A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
The night air whipped by her raven colored hair as she dove off the forty story ledge. The lens in her glasses blocked the cold wind from blinding her, but her suit, thin as it was, blocked nothing. She felt every goose pimple all along her purple clad form. She kept herself rigid, in perfect position, muscles taut, waiting for the moment to snap her wrist. The beak nosed gargoyle protruding from the side of the building adjacent was just coming into range. Out went her hand, the move practiced so many times it was simple muscle memory now.
Her long woven leather whip snaked out and coiled itself around the beak of the statue like a muzzle. Her fall continued past the gargoyle, but as the length of leather ran out, it snapped tight and arced her parallel the building, momentum carrying her fast and up. She smiled at the adrenaline that was infusing every pore of her at that moment. Another wiggle of her wrist and the coil of whip fell off the statue, the forward motion still carrying her upwards and down the alley in mid-air. At the apex of her swing, when a certain weightlessness took over, she felt the most alive. Arms spread out, breasts thrust forward, knees bent with thighs spread for balance as she soared to her chosen landing spot. She tightened her stomach muscles and closed herself into a ball, somersaulting gracefully, allowing her to get her feet under her just as she came down with a light padding sound like a cat jumping onto a hardwood floor.
Catwoman straightened on the smaller building's ledge and looked skyward from whence she came. Dangerous games she played....but how better to feel alive? Walking the fine line of life and death. She adjusted the small backpack she wore and tightened the straps. Losing her prize would hardly please her. Of course her games were quite profitable as well. As she walked casually over the rooftop, one thigh hi black boot in front of the other, she imagined how much the precious gem stone eggs would bring on the black market. If her homework was correct, it would be a very tidy two hundred thousand.
She leapt, and climbed from one low rooftop to another, steadily angling herself back to her lavish flat in midtown Gotham. As joyous as the night was, she felt there was something missing. The alarm had sounded just as she had dove from the building, the two guards that had been on her tail, standing in confounded awe as she threw herself from the precipice. But being chased was ever a pleasure, and those two guards had just not been....stimulating enough. Catwoman turned an eye skyward again and scanned along the rooftops. Was he really not coming?
"Good evening Selina."
She jumped, startled.
His deep baritone voice came from shadows AHEAD of her. She was surprised her tail was not standing on end....and she mentally kicked herself for underestimating him. He strode from the concealing shadows and into moonlight. Selina felt the shudder ripple through her body at the sight of him. The goose pimples along her body seemed alive and her nipples hardened not just from the cold. They almost throbbed, while another part of her grew warm.
He was the picture of male perfection. Tall, topping perhaps 6'2, his black cape thrown back over broad shoulders and were thick with muscle. His chest was defined, sitting atop an abdomen that looked carved from granite, made all the more visible by the close fitting gray cloth. His legs were finely muscled as well, his stance about shoulder width apart, arms folded across his chest. He radiated power and lethality. Like a male lion on a plain, completely comfortable in his own skin and surroundings. Catwoman allowed herself one last appreciative look, wondering not for the first time if he really WAS the epitome of male. Her gaze lingered on the tight black briefs. If the obvious bulge was anything to go by, he nailed perfection. Ohhh, how she had always wanted him.
But no matter her longings, no male claimed her unless he caught her. She force the increasingly graphic thoughts from her mind and smiled wickedly at the Batman.
"You had me thinking you were going to stand a girl up...."
"The easy way, or the hard way Selina. The eggs if you please?"
Catwoman smiled deeply. A glint in her eye.
"You know I always like it rough...." she quipped and spun on one black heel and dashed away across the rooftop. Her long legs pumped and sped her along, each stride more powerful than the last as she hit the ledge and flung herself up and across. Another neighboring building was several stories taller than her present one and she aimed for a window sill. One gloved hand caught hold, followed by a second, each boot coming to rest on runner of concrete that sat below every window along the building. Muscles tensing she leapt nimbly from one window to the next. Her toned body responded exactly as she wanted it to, moving fluidly along, each leap gaining more altitude. A grapnel shot past, the hook anchoring on the building's roof. Catwoman knew her hunter, and his tools allowed him to move faster than her along the urban jungle. But, she smiled, that didn't mean she had to play by his rules. As soon as the line went taut, she counted to two, then lashed out at the cord, her fingertip claws severing it neatly. Below her she heard a muffled growl, and as she climbed higher, she heard another grapnel sink it's metal hooks into the ledge she had just left. Adrenaline fueled her, surging through her muscles as she completed the last few leaps from window to window. She had gained the roof ahead of him. But that would be only a temporary advantage.
Her quick scan of the rooftop showed her only a small brick structure that was situated in the center, with air conditioner and heating vents popping up all along the the gray tar. White steam billowed from the heating vents, creating pockets of fog here and there. Catwoman sprinted into the steam, a plan already formulating in her mind. Though it was one of the last possible scenarios she would have dreamed possible at the beginning of the night.
