I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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Had a good idea for a bet ....
if a guy wanted to do a man vs women bet ie a mans weakest point vs a womens strongest ie probably legs ... bet u couldn't knock him to the floor with a kick to the balls would u take the bet? what shoes would u wear? kick or knee? and how hard would ya do it? ya reckon u could win? U Get 3 shots at it if he drops to the floor ud get ud get $200 ha

He only has to drop once ... but if he doesn't drop after the 3 shot then he'd get to squeeze ya bum haha

So risk on both sides haha

I would probably do the bet for real lol but would depend on what footwear u picked but if ya was wearing nice outfit might temp me into the bet ha

For us guys we love bums ha and we don't like to drop easy as its personal pride haha

would ya take the bet ?

Have at and let me know how that goes.

Heya Suzy,

Not sure if this is TMI, but you said you feel comfortable talking about your fetish.

Apart from having a BB fetish, would you say you have an all around ball fetish?

Do you like the look and feel of balls outside of ballbusting? Or does playing with balls often lead to wanting to slap them around a bit? haha.


No,not at all. Not a TMI question at all. I do like the look of a manscaped package. I find balls actually sexy looking and manly and i love how soft they feel in my hands, the softest skin on a man's body.

what would u rather do? hold and feel them without letting go or slap them mercilessly?

Well, we get into moods, it will vary from time to time for me. There are moments i like to squeeze and there are moment i want to kick or knee or ball tap those nuts. 

oh okay so u dont have a preference or favorite way to bust...its just as long as a bust comes to mind so be it?

When i first joined, i was all about the backhanded ball taps (I still do those). In the past two years, i developed a love for bb in very feminine shoes like sexy boots. Recently,i have to admit that the knee is now becoming a very strong second method.

Does your preference change depending on the situation?  It sounds like you are describing what you like to do in your bb sessions with your friends.  Kicking with boots is #1, knee is a close #2, and backhand is next.  That sounds sexy and fun.  :)

If I remember right, on the few occasions you've given a really hard non-consensual bust to a deserving guy and you wanted him to go down in pain for real, you used your knee?

LOL, tbh, preferences can change several times a day. I always start the sessions with squeezing and we go from there. In these sessions, I'll start out with shoes on, but we switch over to bare feet fairly quickly. In the situations where I wanted to really cause pain, I've used both knees and kicking.

Your sessions sound incredibly fun and sexy.  Your partners are truly lucky men.

In the other situations where you wanted to really cause pain, I know the first time you ever did it hard was to that shot putter and you were surprised by how effective your knee to his balls turned out to be, when he dropped to the ground and couldn't even get back up.  You mentioned that his balls were so well-racked (by you) and he was so helpless that it may have felt a little overwhelming even for you as well as for him.

But experiences like this also give confidence.  You learned what you were capable of, and it was impressive.

So I wonder, in later experiences where you also wanted to give real testicle pain, how have you felt about the results after the knee or kick landed on target?  Was it effective (i.e. guy drops helpless)?  And how did you feel about it?

....and you certainly do have some very feminine and sexy shoes, evidenced by your most recent profile photo! Very feminine, very powerful and very sexy! What a mix of emotions I would have while standing in front of you wearing those Suzy!



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