Mike smiled as he dropped his bag on one of the metal fold-up chairs and and glanced around the tiny theater space.

When he had first joined Brooklyn Improv's "Nakedly Making It Up" workshop, it had been eight men and four women.  As of today, he was the only dude taking his shirt off in a room full of five women. Two more women would be joining them.  He tossed his shirt onto the chair with his bag and started untying his shoes, peeking up at the room.  Naked improv was working out pretty well for him.

Sandra was newish, having only been coming for a few weeks, and she was blushing, as if she had the urge to cover her bits.  Tiffany, one of the oldest members, actually was holding her arm over her breasts.  She had never gotten used to it all the way.  Rosa, Tammy and Shelley, all veterans, were doing vocal warm-ups.

The women always seemed so much more vulnerable naked than he felt.  As he dropped his boxers, he just let everything hang.  Why should he be embarrassed?  His manhood was impressive enough, he thought.  Sometimes, he'd catch some of the others looking at it and blush, as if the girls were just as intimidated by his nudity as their own.  All of them were naked, but only the chicks felt naked, had been his experience.  As if to emphasize his point, Pearl walked out of the bathroom in a towel, and slowly dropped it.  Even after two months, Pearl couldn't bring herself to undress in front of him.  She always went into the bathroom to change into her birthday suit.

And all of that was fine by him.  He had been good at improv when he joined, probably the best in the group, and while he was very giving during their rehearsals with the girls, he had intentionally stolen scenes from the men, one-upping them, making them look foolish.  One by one, they had all dropped out.  The troupe had thinned down to eight and finally, last week, the director had announced he was leaving.  

As Mike turned to say hello to Tammy and her eyes flashed briefly on his crotch, he considered how angry he'd been at first when the old Director, Ken, had said a new girl would be coming in to direct.  Mike had earned the role.  Tammy looked away, embarrassed, and Mike smiled.  Who needed the headache of directing, anyway?  He was here to see some boobs, to be the funniest one on stage, and, when he was lucky, get laid at the end of the evening.

A woman he didn't recognize walked down the stairs and, just as he had, threw her bag into one of the chairs.  The new director.  He was immediately attracted to her.  Long, brown hair.  Intense, icy, green eyes.  Perfect breasts.  Tall.  This was going to go well.  He turned to face her, putting his hands on his hips, unembarrassed.

"Hello, hello," she said, kicking her shoes off.  "We'll do a round of introductions later, but I'm Jessica.  Never Jess, always Jessica."  She bent down and pulled off her socks.  "Yes, I am the new Director, and before we get into details, I just need your attention for a moment.  Ken told me there were some issues and I want to get that out of the way before we have fun."  She pulled her shirt off quickly, without hesitation, and threw it absently on the floor, rapidly moving her hands up to unfasten her bra.  

She was like, him noticed.  Her nakedness did not seem to embarrass her.  As her bra landed next to her shirt and her breasts jiggled a bit as they were released, she simply whipped off her skirt.  He'd have to make sure that she knew her place; he hated getting direction, truth to be told.  The second they were in a scene together, he'd make sure she knew who was really in charge.  She turned, essentially mooning them as she pulled her panties down, her legs spread a bit.  She was trim down there, he noticed, and the position view was erotic enough that she was going to know how he felt about it - his cock started to harden.  That was okay, too.  If anything, it made him feel better and the girls even more embarrassed.

She stood, turned to face him, and cocked her eyebrow.  "Mike, right?" she said.  

"At your service," he smiled, giving her a little bow.

"Hm," she said.  "Good.  Ken says you're a bit of a scene-stealer.  I want you to stick to supporting characters for a bit.  Create some low-key roles that give your fellow improvisers material to bounce off. Less is more.  You read me?"

Mike frowned.  Apparently, they would be having a confrontation even before they were in any scenes together.  "I don't think that really works for me.  I'm really more of a main stage kind of guy.  Larger than life."

She shrugged, offering his dick an indifferent look.  "It works for me, though.  And I'm the director now.  Kay?"

"Not really," he said.  "Look, I'm just going to do things my way for a bit.  Once we start some scenes, I think you'll see where I belong."  He smirked.  "That okay, Jess?"  Asserting his authority somehow made him feel even more aroused.  He put his hands behind his neck and stretched, pointing his penis in her direction.

"Actually," Jessica said, duplicating his pose, stretching out her chest at him just enough that her breasts bounced lightly, "you're going to do what I tell you to do."

"We'll see."

