A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
"But the doctors repaired your testicles after what happened with her right?" asked his wife, confused.
"Yes they did, but something else happened right after that" he replied.
She had been thinking about what he told her for some time, and it all made sense to her why she had not been with child despite all the times he came into her during sex. His testicles were also quite oddly shaped, and he would feel queasy if she knocked him there lightly by accident.
"So what happened to make you shoot blanks?"
It had been a week and a half since Amanda buried that life changing knee in between his legs and sent him to the hospital puking and wailing. She visited him regularly, and she had explained to his doctor that they had been rough housing, and she accidentally got him between his legs when she lifted her knee. Her tale was met with suspicion, in retrospect to the large amount of damage present in his swollen, oval-shaped and possibly permanently damaged male sex organs. His doctor looked at her carefully, inspecting her pleading eyes and slender legs, deciding that she had probably aimed that "accidental" knee intentionally at his sac but choosing to believe her anyway.
Both his testicles had gotten themselves pinned between her kneecap and his very own pubic bone, severely damaging his manhood. He would feel it for weeks. His left had received the most damage, and would probably never function fully again.
"You know, I have assessed the damage dealt to his reproductive system, and it does not look like the work of a accidental kick", his doctor, Melissa had told Amanda. "You sure have quite the kicking power and accuracy", she said in a sarcastic tone, "to deal this much damage to him "accidentally". I have treated boys who have been hit by footballs, fallen onto bicycles, kicked by their girlfriends, and never in my years of treating boys who have had their testicles injured..", she trailed away slightly, peering into the ward. "..have I ever seen a single hit deal this much damage. From my examinations, I found injuries at other angles that made it appear that he was struck there several times. With in fact, the first blow already possibly damaging his reproductive ability irreparably".
"B-but will he be okay? I mean, is he s-still..", her voice trailed off, as tears welled up in her eyes in concern.
"Of course he will be, but he will be feeling that knee to his testicles for months, the poor boy. You almost ruptured his left testicle, and if you cannot picture what you did to him, imagine what would happen to an egg if you raised your knee into it.."
Amanda was beginning to cry now, as Melissa continued.
"..but I managed to put it back together."
"I don't want you to take this too badly, but you have to be aware of how sensitive the male reproductive organs are. If an accidental hit from you did so much damage, could you imagine what could happen to him if you kicked him? This is not any part of his body, but it is his most private and sensitive area, young lady. Can you imagine how painful and embarrassing it must be for a confident young man to have them damaged like this? You kicked him in his gonads, and without them he will never have a proper sex life or be able to start a family", lectured Melissa. "Well anyway, he will be awake soon, and you had better be prepared to apologize to him, although I doubt anything you could say to him would make him feel any better. I can't really imagine anything else ever being able to cause him this much pain".
Andrew woke up in confusion, met with a very concerned Amanda, and a somber looking Melissa. He moved his legs a little, and was met with a intense pain from his nether regions. It was almost as if he had forgotten what had happened, until the constant aching from under his gown faintly helped him to remember. He slowly reached down, feeling around in discomfort. With the painkillers, he was able to notice one was deformed, and more plump than the other.
Amanda flicking him in his groin with her foot after he had accidentally punched her breast, followed by a second, slightly harder kick which followed while he was attempting to use his strength to overpower her. He looked up at her, and saw her uneasiness. He gulped, fearing the memories which had returned to him upon seeing her. His current state started making sense to him now, as he remembered how she drove her knee into his testicles with more power than a girl her size should have been able to muster. His senses were already frayed by then from the first two already very painful kicks to his most sensitive region, and his nuts had been aching up a storm already when she had done it. He feared the worst when Melissa started explaining the severity of the damage Amanda had inflicted on him.
"Now Andrew, I know you must be confused as to what is going on now, why you are here, and the nature of the pain and nausea you must be feeling in your sexual organs.. I want you to take it in slowly, and not panic, but you received an extremely hard kick to your testicles and passed out. As a result had to have surgery as a result. I will not go into the details now, but rest assured, I managed to save both your testicles, and you will eventually recover from this, although you might feel an ache every now and then in your scrotum"
He felt nauseous upon hearing about it, but was extremely relieved that Amanda had not broken anything that would cause him to not be able to have sex ever again.
He was able to walk by the third week, after many therapy sessions, although Melissa specifically gave him certain instructions. Melissa, although middle aged, was very attractive, which made him feel even more embarrassed, having such a beautiful woman handle his most vulnerable and recovering organs every day. She was in her early thirties, and had slightly sagging breasts. Her curvaceous body made up for that, however, and he presumed she must have been quite a head turner in her youth.
"You should refrain from any physical activity where you must exert yourself", she said first, as she adjusted her glove, sliding it under his robes and gripping his scrotum, while going down on a knee in front of him.
