take his boxers off too (Julie and I had talked about it, and she said she was fine with him being naked). He looked at me like I was crazy and asked what I was talking about. “We are going to kick you in the balls, Chris.” He looked completely shocked, and his face turned really red. I pulled him close and gave him a quick kiss. “What, isn’t that your fantasy? You might not get another chance. What do ya say?” Eventually, he agreed, but sounded really nervous. I hugged him and whispered in is ear to ask if he was sure he was ok with it. He whispered back that he was, and I kissed him again. Then I grabbed his balls and led him over to Julie. I could feel him starting to get hard, but he was still red in the face. I gave him a little squeeze. “Tell me who the boss is, Chris.”

“You’re the boss Eliza.” Julie laughed and Chris just looked at the ground. I lifted his chin up so he was looking Julie in the eyes. “Do you know who else is your boss tonight?” I asked him. He nodded. “Tell her.” He hesitated so I squeezed a bit harder. “You’re the boss Julie.” She couldn’t stop laughing. He was fully hard at this point. I yanked his shorts down and he covered himself so I pulled his hands away. “Oh my God!” Julie said through her laughter “It’s so tiny!” (And she was right. He is around 6ft tall but the poor boys cock is barely four inches. Its probably closer to three and a half but I round up to four to be nice). “Oh you poor guy! Ha, it’s so cute and little!” Chris looked like he wanted to die.

I told him to spread his legs, and asked Julie if she was ready. Without even answering, she kicked him in the balls as soon as he had his legs spread. It wasn’t a super hard kick, but it caught him off guard. He stumbled forward but didn’t fall. Julie laughed again “Ha! That was awesome!” She immediately kicked him again, but he was more prepared this time so he didn’t react as much. I told her to kick him harder, and demonstrated a full force kick that brought him to his knees. I grabbed him by the shoulders before he could fall all the way, and stepped behind him to pull his arms behind his back. “Try it like this, and don’t hold back. He’ll be fine, right babe?” Chris just groaned while Julie adjusted to her new target. “Just keep kicking him until he falls.”
Julie kicked much harder this time and after about eight kicks he wriggled his arms free and fell to the ground. He was moaning and holding his balls as Julie laughed. I told her she was doing a great job, and asked if she was having fun (though she clearly was). She said she loved it and thought it was hilarious (again, obvious).

After that I pulled him up so she could try out some knees. Again I held his arms behind him. Her first few tries didn’t really connect, so I demonstrated for her. I showed her how to hit his balls so they smash against his pelvis. She tried again, starting slowly, and once she got more comfortable she really started nailing him. Once she got a feel for it he was really struggling against me. I managed to keep him standing though.

Then I showed her how to knee his balls so they get pulled upwards in front of his body. She had some trouble with this one which is understandable, so we decided to work on that later. She wanted to try some more of the other knee technique though, and absolutely rocked him on her first try. He made a high pitched squeal and pulled out of my grip to collapse again but I told him he better get up. He managed to get on his hands and knees, but he was taking too long so I kicked him hard from behind. He fell again and I told him to get up or I would break his balls. Julie was laughing her head off and Chris somehow managed to get up quickly. I could tell he was hurting and didn’t have much left in him.

I told Julie to kick him with the toe of her shoe this time. Chris started to beg but Julie told him to shut up and spread his legs! He seemed surprised by her aggressiveness (I was too) but he obediently spread his legs for her. As soon as he did she delivered a beautiful toe kick that made him fall to his knees and he grabbed onto her for support. She laughed and pushed him off of her onto his back. I quickly sat down on his chest and pinned his arms down with my legs. Julie started to kick him but he began flailing his legs to block her. I leaned forward and grabbed his legs under his knees, pulling them back towards me. “Punch his balls!” I told her. He was begging, “Please no!” but Julie started slamming her fist into his balls sooo hard. He was completely helpless. She was laughing and wasnt holding back, and I knew Chris would be done soon. Sure enough after several punches he screamed out his safeword, (safephrase really) “I wish I had a pussy!” Julie fell on her side laughing and I let go of his legs. I slid back and sat on his face for a second before I stood up. He curled up and began tending to his balls, but I yelled at him to get up and bring Julie and I a couple of beers. He groaned in pain but obeyed me. “Good boy.” I said.

We sat on the couch and Chris brought us the beers. He looked totally defeated and humiliated, but he was still hard. I made him thank Julie for beating his balls. He did and he asked me if he could please go lay down. I told him no and made him kneel in front of us while we finished our drinks and talked about how Julie felt about the whole thing, while totally ignoring him. Julie said she absolutely loved it and had so much fun. She said she still couldn’t believe how small his dick was, since he is kind of a big guy. I told her I was impressed with how hard she hit him and how little she hesitated. She said she really got into it pretty quickly and wanted to do it again sometime.

She called for an uber after her beer, but while she waited I had her give him a few more kicks while he was still on his knees. I made Chris ask her to kick him as hard as she could. She nailed him over and over again until he fell to the ground once more. Julie left and I told him that since he used his safeword I would be adding another week to his orgasm denial time. He wisely didn’t complain. I made sure he was ok and that it hadn’t been to much for him, and told him to go wait for me in bed.

It turned out even more amazing than I had imagined it would be, and Im so glad Julie enjoyed it so much and wants to do it again! I was a little disappointed it didn’t last longer, but I’m really not surprised because the punches she was giving him were just brutal. His balls were really red and slightly swollen after.

Feel free to ask any questions!

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Comment by Donovan Omar on April 30, 2017 at 12:14am

Wow great tale Eliza! Hope Julie is able to bust Chris more after that

Comment by Maskedguy 1.7 on April 30, 2017 at 12:09am

how many days they swollen?

Comment by Iron Man on April 29, 2017 at 11:58pm

Fantastic!!  Sounds like everyone had a great time, except Chris maybe.  Is he willing to go for round 2 with you and Julie?

Comment by volcan51 on April 29, 2017 at 11:25pm

Eliza i love toe kicks so much. 

Have you or julie toe kick him barefoot or with sandals?

Comment by Jake Smithee on April 29, 2017 at 8:47pm

Haha.  You better not leave those two alone - she might break your toys!


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