A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
"Hey, there she is. Let's go", he hurriedly said, as he grabbed Ken and pulled him forward. Jesse watched as Carol walked on, her shapely legs, and the sway of her body as she moved.
He muttered angrily, as he walked out behind her.
Carol heard his footsteps quite easily, and pretended not to notice. She had guessed Jesse would have been angry at her for what had happened, and he would probably try to humiliate her in another way, but she had not expected him to follow her as she walked home.
"Are you sure we should do this?", asked Ken.
"You agreed she needed to be taught a lesson earlier, don't wimp out on me now!", replied Jesse. Jesse was often said to be above average in terms of looks, but others spoke otherwise about his personality when he was not around. And he did not take kindly to Carol refusing to go on a date with him, and humiliating him verbally in front of his friends.
She pretended not to notice, and sped up her pace, but he lunged forward and grabbed her arm. It was not a forceful grab, but it still shocked her nonetheless. She turned to face them, as Jesse smiled at her.
"Come on, Carol, you didn't have to hurry off so quickly, did you?", Jesse persuaded, his hands behind him. Carol tried to peer over to see what he was holding, but he hid it well. She felt a tinge of worry, as Ken looked around suspiciously.
"I have to be going now, Jesse. We'll talk again tomorrow", she said as she tried to turn, but Jesse moved around to block her. She knew she had to do something, before things turned sour.
"Why do you want me to go out with you so badly?", she questioned him, as he stopped for a moment to think. That was all the time she needed. She knew Ken was a coward, and would run the moment things got troublesome. And Jesse knew she was a feisty girl, but what he did not know was her secret fascination with the quality of fragility of the male anatomy.
Years ago, she had witnessed a older girl in her high school get into a huge fight with her boyfriend, and they started pushing at each other. When the guy gave her a huge shove, she flew back at him and slammed her knee in between his open legs. The poor guy spent almost forty minutes crying and moaning on the ground, before a teacher called him an ambulance. That girl must have knew how sensitive he was down there!
The following day, she dug up a old book of the human body from her old bookshelf, and spent the day reading about testicles, although up until now she had never been presented with the chance to kick a pair of nuts. It fascinated her, how such tender and fragile organs were located at such a vulnerable area, just about the height where her a stray foot or knee could strike the hardest, and permanently damage him in the blink of an eye.
She didn't know exactly how much force she needed to render him unable to harm her, or even cause irreversible injuries, which was not a factor she was considering now. All she knew, was that from her practice kicking in her room, she could step out easily and slam her instep into Jesse's groin before he could block it. She had read about the intricate little tubes his balls hung from, and she knew a simple kick in the wrong spot would seriously affect his ability in bed.
He moved his hands out from behind him, and as he raised them, she saw an opening and grabbed his forearm, swinging her foot recklessly into his reproductive organs, stopping him in his tracks right away. His eyes widened, as his legs crossed and started screaming. She lowered her leg in fasciation, taking a good look at Jesse as he fell on his knees and leaned forward, supporting himself with his arms, rocking back and forth. He had spent the night before fantasizing about Carol, and his testicles had been sore from not doing anything about it. Her kick had only made it feel worse down there.
She had not even noticed Ken fleeing, as she bent over and put her hands on her knees to inspect him. She enjoyed it, although she admitted to herself that she had underestimated her kicking strength, and overestimated the durability of his gonads, evident from the way he writhed around on the ground uncontrollably, red faced and in tears. Where his hands were, was a pair of eggs, cracked open and spilled as he fell.
And then she realized that all Jesse had intended to do was to egg her and go, all a part of his ego induced plan to get her to like him.
"Looks like your plan didn't go so well, did it?", she said in a annoyed tone, frowning.
Between his gasps, Jesse whimpered, "My balls.. It hurts so much".
She felt blood rush to her face, as he gingerly slipped his hand into his jeans to feel around if everything was still there. It had been quite a epic kick she had given him, after all.
"It can't be hurting THAT bad, can it?", she giggled. "Well anyway, if you don't want that -", she pointed at the pair of egg yolks splattered on the ground in front of him, " there-", she pointed at his jeans, "you would not try anything like that with me again!"
"I can't find it!", he weakly exclaimed. "It isn't there! I need a doctor!"
"Stop being such a wimp! Don't you always tell me to 'grow a pair', Jesse? Look what happens when you get hit in your precious pair!", she scolded. Jesse always had a flair for being dramatic.
She rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms and sighed, watching a now curled up Jesse thinking in fear. It would be interesting to know how badly her absent minded kick had damaged him, after all.
"All RIGHT, but if anyone asks, you got the accident from trying to climb that stupid fence like you always do", she told him, as she lent him a hand to pull him off the ground.
Thank you for the kind comments! :) It is a friendly and supportive bunch like you that keep me inspired to entertain
Your stories kick ass. I notice you have particular themes u enjoy writing about. If you wanna read some stories similar to yours there's a blog by a guy named jonoffen with a lot of ballbusting and popping.
I will give it a look
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