Andrew woke up in the hospital again, with both his legs up in the air. He opened his eyes slowly, and looked upon Amanda, his childhood friend, who had been present when he received the kick that send him back, and also the girl who kneed him so hard the first time the doctors had a hard time repairing his boy parts, Dawn, a girl who once had a crush on him but was publicly humiliated and in return put him in his predicament with a nut crunching kick, and his doctor, Melissa, who was frowning at him and shaking her head.

"I.. I had no idea this would have happened", stammered Dawn.

"He was recovering from the knee I gave him when you kicked him there again. I should have been there to stop it..", replied Amanda.

"Didn't I tell you to avoid making a woman angry enough to kick you between your legs while you were recovering?", said Melissa, worriedly. 

He took a deep breath, but a sharp pain from his abdomen cut him off halfway. He struggled to speak.

"Is.. is everything down there still working?" he asked, afraid to find out. His voice was a octave higher than it usually was, and a intense ache emanating from his gonads kept him from moving too much, as he winced whilst adjusting his legs.

"The good news is, your right testicle managed to slip out of her boot", Melissa said, as she pointed at Dawn's right foot with a sigh. "And escape unharmed.. The bad news is, your left testicle took the full force, and even though we managed to put it back together again, it doesn't work anymore."

"W-what?", he stammered.

Silence echoed throughout the room. 


Two months passed quickly after that, and Andrew found himself dating Dawn. It was time for his last appointment with his doctor to assure his condition. Before the appointment ended, Melissa slowly slid her hand underneath his robe and gently moved his penis aside, her gentle fingers wrapping around his testicles and lifting them slightly. Andrew blushed. Despite being a good twelve years older than he was, he had found her very attractive, and had gotten an erection. She noticed it, and gave him a warm smile.

"There is no need to be ashamed, Andrew. That is a normal reaction that your body is healing", she said, as she slowly slid her hands towards his shaft, gently sliding her hand towards the tip, and down again.

She had given him strict instructions to avoid ejectulation until his last appointment was over, and he had a good two months worth of juices to release. She was quite experienced, apparently, as his breathing intensified from her precise strokes. 

"...what are yo-", he asked, short of breath, but was cut off short as she moved quicker and quicker, her other hand going under to massage his testicles, until he had the longest and most intense orgasms he had ever experienced. She wiped him clean after she was done.

"That was the final part of your treatment, and it will remain as our little secret", she whispered into his ear. "And if you tell anyone, I will personally re enact the incidents that brought you here", she said with a playful grin. 

He gulped, and stood up and wore his trousers.


"If that is how you feel, then we are through!", yelled Dawn.

Andrew shook his head. Another six months had passed, and he was in a heated exchange with Dawn, after she tried to make him stop being friends with Amanda out of jealousy, and spite, for if she had not kneed him originally, Dawn's kick would probably not have caused so much damage to him. She was not very good at kicking.

"She is just a friend! And a caring and good one at that!" He yelled. "While you are just a spoilt, rich, and jealous... bitch!"

Her eyes widened, and he saw a all too familiar scenario playing out, as he moved his hips in anticipation for what was to come. 

"I'm a bitch?", she yelled, her voice trembling. While Amanda had only used her moves on rare occasions, and stopping completely after injuring Andrew. Dawn, on the other hand, completely abused it, kicking Andrew in the balls whenever she felt like it. She held back a lot usually, but it still caused him a lot of pain, which he spoke to Amanda about. 

"After what she did to you first, now I'm the bitch??"

She kicked out at him, as he avoided her foot. He thanked Amanda in his head for her advice on blocking kicks to his groin, as he shoved Dawn.

Meanwhile, down the block, was a women's self defense gym. Rachel had been locking up for the night when she heard the commotion. She walked over, and saw them struggling. Dawn fell from the shove, and Andrew reached over to help her up. But all Rachel saw was an act of aggression.

She ran ahead and put herself in between them, yelling at him. "Stop!" She had just gotten out of an violent relationship herself, and was eager to put a stop to it. In the heat of the moment, Andrew tried to push her out of the way in frustration, and started explaining what was happening, but she did not hear him.

"You will take your hands off me this moment, or regret it forever!" stated Rachel, picturing Andrew as her ex-boyfriend grappling her. She thought to herself, "I will not let a man win over me with physical force once more. I should have kicked him in the balls whenever he tried to hit me, I should have. But I loved him too much to inflict such pain on him. But I care nothing about this hooligan!"

Before Andrew could mouth a word, she grabbed both of his arms and jammed her knee into the oval organs of his that seemed to be a magnet for the knees of women. There was a loud crunch, and a all too familiar pain tore into his abdomen, as he crossed his legs and let out a high pitched squeal. 

Dawn watched the situation unfold, as Andrew retreated, attempting to cover his balls with his hands. 

She watched Andrew slowly lean himself onto a wall, before sliding down to the ground.

Rachel watched him slowly curl up on the ground with pride, her hands on her hips.

"I.. I...", whispered Andrew, clutching onto his wounded sex organs.

At that moment, Dawn saw his agony and finally jumped up to defend him. She had not expected things to unfold this way. 

"Do you even know what you have done?", she yelled, as she put a arm over him and explained to them that due to his past injuries he was more sensitive in his private area more so than ever before, and how Rachel had probably already rendered him sterile, as they watched him slowly curl up into a fetal position while shivering, with Rachel putting her hand over her mouth.

He was in intense pain, and was struggling to not puke. He felt as if both of his balls had been completely crushed and ruined, and was beginning to worry about his future. Amanda was a curvy girl, and apart from that, was not particularly strong, while Dawn was a rather thin and supple girl. Rachel on the other hand was a grown woman, who although lithe, had a very powerful kick.

He had received kicks from both Amanda and Dawn before, and while their kicks had been extremely painful, Rachel actually trained for her kicks to cause maximum harm, and it did a whole lot more damage to his gonads in comparison, at least in the pain department, as he was unsure whether or not his organs were still intact. 

The testicular pain he was feeling exceeded anything he had ever felt before, as he pleaded with Dawn to call an ambulance, and wondered if he would ever get go under the sheets with her ever again. It was more than he could endure, and as he felt his consciousness leave him, he felt what was left of his testicles swelling and wished he was dead.


She cut him off at this point, his wife, as she leaned forward to hold him. 

To be continued..

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I'm really curious if both balls are gone now! :D



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