Hey everyone, I had a very interesting conversation with friends the other night. The topic of fetishes came up. I ended up telling them that I had a certain fetish without spilling the beans completely. But it got me to thinking of other's experiences with coming clean.

Have any of you had these conversations with friends?

In my case, a part of me really wanted to tell these friends just to hear what the female had to say about it. Truth be told I've fantasized about her, pretty much like every other damn girl on the planet, partaking in such festivities. The male friend was a different story as I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable sharing my "darkest" sexual secret with him.

So how have your convos gone? Are you able to discuss it in a casual nature? Do you wish you could?

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For a long time only my lovers new but about a year and a half ago I decided to tell my roommates and then later most of the rest of my friends. I have only received positive things from everyone. It’s great with my roommates because now the topics gets brought up on a daily basis. From asking if I got my balls busted or some ball joke. Also I tend to get a lot of questions from it and I just love talking about it. I was mainly nervous about telling other guys about it thinking they would freak out and think I’m crazy but only the opposite has happened. So I encourage everyone to share with their friends.

I started I think by telling people that I was kinky or tell them that I am going to the Citadel. Then when asked, “what’s that?” Say, “a kink club.” Then I will get into telling them about my ballbusting fetish. I would always feel weird telling someone off the bat but once I did it was easy after that. Even my best friend and his wife just found out a couple months ago and his wife was like that’s so cool and said she is kind of a top and now wants to go to a kink club with my girl and I. Lol and they were like you have been into this forever and we never knew?!

I have, with two close friends, one male and one female. Their responses were pretty casual. The female one is a lesbian and would be willing to bust me, limited to kicks, but I still haven't taken her up on the offer yet. Since I'm into both F/M and M/M busting, it'd be cool if the male friend who is straight was willing to bust me as well, but I doubt he would. But yeah, they're both pretty neutral on it.

I only told them because I trusted them 100% and we talk about weird stuff all the time.

I've told my closer friends, usually they find it amusing.  I tend to be very, very casual about very, very uncomfortable and serious stuff, so it wasn't that big of a step for me.

I have several fetishes, and some are more known by my friends than others. Pretty much all my friends know about my foot fetish, since it's the most "normal" fetish, so to them it's not weird; my female friends aren't weirded out, or they don't worry about me perving on them-- one of them explained it that just because she knows most dudes like tits or ass doesn't mean she'll never wear short shorts or anything that shows cleavage, so me having a foot fetish didn't mean that she suddenly will stop wearing sandals when I'm around.

My actual femdom fetish is only known to a handful-- that would be my gf's fault, because she got drunk one night with her friends and spilled the beans about my love of facesitting and domination.

My bb fetish is the one I keep most secret. For the longest time the only one who knew was my gf, and maybe my sister (though she's never brought it up and I'm definitely not going to be the one to bring it up and confirm if she knows or not). Then just a couple years ago, I told a female friend about it while we were talking about domination fetishes. When I mentioned I liked being dominated by my gf and she asked what she does to me, I told her about the foot worship and facesitting, then I just vaguely said "Also, sometimes she kicks me in... places." Her reaction to that pretty much confirmed that she knew exactly what I meant.

My best friend (a gal) knows about this yeah.  We've pretty much shared everything in our lives at this point.  Somehow something fetish related came up and she goes "Hey, some guys like being hit between the legs." to which I commented "Yeah.  I know.  I'm one of them."  We chatted about it a bit from there and it didn't phase her at all.  I mentioned potentially meeting someone for it this summer and her comment was "Just remember: Trust, Safeword, and Aftercare."  It really doesn't come up much but we both laugh a little when it does.

Smoo, it's cool that your friend is so accepting of your bb fetish. She doesn't judge, and also doesn't overestimate the risk and freak out like, "OMG don't you know that you'll die from that."

I've told one male friend--I was pretty embarrassed, but he managed to cajole it out of me. 

I've never told any of my female friends.  However, my most recent ex is roommates with a good female friend of mine, and I suspect she's told by now.  I suppose I'd be a bit embarrassed about it.

Now that I think about it, my ex from a number of years ago has a good friend who is pretty hot and into muay thai, and I really wish that the ex has shared this information with her, but I don't think she has.

I have only told gfs except for one female friend. She was almost like a girlfriend though. We were very sexually active with each other, but always maintained that we would be just friends. After a few months she asked to be my gf and I refused, after that she stopped having sex with me, but we have been close friends ever since. I talk to her about my bb fetish sometimes, and she is the only one. She could never bring herself to do it, but she has told me a few times about kicking her boyfriend in the heat of a big fight.



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