"And don't even think about any sexual activity for at least a month". He involuntarily imagined doing it with her, as his penis jumped a bit.
He blushed. "But will I still be able to.. you know.."
"Yes, it takes more than one simple knee to mess you up. Your reproductive life is not over yet, Andrew" she told him with a gentle smile, as her forefingers probed the back of his testicles, her thumbs rolling on the front. He could feel her breath on his almost recovered gonads as she spoke. "I have had plenty of boys come in here, crying to me about how a girl kicked them", she said with a giggle. "You're not the first I have seen to have this happen to them".
He blushed again, and let out a sigh of relief, as he felt the pressure she had been exerting on his testicular regions subside, with her standing up. He was certain he would have ejectulated if she had continued her probing a second more, and as she had warned him, it would have been excruciatingly painful, as his tubes were still injured. She ignored his erection, as she continued.
"And lastly, you would want to avoid angering any women during your recovery period. Your testicles are still extremely sensitive and fragile, and if you are planning on having children in the future, you would not want to kicked in the balls again" she told him with a wink, before sending him off.
He attended a school fair with Amanda the following week, and he had more or less gotten over their little "accident". He told himself she only got him because he was going easy on her, and she allowed him to maintain his fantasy. After all, she was quite in debt to him for what she did.
He went off alone to the washroom, and when he got out he could not find her so he walked on. As he looked around, his eyes landed on Dawn. He recalled humiliating her in front of his friends after she told him she liked him and asked him out over a year ago, but she looked very different from since then. The girl he knew had been cute in a nerdy way, awkward, and smelled funny. She was always a busty girl, but she dressed very differently now, in clothes that accentuated her figure. Her glasses and braces had since been removed.
Smiling to himself, he limped slowly toward her.
"Dawn!" he called out.
She turned and saw him. She had short, dark hair, and she wore a white tank top, with a checkered shirt tied around it. Her shorts revealed her long legs, and she looked taller than usual in her black goth boots.
"Andrew! Its been so long!"
"Yes it has been" he said, trying to be as charming as he could be.
Finally, he was starting to feel like a man again. He had spent the past week hanging out with Amanda, and her constant presence, alluring femininity and his sensitive, low hanging recovering testicles which caused him constant discomfort left him feeling exceptionally emasculated. He did not blame her, she was trying her best to make it up to him, buying him gifts and meals, but all it did was make him feel worse.
"Do you remember the last time we spoke?" she answered with a sly grin.
He felt his heart was beating inside his chest, as he told her he did. He imagined her to remember how she felt for him, and he felt rather confident."And do you remember what I told you?" she asked him, her eyes traveling down from his face to his groin, as he subtly spread his thighs and shoulders to face her, edging closer to her.
"Yes, Dawn, I do" he answered smugly, while in fact, he had not remembered it at all and was just brushing her off. "In fact, I was going to tell you we cou-"
She interrupted him mid sentence, and swung her foot at his reproductive organs. As her foot was halfway from her target did he realize what was happening, and his eyes widened and he tried to say no. But her foot connected with his still recovering testicles, and remained there for what seemed like forever to him. The pain he felt this time was many times more intense than what Amanda inflicted on him, and the sensations went beyond pain into an out of the body experience.
"Then I hope you remember how you humiliated me, and I hope you will remember this every time you think about me!" she yelled at his limp body, slowly hunching over and falling to his knees in shock. "If you had taken a moment to study me instead of my chest, you would have seen it coming! I hope I kicked you so hard, that, that, that I cracked them like a pair of eggs!"
At that moment, hearing the commotion from the crowd that had gathered around a wide-eyed Andrew, gawking and choking on the ground, hands gingerly covering his groin, in fear that grabbing himself would prolong his agony, came Amanda, pushing her way through to get to him. He gave her a pleading look, rendered completely speechless. Dawn's kick had completely floored him, as Dawn stopped taunting him.
"W-what's going on with him, why is he acting like a cry baby. I barely even punted his.. his nuts", Dawn irritatingly asked, afraid she would get in trouble, as a teacher had started walking over. Dawn quickly spun a story for herself, telling the teacher that someone had touched her in the crowd, and she reactively kicked out at the person behind her. Being a lady herself, the teacher was unable to sympathize with Andrew's agony, although she could tell quite easily where he had been kicked in, from his writhing and dry heaving on the ground. She let out a grin when she noticed this, but quickly regained her composure and resumed her resting bitch face.
"We have to get him help now!", screamed Amanda, still by his side cradling him.
The teacher had taken sides with Dawn now. "Oh, he'll walk it off. It is a normal thing around, if you hadn't noticed, Amanda, for girls to take matters into their own hands when the boys step out of line. I am sure you know that quite well yourself, regarding what happened with you and Trent that one time".
In frustration, Amanda took out her phone and called for help herself, as everyone stood around and watched.
To be continued..
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