Batman came hurtling over the edge, believing to be right on her heels, but the multiple steam clouds gave him cause for pause. His body tensed, knowing that something was not right. Years of battling crime through the streets and across rooftops like these had given him an instinct. One he knew was never wrong. But his mind couldn't contain it. Selina never turned and fought. Only if she was trapped. That was her nature. His hand was halfway to his temple when he realized that he was wearing his "emergency" suit. One that didn't have all the nifty gadgets that he had come to rely on over the years. His other cowl had thermal imaging capabilities and would have let him see easily a stray boot on the other side of the billowing cloud if there was one to be seen. Not crying over spilt milk though, Batman moved forward, a pair of batatangs held lightly between two fingers. He would have to find her the hard way.
As the Bat moved forward with all the practiced ease of a hunter, the Cat eased herself into position, allowing only a single green eye overtop the brick edge that she was lying behind. HER prey was only feet from where he needed to be, ever inching closer. Catwoman watched Batman's head move as if on a swivel. His reflexes and hand eye coordination were nearly unmatched. Nearly, because hers were just as good if not a tad better. One step. Two steps....Three. NOW! Catwoman spring up and snapped her wrist.
Her whip shot out, the crack bringing Batman's eyes and hands up. Perfect. The leather coiled around his upraised hands and cinched tight. Catwoman smiled and clipped the handle of her whip to the bundle of roofing equipment that had been laying atop the central brick structure.
Then with a mighty shove she pushed all two hundred plus pounds of it off the edge. The bundle of equipment fell with a great crash and clatter, the length of leather going tight as she heard Batman hurtle into the brick wall below her perch.
Catwoman stuck her head over the edge and saw the Dark Knight himself bound with his hands over his head, not quite dangling, but certainly not steady on his feet either. He must have cracked his head on the wall as he was dragged into it, because it was rolling slightly on his shoulders.
Not wasting a moment, she vaulted down, landing nimbly before her captured prey. Mmmm. He looked so yummy all bound tight. She stalked in on sashaying hips, making sure her every step was stretching her languidly before him. He seemed to be still lucid because his eyes traced her every move. And did she see correctly? Were they following her hips? Hmmm. Perhaps the longing was more of a two way street than she had originally thought. As she brought herself close enough to feel the heat of his body radiating off him, she ran a light gloved hand across the outside of his stretched arms. They were like rigid steel cables beneath that thin gray fabric. She wanted to feel more of them.
"It appears the hunter has become the hunted darling...." Catwoman purred. She had no idea what had overcome her. The Bat was trapped and she had a clean getaway ahead of her. But she remained. The thoughts coursing through her head as she gazed at his superb body were dizzying. Before she knew what was happening, she opened her mouth.
"Don't look so angry luv, sometimes being devoured is not at all as bad as it sounds...." Catwoman purred into his ear, running her hands down his sides.
"Selina, stop this. Let me loose, give me the eggs, and leave. I have yet to to turn you in, and will not start tonight. As long as you hand over the jewels."
Catwoman stepped back a moment, green eyes narrowing dangerously. Maybe he needed a little more encouragement. Stubborn man and his one track mind.
She smiled seductively, this time pressing the length of herself against him. She buried her lips in his neck, running hands up and down his arms. She could feel her firm breasts pressing softly against his rock hard chest, her nipples rubbing against the top of his abdomen. Her legs were held tight against his, smooth and long, her thigh hi boot tops coming to a rest just below the bulge in those tight black briefs he wore. She felt something hardening down there, surging against the very tops of her legs. Ohhh, that's right my Bat.
"Selina, the eggs please." his voice was strained as if he fought a battle. Catwoman growled inside. The nerve of this man! Here she was acting like an all out Gotham whore and he was so focused on work that he failed to grasp what she had meant to devour. Galled by it all, she put on an harder press. Well, let's see how he handles this.
Leaning back, but maintaining contact below the waist, Catwoman reached under her chin and felt for the hidden zipper at the top of her suit. Then tantalizingly slow she pulled. Batman's eyes were glued to every slot on the zipper, watching so intently as the tops of her firm 32C breasts bloomed into sight. As they did, something else bloomed even more against her leg. Well, the Bat was a breast man. Mmmm, perfect. She had that department covered. Catwoman continued to pull the zipper farther down, exposing more of herself. His eyes were lost in the sight of her breasts, his legs instinctively spreading. She allowed her right leg to slither closer in to his straining package. She pressed her thigh harder against the bulge and her pressed back. Mmm, progress.
"Selina....please, the jewels."
Somehow, someway, the blasted man had managed to resist her, though his gaze remained firmly on her tits. For the third fucking time!
"Oh? What jewels would those be Batman?!" Catwoman intoned dryly. "These?!!"
And with that she drove her right thigh, every inch of it toned muscle, directly up between Batman's spread legs. She felt two heavy orbs smash against her thigh, compressing as she drove upwards with all her might. She felt his body go tight and the breath was blasted out of him. He hung there momentarily with eyes still downcast at her full breasts.
