Hey Guys/Girls,

So I've found myself int he position where I'm trying to directly ask girls on Tinder, OkCupid, PoF etc. to hit me in the balls. Honestly at this point in my life I'm not ready for a serious thing that finds fulfillment in the end, I just have a primordial urge to get hit in the balls which is super unrealeastic I realize.

Even so I'm starting off with this line. Let me know what you guys think/I would welcome any success stories people have had in the past.

"Hey there. So I hope this isn't too upfront but to be totally hoenst I'm looking for something a bit out of the ordinary. Beleive it or not, I'm interested in getting kicked between the legs (not a euphemism). 

I realize it's  pretty random and totally understand if that isn't up your alley, but if you're curious it'd be great to talk more and I can answer any questions you may/probably have. Either way, thanks for your time and hope to hear from you when you get a chance."

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Comment by Nel Lee on May 20, 2017 at 12:10pm

I made a similar post about this. I actually had a success with getting a tinder girl to bust me once, and it ended in sex, so it was great and I hope this works for you.

Anyways, heres my trick. On my tinder profile, the very first line is "I'll smoke you up if you kick me in the balls." 

This works so well. Girls actually start conversations with ME about wanting to kick me in the balls! 9/10 are just joking and would never do it, but at least it starts the conversation. And 1/10 actually seem interested. The hard part is then making it happen. 

Try not to dwell on the topic too much, be nice and ask them about themselves. Don't seem too obsessed. I'll usually throw in a quick, "so would you really kick me in the balls?" just to gauge their interest. If she says yes, I'll ask her to hang out.

Another key... Wine. A little wine goes a long way and makes girls feel comfortable with going further. 

The main thing though for me is telling them what they want to hear. Acting like you want to date basically. Be playful and funny, then hopefully bridge the conversation to "so do you want to kick me in the balls?" 

And there you have it. hope this helps. good luck my friend 

Comment by Dustin on May 16, 2017 at 4:02am

Comes off as very submissive, opening with "I hope this isn't....." ~ Which is kind of the thing here; 90% of us dudes are submissive on the site to generalize. But, on Tinder, you'd have a lot more success being direct;

"Hi, I'm ____ - Would you kick me in the balls?"

1/2 of the girls probably won't realize it's a kink, and just assume you're trying to be "different" from the other tinder guys. You'd actually probably get a lot of replies this way, like "Wow haven't heard that before!" or "you got my attention, sure!" 

Ryan's method seems like a good one too, in a more indirect manner. 

Comment by Destin on May 15, 2017 at 8:09am

What helps is if you tell them you make youtube videos about being kicked.

Comment by Ryan Krundy on May 14, 2017 at 12:42am

For online dating sites I would just open with "Have you ever hit someone in the balls?" which started getting more responses than my vanilla attempts. Then I would just go from there. Some girls were put off, but most were just surprised or entertained and it did lead to a few good bust sessions.


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