Hey guys,

I was just wondering about the padded guys in self defense classes...  When women practice kicking/kneeing do they fall on the ground sometimes to show the affects?  I've never taken self defense so IDK, but I've seen some videos where they do that and some where they don't.

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I've never seen them fall in any of the self defense practice videos i've seen. And we don't always fall down even with out padding.

I suppose its just random if it does happen. Even with padding, it may still very well hurt. An impact is still an impact. 

I've seen some interviews with the people who run self-defense programs like that, and at least some of the instructors do (intentionally) fall down when they feel the woman gave them what would have been a "knockout" blow, had the instructor not been wearing all the padding.

Because he is padded, the instructor (usually) has to playact a bit and make a judgement call about how hard the hit was, and whether it would incapacitate a pair of unprotected testicles.  But the idea is to give the women an experience that is as close to no-holding-back reality as possible while keeping everyone safe, so she can kick or knee him in the groin as hard as she possibly can, and get some idea of how it would affect an unprotected man.

And yes, even with the padding, the instructors say they are pretty sore after a class!  With a dozen women kicking you in the balls with all their might, even with padding you're going to feel that after a while.  What a job though!

Dream job for me!

I totally agree and some kick hurts more then others.

he was choking, her by the side grabbing her neck, she smash the groin with her palm. he made the effect and let himself down, she take the chance and go for a rear naked choke to finish him

In most padded defense scenarios, the guys will attest that they can still feel the kick, but it's usually not enough for them to drop to the ground. I think they drop to simulate what would happen if they were kicked without padding, because who is gonna face an attacker with padding? Haha.

On rare occasions though, the guy won't wear any padding, and the instructor will do a fairly light contact hit on the groin, like in this video:


At around 1:46 and 1:57, you can see that she makes contact just a little too well, as the guy's groans are most likely natural and unavoidable. Sure it's not enough to put him out of commission, but I'm sure it's enough to have his testicles "radiate" pain for a little while, lol.

As a guy who used to wear 'the suit' I would react to the hits based on their severity.  Most women won't hit hard enough, nor try and hit thru the target, or throw combinations.  It was recommended to wear a cup to protect the boyz but the suit had padding which really was enough to diffuse all but the most focused and directed hits. Usually, the course instructor would have to encourage the women to hit harder and teach them on how to focus the energy of the blow.  I would give feedback as well.  If the class just wasn't picking it up, then the instructor would proceed to give the guy in the suit (me.!.) a beating to show how a woman can hit hard, and needs to launch a combination of blows to escape an attacker.  It would not be necessary to actually knock the attacker down, you just need to convince him, through pain, that attacking you is not worth it, and make your escape.  I was called over several times, without the suit, to be the crash test dummy.  It was a good illustration that a man can take several powerful hits, and still be standing there.  The women got the picture and would work really hard on hard strikes, in combination, with no hesitation.  Yes, there were plenty of bruises to go around. I never overreacted to the hits, that would have been counterinstructive to what the women were there to learn.

What happened when you were the "crash test dummy" without the suit?  Did someone hit or kick you then?  In the balls?

Whoa! I didn' t know that anybody had responded to this. Ok, several instances, if wearing leather soled shoes or boots, really any hard footwear, a kick to the shin/knee will make anybody reconsider their actions.  And yes, the woman who ran the self-defense class would strike me in the testicles without the suit. When she figured out that popping me in the plums wasn't going to be an issue, she did make sure to reduce me to a fetal puddle of nut pain to make her point, occurred maybe five or six times over a year and a half. But generally without the suit she really wanted to show how to use my momentum, ie Judo moves, to toss my ass around and give me an overall thumping.  Most women really took to this, so being bruised, sore, and roughed up was not a rare occurrence.  It is possible, but harder to do Judo moves with a big fella in suit.

How did she discover that hitting you in the balls without the protective suit would be OK?  Did she ask you or did she just bust you?

Can you tell us more about what happened when she "reduced you to a fetal puddle"?  Wow 5 or 6 times.  What were the circumstances and how did she strike you?  What was the reaction from the women in the class when you went down from a hit to the balls?

Did the girls ever make you drop on the floor (with the hard hits)?



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