She walked over to him, her barefeet thudding on the floor in the echoing space.  The other girls were watching now.  He couldn't give in.  They would have to know this woman's place, and he was going to put her there.  He turned to face her, and suddenly, to his shock, her right hand was closed around his balls.  The gentle touch, almost a massage, was incredible.

"You're going to do what I tell you to do," she said.  "Because I'm the director now, and I have you by the balls."

All six of the girls were watching intently now.  Tiffany, who had never liked him much, giggled a little.  He and Jessica were in a scene together, essentially.  Well, he could play along.

"Yeah, thanks for hanging on to those, speaking of support," he said.  "You can work the shaft a little if you want."

She rolled her eyes.  "I see I have to be clearer."  She moved her fingers a bit so that she was working entirely on his left nut, the larger one.  He squirmed with pleasure and then, suddenly, he felt a jolt of pain rip up through his chest as she clamped her fingers shut, putting all of the pressing on his one ball.  He yelled, his stomach lurching.

"I know your type," she said slowly, unconcerned.

"My balls!" he said stupidly, limply clawing at her hand with both of his.  The pain was incredible.  He could think of nothing but the nauseating, crushing sensation between his legs.

"Yes," she said.  "Your manhood.  You think that it entitles you to a lot.  You think that we should be impressed with it, and with you.  You think it entitles you to stage time, to ogle the women here, and even to touch them."

He gave up trying to claw with his hands.  He wanted to just collapse onto the floor, but if he let himself go limp, the the way she was squeezing his ball would only make gravity pull on it.  "Please!  He shouted.  "My nuts!"

"Giving too much attention to just one of them?" she said, and whipped her other hands forward.  The force of it slapped his right nut, immediately making it ache.  Then her other hand started to squeeze, pressing her thumb harshly into the tender flesh.  

"Please," he said.  "You're crushing them!"  His penis, finally deflating from the pain and nausea, flopped onto her hand.  She flicked it aside with her index finger as she continue to squeeze, laughing.

"I am crushing them.  Remember that," she said.  "Remember how vulnerable your balls make you.  This is a naked workshop, so your weak testicles will always be right on display, easily accessible.  Not just me, Mikey.  Every woman in this room has you by the balls."  She emphasized the last word by squeezing harder, something he wouldn't have thought possible.  He moaned, squirming, tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"This, by the way," she said, really smiling now, "is as much as I am ever going to touch you.  But you liked my body, I could see that.  You're attracted to me.  When you go home and touch yourself tonight, if your balls are even still intact, you're going to think of me, because you want me.  And because this is the only way your manhood is ever getting close to me, you'll think of this.  You're going to get aroused at the thought of your own public emasculation."

"No," he said, but he knew she was right.  He didn't enjoy having his nuts crushed, but he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about her.  That would be the worst part of this.  As he struggled to breathe through the pain, he thought, surely the other girls will report the new director.  They'll come to my aid.

Mercifully, finally, her hands released his balls.  He collapsed immediately, looking up at her smooth crotch, already obsessing over how perfect she looked, even as he clutched his nutsack and curled up on the ground.

"Okay," said Jessica.  "That's out of the way.  Lets do intros in five, and then we'll move straight into some longform.  Let me help you up," she said.

Not wanting to look too weak, Mike struggled to his feet, with Jessica's help.  He cradled his balls, involuntarily letting out a soft "Uggghh..."  He looked at the other girls.  They were smiling, all of them.  Suddenly, they did not seem so embarrassed by their boobs or their butts or their vaginas.  As he tentatively removed his hand from his balls, for the first time, they all, openly, nakedly stared.  And for the first time, it was Mike who felt naked, exposed.

As Jessica walked away, they were circling around him.  Some of them were laughing.  "You know," said Tiffany, walking up.  "I never did like working with you.  But I think I'm going to enjoy it now."  Before he could think about what was happening, her bare foot collided with the underside of his already swollen, aching balls, sending fresh agony throughout his body.  He could hear Tiffany laugh, clapping her hands together with triumph.  "Who's next?" she said.

All five of them looked like they were ready.

He covered his balls, embarrassed at the way they hurt, embarrassed that he was going to think of Jessica, embarrassed that his balls were visible, accessible.  In the space of five minutes, Jessica had crushed his manhood, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Views: 772

Replies to This Discussion

awesome story!

I'm liking where this is going!

This story here is GOLD!!!

Great story, look forward to hopefully a sequal?

nice!!! :)

Great story!! :)



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