I was with a co-worker who is a 31 year old female. She has a nice body, and a nice feet. It was a couple of months ago when she saw me looking at her shoes. She always wears shoes to work, so I never saw her feet until this day. This is what happened.

She confronted me about looking at her feet/shoes. She told me that she had seen me look at them quite often, and wanted to know what was up. I told her nothing. She didn't believe me. She smiled, told me that I have a foot fetish, and that it was okay.

During lunch she brought up the subject again. She wouldn't let it go, looked me square in the eye and told me to tell her, so I told her and she agreed to keep it between us. I told her that I play this sort of game in my head when I look at woman's who I believe has nice legs and feet. I told her I make this bet with myself like, I bet her feet are so nice, I would take all my clothes off in front of her just to have her take her shoes and socks off so I can see her feet. Or if I thought that her feet were really great, I would even let her step on my dick with her bare foot, and then the biggie would be to let her step on my dick and balls, having her feel my balls under her arch being crushed, or she could decide to kick my naked balls with her bare feet.

She sat across from me with this big grin, and started laughing uncontrollably, even losing some of the food in her mouth. Once she stopped laughing, she told me my secret was safe with her. A few minutes later she asked me how her feet rated in my mind. I asked her, really, after what I just told you? She said yea, it will be our secret, as she smiled. So I just blurted it out, I told her the biggie. She got this big smile on her face and said, Okay, after work we'll go to my place unless you have other plans.

I was shocked, I must have turned red. She laughed, and told me not to worry because she wouldn't kick me, but she was looking forward to stepping on all my shit, and to see how big my dick was. The rest of the day I was a wreck. I always told myself I would do it, but since this was for real, and with someone whom I see just about every day, I was really questioning myself, and trying to figure a way out of it.

When I was about to tell her it might be better if we did it another day, hoping she would forget about it, she whispered to me that she wouldn't tell anyone, and couldn't wait. She gave me this big smile, and walked away.

So after work, we went to her place. She had a nice little apartment, clean and organized. I was shaking, she told me to relax, and then she got me a beer and a shot. She took her shoes off, but still had on her socks. I could tell that I was right. She had nice feet. If it weren't for me being a bundle of nerves, I would have had a hard on, but not today, just the exact opposite.

She showed me around, and when we went back to the main room she tapped her finger on this desk along the wall, and told me she would stand on the desk when I was ready to lay it all out. She then sat on the couch, and asked me if I was ready to strip. I told her I hadn't seen her feet yet. She said after I was naked she would take her socks off, besides the bet you made with yourself had you stripping first right? She was right and I agreed.

I knew I wasn't getting out of this, so I said, Okay, here it goes.
I started to take off my clothes, got down to my underwear while standing in front of her, and then I froze.
She said, Come on. All of it.
It had just occurred to me that she would also now know that I shave my dick and balls, and trim all pubic hair to near nothing. The room was bright, and she would see everything clearly. I mumbled, Oh, boy.
She looked at me with this big smile and said, I'm waiting.
I slowly lowered my underwear, and then stood in front of my co-worker completely naked. Her eyes were glued to my dick and balls.
She said, Very nice, and shaved, didn't expect that, I like a guy shaved downstairs.

Other than her eyes constantly looking down on my privates, I could have been wearing clothes. She was quite comfortable with me being naked, I was not so comfortable.

I said, Well, it's your turn now."
She said, Oh yeah, and took her socks off.
I was right. She had very nice feet. She went into the kitchen, and came back with a couple more beers and shots. While once again looking at my dick and balls she said she was really looking forward to stepping on all of my manhood.
I got up and said, Okay, let's get this over with.
She said, Not so fast, I like this, me with my clothes on, and you naked.
I told her I would stay naked for a while even after she crushed my goods.
She smiled and said, Okay, and walked over to the desk. She used the chair as a step ladder to get on top. Standing there, she arched her foot, and did this twisting motion with her foot like she was putting out a smoke. Her foot was very sexy when she did this, and I could see she had a really nice arch, not too big, and not too small. I thought of my balls trapped under it. Normally when I think that way, I would get rock hard, but not since this time, limp as limp could be, this was for real, her beautiful feet waiting on the desk for my package. So I went over to the desk to lay out my goods. My dick was so soft, and when I put my dick and balls on the desk, I told her not to put all her weight down. I explained that I didn't want her having to call 911.
She laughed, and asked me, Like this?
Without pause she put the outside of her foot against my groin so that my dick and balls would be under her arch.
I said, Yeah, and with that said she stepped down.
Now I don't have a huge package, just your average 6", and normal balls. But when she stepped down, I felt pretty big. She was really crushing my balls. My dick could take all her weight, which I would guess was 125 lbs. or so, but not my balls.
She said, That's all of it, and lifted her other foot off the desk. She looked down at me with a smile, and told me I was lucky she had big arches and not a flat foot or my baby making days would be over. She said that she could feel both of my balls under her foot and that they felt kinda hard, this must really hurt as she patted me on the head, poor little balls. I looked down at her so sexy foot on my goods, and saw just the head of my limp dick and edges of my balls sticking out from the arched side of her foot. At this point I thought I should have kept my dick out of it, it was only spreading my balls apart under her arch which made less room for them, my balls were killing me. She told me to try and pull my balls out. I didn't want to move the slightest. She stood there with one hand on the wall for balance, and started talking shop.
I asked, Why are you talking about work now?
She said she just wanted to have a normal discussion while stepping on my dick, and poor balls, and that she could stand there all night. Then came the shocker, I had a limp smashed dick and balls being crushed, I suddenly started to feel an orgasm coming on. I couldn't believe it, I tried every thought I could think of to control it from happening, but while looking down at her beautiful foot stepping on me, suddenly it happened. I started cumming/throbbing before I could get her to stop talking and to step off. It had only been a few minutes at most since she stepped on me, and now I was totally and completely embarrassed.
She said, Oh, my God, you're cumming. I can feel you throbbing on the side of my foot. With much laughter she added, This will be a story for girls night out, and I'm not stepping off until you're all done, and then some. I wanted her off so bad. She told me to look down so that I could see there was no cum since my dick was smashed. She was laughing the whole time.
Once I was done cumming, my balls were telling me to get her off of them the pain really intensified. She wanted to bargain, she wanted to step on me in different ways, with and without shoes and for a whole night or two of me being completely naked. I agreed quickly so that she would get off of me. She then put her other foot back on the desk and she stepped off my dick and balls. As she lifted her foot off my load shot out across her desk with a force I couldn't even believe. She found this really funny, and I was so totally, completely embarrassed. She then told me to just lay my dick out so that she could step on it with the ball of her foot. I did what she said, she stepped down right on the head of my dick, put all her weight down flatting it since it was so limp. I was so sensitive, it really hurt but not as much as my balls did with her foot on them. Seeing that sexy foot crushing my dick was worth it and I didn't stop her. She then did a full and long exam of my aching balls and made the comment that it looks like these balls found some feet to play with...

