I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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Oh, i should add, my bb buddies also get the occasional surprise hits too, just another benefit of knowing me LOL.  

My Moth hits are a slight bit harder, but not super hard, definitely not anywhere close to my best efforts.

That's true actually, i see my bb buddies as my equals in the bb scheme of things where the moth is more or less just a few steps above a Sub.

Surprise hits are indeed a benefit!

It hurts but... you know we love it.  :)

Some of you love it anyway.

So, two questions (well, one of them is split up)!

On the one hand, what's the hardest you would be willing to bust someone? I don't mean the hardest you ever have (though feel free to answer that as well), but the hardest you ever would? How would you do it, and how far would you be willing to go (leave some bruises, or mash his potatoes completely?).

Second, what's the lightest that you could bust someone and still be satisfied with your work? Do you think you can drop the average guy - or at least cause him to flinch - with a 'love tap' to the nuts? Would you enjoy that sort of thing, or is it not enough?

Finally, scenario. Imagine that a young man approached you because he was interested in ballbusting, but had never been kicked before, and you agreed to do a "session" with him as a first time. I'm interested in how you would start him off. Would you want to "ease him in" and get him used to the pain with light kicks, or would you be interested in scaring him away totally by mashing his potatoes on the first kick? Again, imagine there are no consequences for you at all.

How hard would i be willing to bust someone? Well that depends on each situation. I have given my best when i felt anger or fear, both are very powerful energies to use. One of the members here once described a best effort as being a 9.x/10, I've given out 9.x/10 in the past. Are you talking about an agreed upon session? if so, I'd do nothing near to that 9.x hit and i doubt i would be able to.

On the lighter side, I've hit my friends with lighter backhanded balltaps, I'm not sure where to place those on a scale, but I do give out a lot of lighter hits.

Well, I would never agree to such a session with a stranger like that, I'd assume i'm being set up for something. I hit my bb buddies at mid level so if i was to agree with your scenario, i guess he could expect something in the middle.  

I have given my best when i felt anger or fear, both are very powerful energies to use.

Can you tell us more about what this was like for you?  And what the results were for the guys?

Not really, it's tunnel vision, and it's either blind rage or fear. One minute you thinking to yourself, go for the balls and then the next he's on the floor fetal or writhing. Most of these guys, I never found out the final outcome. 

Actually that's a great description, thanks.

What's that first moment like, where you decide to "go for the balls"?  What is going through your mind to make that decision?  For example, maybe that he deserves it, that it's necessary, that the balls are the best place to hit?  Is it kind of instinctive for you?

You mentioned that the next moment he's on the floor fetal or writhing.  Yes, thanks that's what I was curious about, the immediate effect of your anger/fear busts which I know must be strong.  I mean what happens right away, like does he drop.  The guy has always gone down incapacitated?   (At least initially?  I know you didn't always hang around).

That depends on the BB situation. Is the bust a surprise (for fun) a session or is it going to happen because i'm annoyed? Sessions are obvious, i know about those even a few weeks out. The fun surprise hits, those are more or less fun urges of "OK, lets have some fun and hit him in the balls a little" The annoying hits are more being pushed into doing it, like i reach a limit and then i'll say to myself if he's still bothering me in 3 or 4 seconds, he's getting it. I also have to say many of my busts seemed almost like instinct in the later example.

You answered a slightly different question than what I meant, but thank you, what you said is also interesting!  :)

With the "annoying" busts, it sounds like you're talking about moth, where he's pushing your buttons, pretty much asking to be racked.  Or do other guys do this also, and get busted by you?

Not just Moth; BB buddies sometimes, my husband, friends, assholes. Yes, there are other guys getting hit.

Not including the private sessions with your BB buddies, about how often do you bust someone?



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