Guys, on a scale of 1 to 5, where would you place yourself in your ability to to absorb ball busts:
1. Even the slightest flick or tap and I'm ready to puke.
2. One good shot and I am done
3. I get dropped with a good hit, but can get up for one more
4. I can take a solid beating for a while, but have my limits
5. I can pretty much take full force kicks as long as I want
I see lots of guys in these videos who seem to be fours and fives.
I too would put myself at a 5 - and I am not bragging at all, I actually hate it - but for some reason, maybe too many years of ballbusting, I just seem to be able to take a lot of kicks without ever having to give up (and there's at least one lady member here who can confirm this!). As long as I am expecting it, I can take a lot. Surprise busts are another thing entirely.
Honestly, though, I wish I was much, much more sensitive. I do so enjoy that gut wrenching pain that goes along with a good ball shot, and they way it lingers for a long while. Don't get me wrong, I do get the pain, it's just that it takes a lot of effort to get that drop-to-the-ground effect.
If I could, I would go back to being a 2 or a 3.

So my question is: Where do you rank yourself, and would you change your number if you could?

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I'm definitely a 5. I've had to pretend to drop a number of times because I got frustrated I can't seem to be pushed
I was a 3 for a long time, but in the past month or so I've been about a 4. I've been begging my wife to go harder but she's afraid she's gonna hurt me.
I'm a 5. I definitely like a warm up period to get to the super hard ones first though.

I used to be a 4 but have been more inactive recently, so the few recent times I've been busted have made me realize my tolerance has gone down... So I'll give myself a 3. Would definitely like to go back up to 4 though if I could.

I am halfway between 4 and 5.

I can take multiple full-force kicks, but not quite for "as long as I want".  I do reach a limit (after 5-10 kicks) and it takes effort to cope with the pain.  It's an awesome feeling though.

I would like to experience what it would be like to be dropped by a single kick (or knee).  To go from "normal" to balls in agony as I lie helpless on the floor and the woman is smiling and celebrating.  But it appears my balls just aren't sensitive enough for that.  So the next best thing would have to be to go for repeated fast hard kicks with no breaks, but then I have time to think about it after each kick and chicken out, LOL.

i am 3. i drop down after solid kicks but can get up to take more . how long do i last depends on girl that busts me if she s too hot like meangirls i would be 4  but if the girls are average im 3. + ofc it depends on power of the kicks if its soo hard to the right point (which is my right ball :)) i wouldnt last longer even she s super hot.

"too hot like meangirls"

Can you explain this part of your post, please?

I alternate between 2 and 3. I can take a series of medium-level shots, but a single, strong kick will either bring me to my knees permanently, or at least for a couple minutes before I get up, at which point almost anything will finish me off.

I think I'm around a 3 most of the time, but with the right set-up I get closer to 4 or even 5. I've found that at least for me, the more turned on I am, the more I can take in terms of force or how long, and I have quite a high pain tolerance already.

I happen to agree with Ms. Mallory, that with the proper lady, it's about taking as many kicks as she wants. As such, I don't think I would change my number; in my case, it is a balance between being more physically resistant to pain and discomfort than most, and just forcing through it on willpower.

I've been teaching martial arts and women's self defence since I was 17, i'm 62 now. I'm a 5 for sure. I must've taken 1,000s of ball striks over the years and mostly while not wearing a cup. My students named me the 'man of steel'. Been in 2 last man standing contests and won both. I believe my balls have hardened over the years. I'd like to be a 10!

I am curious, do you feel any of the traditional pain and discomfort, or it is nothing at all?  If you were a 10, what would be the point of getting kicked in the balls? Does the act alone do it for you?  I am not being judgemental, I am truly curious.

Really depends on the circumstance. I've gotten better with time - when I was younger I was like a two, today I'm like a 4. It also really depends on the girl - most girls can kick me 'full force' (or what they think to be full force) and I'll be okay, albeit in pain. There are some girls (e.g. soccer players) that will be able to drop me on a whim.



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