I don't mean the fetish; I know that's real; I've had it for years & years.  Like many here, I'm so grateful to the internet for showing me I'm not the only freak with this fetish.  There are other freaks out there.  So, Hi.

Everyone has a different aspect they like about this.  My fantasy is not so much the pain, but the idea that some little woman could totally take me down & make me helpless.  That hasn't happened.

Especially in the last few years (it seems to be more accepted; maybe all the youtube videos?), I have had so many women kick me in the balls.  One night a couple years ago, I went home with this one girl I was seeing and her two hotter, younger, sexier girlfriends.  We all got pretty drunk, and this girl I was seeing got the other girls to all take turns trying to kick me in the balls.  So three chicks, taking turns, again & again & again.  Finally I got tired & went to bed, while I heard the next morning they all got naked with a plexiglass dildo and ... well, I slept through all that, regretfully.

In the morning I went home to a couple of other female friends I have who know about my thing (I don't really discuss it with guys).  I put on a pair of shorts to sit in the sun, and the entire inside of both thighs from just above my knees to my crotch was black & blue.  As my one friend said, she didn't know how serious I was about this fetish until she saw those bruises.  

This other crazy ex girlfriend of mine once kneed me so hard I felt like I had to sit down on a chair, it hurt that much.  But I wasn't close to disabled (which is my fantasy).  Another time this same girl grabbed one of my balls and squeezed as hard as she could (she is an ex-gymnast and self-described "freakishly strong").  It was agony; I begged her to stop. I tried to pull her hand away but couldn't.  I would never hit her, but I could have; I wasn't helpless.  Then she stopped and so did the pain.

Anyway, I'm not trying to pretend to be superman; I would love to once experience the helplessness; like Nancy the Band Nerd said, it would probably be enough to end my fantasy (or fuel my fantasy) but that hasn't happened.  I read about guys being down for an hour or 5 minutes, incapacitated by the pain, but I haven't experienced that or seen that.  Even the youtube videos; they guys seem to be in pain but not helpless; if they were in a fire or a fight for their lives, the could get up & get going.  

Okay, long winded way to ask the guys and gals on this forum:  Have you ever really been incapacitated or incapacitated someone where they really couldn't function if they had to?  

PS: I asked a shorter version of this question once on the femaledom.com forums, and one of the female moderators responded and told me I was so immature I didn't belong in the group; which was so offputting I never got involved in that forum again.  I mean, this is a sick & bizarre fetish; we're all somewhat fucked up or else we wouldn't be here.  No reason to make anyone feel worse about it.  

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So am i! I never seen a really helpless man after testicle abuse. And can't ever imagine like someone in real situation (not in the bdsm game or school fooling) will rolling on floor in pain or something.
Maybe you just have a very high pain threshold, or super tough balls. I'm fairly confident that I can take a kick in the balls better than the average guy, but I still go down in a lot of pain if I get kicked hard enough. It's not uncommon for me to take a kick that leaves me unable to stand for short time (I'd guess the intense, overwhelming part of the pain lasts for less than a minute), but sometimes, if I get kicked hard enough, I fall down rolling on the ground uncontrollably, like my body is trying desperately to find a position where the agony isn't quite as excruciating.

In the past, I have seen people take vicious blows to the nuts (or heard firsthand accounts), and I know I am certainly not alone in being vulnerable to incapacitating nutshots. I've always wondered how some guys in ballbusting videos can just stand there and take kick after kick after kick. I always figured maybe decades of kicks had made them able to take it more (though I've been busted regularly for around 15 years and I still go down). I've heard of people who, through training, could take kicks to the groin without flinching (like monks or an old boss my girlfriend used to have, a boxer who said he could take a full force kick to the balls). Still, I thought it took years of effort to get like that.
I'm mostly like roger; my pain threshold is a lot higher than most guys, but as you see in most of my videos, I still go down after a few shots. (Except in Carnage, but those weren't too hard, individually.) Even when I do go down, I mostly just fall on my side and crumple up, I haven't actually rolled around in pain for a good long while. While it's not a fantasy of mine to be totally incapacitated, I still prefer being taken down on the first shot.

I've admitted this fetish to myself for over 20 years so I have some experience.   Every kick is painful but only one has left me incapacitated.   That was a sneaker kick from a dominatrix that had me curled up on my side in fetal position with my legs kicking wildly.   One hand on my balls and one on my face.   I couldn't take another shot for the rest of the session.


Funny thing is that the kick wasn't that hard.   It was just fast and STUNG!   There was none of the stomach ache afterward.  Instead, it was a sharp god-awful STING.   Sharp sharp burning pain on the underside of both nuts.   There were no bruises though

The more times you get pain from a low blow or getting squeezed, the higher your tolerance for pain. You actually use less "substance p" which allows for a higher pain tolerance, Also, your brain has developed a way to flood itself with endorphins, making you able to take more pain than usual because the way you wired yourself for this fetish. To answer your question, you are nothing special in your tolerance, it is developed over time. Without having a fetish for this, or having this done to you alot more than what usually would happen in life, you would be in much MUCH more pain.

id say people that really get hurt when they get kicked are not expecting it, and are also freaking out because they think that one kick can ruin their nuts

it is easy

find girl on daiting site or striper or some girl who will kick u for money,if u been incapacitated by the pain for at least 5 min in 3 kicks 100$,if not only 10$ and she get new 3 kicks,after 5-6 kicks if it is life or death u could probably stand up but if u do and she has only 20$,7 th will be game over



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