To keep my name from entering her story when she tells her girlfriends ...blackmail... she calls it the fun kind, I kinda agree but it is blackmail, I had to agree to come over every now and then, get naked crushed and played with. I have been over twice now, and now I do get a hard-on when she takes her shoes and socks off. Her favorite crush as she calls it, is for me to pull my balls out as far as I can so she can get the ball of her foot on both my balls and watch me shoot a load while she steps on them. She of course can't put much weight down this way, but I swear she nearly flattened them once while I was cumming, she seems to really enjoy crushing my balls while I'm cumming, I do to but only to a point. The only thing I can figure is, it must be the pressure that causes the quick orgasms, 'cause when she does this to me, it happens really fast. The weird thing was that she had to step on my dick with every pair of shoes she owns...

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Comment by playfight on July 27, 2015 at 7:30pm

Well life is better with friend like her. How far did she go with hurting your balls like swelling or bruise or similar,di u cum in every session.

Comment by Scott Montgomery on July 27, 2015 at 7:14pm

To be honest around 20+, as time went on the sessions as you call them got further and further apart. We were just close friends and coworkers, toward the end before she moved it was like, men sucked in her mind, bad dates and such, she would tell me to bare it and lay it out, she needed to step on some dick and have a drink. I just always put my balls on the desk with my dick. She new I liked that so that's how it went.

Comment by playfight on July 27, 2015 at 7:02pm

Great story, to bad she is gone, how many sessions like this u had.

Comment by Scott Montgomery on July 27, 2015 at 5:02pm

Yes there are woman out there like this, most keep it to themselves, hard to bring them out. Others think your joking until your baring all and then they back out.  Even though she stepped on my balls a lot, I really think she has more of a Dick fetish and stepping on dicks more so than balls. At one point I even asked her to kick my balls while on my knees holding my dick up so she had a clear shot, she then insisted on stepping on both my dick and balls instead, she said she likes all of it under her foot and no hard-on, a hard-on it hurts her foot, go figure

Comment by Pik Hansen on July 27, 2015 at 4:43pm

So she obviously did it for her own pleasure, and probably she had secretly searched for somebody to do it to, which was why she was so excited when she found out about your fetish that she instantly invited you home. I had a gf who would moan while squeezing my nuts, and she didn't know I liked it at all. Sounds like your co-worker was the same type, except she took it a bit further and even pleased herself while squashing your sorrry nads. These women who do it purely for their own pleasure really do exist - and they're amazing! :-)

Comment by Scott Montgomery on July 27, 2015 at 4:30pm

No, this was a few + years ago and she moved out of state, It's hard to find good friends like her. We never did anything else really, I never saw her undressed, nothing else sexually involved, she would on occasion just put her hand down her pants or shorts to please herself while she did things to me with her feet.

Comment by Pik Hansen on July 27, 2015 at 4:00pm

This is one of the hottest real life stories I've ever read! Well told, Scott, and thanx for sharing :-). Do you still meet up with her for nut flattening?

Comment by Scott Montgomery on July 27, 2015 at 2:28pm

Yes, there were many times she would step on my dick and balls and sometimes just my balls when I was erect. It's always the first time that's the most exciting and embarrassing, letting a woman know you like this sort of thing. The only other time that had potential to be exciting with her is when she had a friend from out of town staying over, she brought up how I like woman's feet and would bare all to see them. Her friend didn't believe her so she had her friend take off her shoes and socks so I would prove it. Her friend had nice feet and I stripped to her friends amazement, but that's as far as it went, she wasn't into doing anything else.

Comment by Jerry Wyler on May 3, 2015 at 3:34pm

This was the greatest story. Any more parts?

Comment by Scott Montgomery on January 2, 2015 at 12:03pm

I'm happy with it most of it, it's just the shoe thing, some have really aggressive tread. I suppose it could be worse if she wanted to kick me with every pair of shoes..


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