God and an angel were sitting in the Heavens, creating the world.  God said, I will create man.  He will be strong and rule the earth and everything in it.  I will also create woman.  She will be equal with man.  How is man equal with woman if man has greater strength? asked the angel.  Because, God said, man also has an emergency shut-off valve feature.  I've decided to call it, "testicles."

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Hehe, I like it!

And as I've always understood it, the existence of testicles on men and how vulnerable they are is proof that god is actually a woman.

And She has a sense of humor!  :)

Thanks. Yeah, I came to that conclusion too.  (Back in Sunday school.)

1.  God is all powerful.

2.  No one with testicles can be all powerful.

3.  A person created without testicles is female.

Ergo, 4.  God is female.

Even the Pope should agree. ;-) 

lol ... cant argue with logic.

This is the most awesome thing I've read in a while.



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