"You put me off three fucking times and you still have the nerve to look at my fucking tits? You fucking prick!!" Catwoman snarled.
She pistoned her knee into his balls again. Harder. Enclosing her hands around the back of his neck, she kneed him a third time. Harder still! Her breasts were heaving from the exertion and she waved them under his lips, getting them close enough that his quickened pained breath made a warm spot on her bare skin. She shuddered at how good it felt, but remained firm in her thought to make him pay for saying no to her. No man said no to her. Not like that.
"Mmmm, they look good don't they? Firm, plump....supple." The last she said in a breathy whisper as she cocked her hip and flung her thigh up into his balls as hard as she fucking could! She grunted with the effort. Finally his stoicism broke and he yelped loudly, moaning, legs buckling as he swung there. Catwoman purred to herself as she watched the great Bat dangle, mouth hanging open as he moaned into his arm, knees quivering as he kept his legs tight together.
She watched, still admiring his form, surveying every inch of the prey she had conquered. As her gaze drifted south, she stopped confused. How can that be possible? Because he is such a fine male specimen? Or was Batman really more than mortal man? No man could have taken such abuse to his balls and still have such an erection that it was clearly defined in his black briefs. Without hesitation, she strode forward and lashed a clawed hand through the whip holding him up. He dropped like a rock, but Catwoman pounced, straddling his hips and running a clawed hand through his uniform top, shredding it. Fiercely she tore the top off to expose his naked torso, and her womanhood cried out. Not to mention the fine shaft she could feel directly beneath her. She was so wet that she thought maybe it was showing. Of course now was certainly not the time for modesty. She nimbly leapt back and slipped a slender hand beneath his waist band, pulling the fabric of brief and tights alike up and over his engorged manhood.
The sight before her made HER knees quiver. He was still too stunned and in pain for him to put up any resistance, or maybe he didn't want to resist, but either way, Catwoman carefully slit a hole in her own costume, the blade of her claw grazing oh so lightly against her warm wet sex. Then, wrapping her dainty hand around his swollen member, she guided it into her and resumed straddling his hips. As every ridge and inch of him surged past her silken walls, she moaned aloud, heedless of how wanton she sounded just then. His girth and length were overwhelming. He was no god, but it was certainly the biggest she had ever had. Looking down at him, she noticed his masked visage was admiring her despite the grimace of pain every now and then. She unzipped her costume all the way to her hips, letting her breasts completely free. Her nipples were hardened like twin crowns atop her glory. She noticed appreciatively as the rest of the zipper came down, he surged in her eagerly. Mmmm, good Bat. If he wanted eager though, he was going to get it. She ground her hips against him, bucking and bouncing and letting her wild pleasure guide the motion of her body. He was so hard, and after all the adrenaline it felt as if e very nerve was alive. Oh my god!! Catwoman bucked against him faster and faster and faster, until....OHHHH!! YESSS. FUCK YESSS! She felt it ripple through her like a shock wave, each one radiating pleasure to her toes and curling them backwards in her thigh hi boots.
"Ohhh, this is how every heist should end...." Catwoman moaned.
She reluctantly slid off of Batman, his shaft still remaining rock hard. He hadn't cum. She knew he was getting close towards the end there, but after his refusals, he didn't deserve that honor just yet. Mmm, even still he was a gorgeous sight for her to feast her eyes on. But she needed to be off now that she had got off. As she spun to gather what was left of her whip and her backpack, she felt her ankle grabbed in a vice like grip.
"Selina....the jewels. Or I'm taking you in." he said sitting up, cupping his own jewels.
She laughed as she zipped up her top, putting the girls away. "You will never learn will you?"
Catwoman stood there for a moment, then put out her hands.
"Here, let me help you up." she said sweetly. He put his large hands in hers and got unsteadily to his knees. She couldn't resist, not as vulnerable as he was just then. Without hesitation or mercy, Catwoman arched her right leg back and launched it forward hard! Her black thigh hi heels connected solidly with his dangling bare balls. They were swollen from arousal, her earlier kneeing, and now blue balls, so she knew they were sensitive as she drover her foot home. Batman yelped like startled dog and crumpled onto the roof, his eyes rolling back and forth as he clutched himself. Obviously, he was on the verge of passing out.
Catwoman smiled sadistically to herself and retrieved her things. She was about four steps away when she paused and returned to the quivering heap that was the great Bat. Shaking her head, she put her hand into her pack and retrieved the eggs. They were two of the most flawless egg shaped sapphires in the world. Belonging to some noble family. They were both about the size of a large brown egg. Bending down she placed them both next to Batman's head and whispered.
"I figured you can have my jewels since I seemed to take yours away tonight."
Then with a kiss on his cheek, Catwoman disappeared into the steam clouds thinking she had gotten exactly everything she had really wanted tonight.
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