Balls of Steel's Blog (3)

Record Kicks in the Balls

So I've been trying to get my friends to kick me in the balls as many times as they can in a minute's worth of time. The first time we tried there was a miscommunication and they got 84 kicks in 72 seconds. So I convinced them to try again. We got 72 kicks to my nads in 60s. Then after a few bets I convinced them to try a third time. The two of them kicked my balls 84 times in 60s. I knew we could do better. So last night we went again. Now note, they always kick me pretty hard. Last night I… Continue

Added by Balls of Steel on February 22, 2015 at 3:00am — 3 Comments

I couldnt help myself.

So a few months ago, I couldn't think clearly. All I could do was obsess over get to g busted. So I decided to go on craigslist and post a few adds. A couple of them got flagged immediately. That was a little heartbreaking but dammit I needed my fix. After a few failed true to talk some responders into it, this girl finally answered. She was up for it and I couldn't wait. I eagerly waited about a week because of my work schedule and drove out to her place for a session. Now im 21 years old and… Continue

Added by Balls of Steel on January 31, 2015 at 6:25am — 1 Comment

Tension at Work

So I work at a UPS Store and during the holidays, we are selling holiday stamps to our customers. My boss doesn't want any left over. Mind you, she is a 40 year old mother but for some reason she is kind of cute. Anyways, she told all of us that every time we don't ask a customer if they would like some holiday stamps, she would kick us in the balls, Well I'm a good employee and sell them and I didn't really think she'd ever actually do it. Yesterday, I finished with a customer my co-worker…


Added by Balls of Steel on December 20, 2014 at 12:58pm — 3 Comments


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