Damien here, Thought i'd share a little insight on getting busted in real life.  For me, I've been interested in this sort of thing since around 15 years old, envying the guys in HS that would get racked occasionally from the distressed girl.  I wished i could be in their place - but I am shy and in general not very suave with girls.  Eventually, here are some things I've found that work and also some that dont work.  Hope this might help someone:


Things that have worked:

1) GF's.  If you're intimate with your partner, this is easier.  If you've been dating, and getting intimate with her, what I did was eventually bring it up as 'squeezing' of the balls while you have sex, I told her that it turned me on and didnt hurt, but i'd tell her if it did.  She would try it, and when she noticed it made me more turned on, would do it harder - I would tell her it didnt hurt.  Eventually I asked her to knee me.  This is the biggest step.  In my case, she smiled and said "really, in the balls!" and she tried it.  If you stay standing and tell her you like it, just go from there!  This has worked with several GFs for me.


2)  Friends.  If you have 'trusted' female friends, you can bait a question like "hey have you every hit a guy in the nuts before?" and see what they say. If they act weirded out (some of mine have) just say you were taking a survey.  Then drop it, they wont bring it up again, and you shouldnt either!  If they seem to be curious or interested in the idea, or explain that they have, go from there!  Ask them how it happened, why, what it was like.  Depending on their interest, eventually ask if they'd demonstrate on you.


3)  Texting.  This also goes with the 'friends' but is easier if you're too shy to talk in person.  Just say you're taking a survey if they've ever hit a guy in the balls before, and either continue the conversation or drop it.  This has worked for me at least 6 times.  I've also had about that many failures, if not more - but if you brush it off as something unimportant and just a 'survey' or something, they usually dont take much mind of it. Attached is a picture result of my success with 'texting' a girl about ballbusting :)


4) Finding an escort/pro domme.  This may be out of the question for some of you, but if you are really wanting an experience and dont want to bring it up with people you know, you can hire an escort/pro domme.  Theres nothing illegal if you're just asking to be kicked in the junk, as long as thats all you're asking for.  Yes, I have done this - in fact it was how my first experiences were.  I felt more comfortable.  Sites like 'backpage' often have escorts.  Be aware you're charged for their time ;) But its a guaranteed way if you're pretty desperate to try it out and be private.


Things that DONT work:


1)  For me, i've tried 'craigslist' ads, as well as other things similar to this.  These get you a LOT of spam, and i've NEVER had a real reply to this, unless it was from a dude wanting to see if you were into blowjobs.  I've tried ads for several years and these were the only results.


2) Messaging girls on websites.  No, they arent likely interested in your fetish.  I havent really done this anywhere, but of girls i've talked to about it (and some of those on here) they're mostly just annoyed if you pester them about it.  It also comes off as creepy. It also gives other guys a bad name that are into it, as girls start to stigmatize fetish guys as creeps.  Put yourself in their shoes.




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Some good ideas on here.  Thanks for sharing!!

Thank you!  If anyone else has input feel free to share what has worked or has not worked for them :)


I just got a few kicks from a friend of mine last night by talking to her casually about it.  She didnt hit hard or anything but it was still fun.  And also leads to future encounters.  A key thing to remember is not to press the issue too far or she'll be 'weirded out' dont even bring it up at first like a 'fetish' but something to try.

Great tips really. I think the best thing to have in mind is, how would I react if someone came up to me and asked me to do something strange to them like pour whipped cream on them and call them a "silly goat". Have a sense humor about things always, it helps. :) 

I have been busted many times due to the use of provoking the "buster." Not violently, mind. What I did was ask people for their opinions on something; if a girl were to kick a guy in the balls, do you think they would "fail," i.e. not cause much pain. Many girls you ask will say "no, of course not" very quickly without much consideration. If you act surprised at their answer, and respond with your own, saying that you think they would fail if they tried, many girls will become eager to prove their point to you. This also allows you to spread your legs and give them a clear shot, as it will look like you are trying to prove that no matter how easy the kick is, the girl will still fail. You can also condition the kick as you please- for instance, if you prefer kicks without shoes, you can say that the shoes are an unfair advantage (if they complain, take advantage- say things like "why, scared you can't do it without shoes?"), whereas if you prefer kicks with shoes, you can just let them kick you with whatever they have on. Just act like you're trying to get people's opinions; it will look fairly inconspicuous and you'll likely get busted several times, and if your endurance and pain tolerance are good, often several times by the same person. Best of all, this will work with both genders, if that's what you're into. Bear in mind that I started this when I was 13, and as such it's best if you are still in school, college etc. However, years on, girls are still reminding me of it and asking to kick me again. Hope this works for you, let me know how it goes!

I haven't been open about this fetish but there is one method that has led to kicks from gf or just close friends that are girls. Knowing what's playful vs obnoxious is more intuitive and every girls buttons are different but I start with teasing them, it builds a little playful banter then (if she's playing back) threaten to tickle her.  Obviously it only works on girls that are ticklish but if you threaten a tickle in a playful mood you might get a warning... while tickling girls often kick wildly, as long as she's laughing keep tickling until you at least get a glancing blow to the balls.  In my experience girls  find it hysterical to see you drop after a reflexive or "accidental" kick or knee.  This hit isn't really the one you want but after a hit to the nuts play up how much it hurts but more than anything else do not continue tickling.  What you've actually done is set the stage for another time.  Next time you repeat the playful teasing when you threaten a tickle she might remind you of what happened last time, in fact with that in her mind you might get "accidentially" kicked in the balls a lot faster the second time.  Eventually you reach a point where she doesn't pretend its an accident, you threaten to tickle her and she'll threaten to knee your balls.  On two different women friends I've gradually gotten them to bust me outright just from teasing and tickling and I never even disclosed the fetish to them. 

I think what would help guys on here is discussing some more good specific icebreakers. Three primarily have worked for me.

The first one is just coming up with a bet you know you'll lose with a female friend. Tell her if she wins she can kick you in the balls. The cockier you are the more likely they are to follow through. You do have the issue of girls flakey out and not hitting you though.

The second that works well believe it or not is asking her what common life experiences she's missed out on. Tell her this is embarrassing but you ve actually never been hit in the balls. Most volunteer in a teasing way on the spot. Tell her seriously though you really kind of feel like it's something you should experience. Keep it light and see where it goes.

Another one is to test out the waters is bringing up elementary/middle school and what a tough time it is. Then tell her the girls at your school thought it was hilarious to hit guys in the balls. Almost like it was a contest or something. Keep it light and then ask her if she's ever done it.

Very nice ideas... personally I've never gotten the bet idea to work for me but your other two Ive attempted with mixed success. It wasn't exactly the way you described but I basically tried the 3rd one on a girl but instead of leading to a busting she started sharing her experiences kneeing a guy in middle school ( not a bust but it was hot to hear her talking about it). With a different girl I watched a movie with a bust in it and started to act like they were "seriously overacting the pain... although I've never been kicked in the balls myself it's hard to believe it could be that bad". That little self disclosure made her perk up and later on that night she threaten me with a "keep on and you'll find out what a kick in the balls feels like" ... unfortunately she wasn't into it and never did it.

Very good ideas! Anybody else have any?



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