ok, i'm kinda new here, so feel free to ask me anything!

By the way i DON'T do cuntbusting, so don't ask me about it!

Greetings :)

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Yes, exactly! But i don't feel aroused... Anyway yes, it's empowering, and it makes me feel superior! Oh, and it's also a good thing to relief stress!
Do you have any other fetishes besides ballbusting? What kind of hobbies do you enjoy?

Hmmm, no... Well, i also like to humiliate boys, but 'm not that kind of girl! So, no!

About my hobbies? Well, i play the piano but i suck :/ I think that i tried because I love music, if this is what you wanted to know!

Giulia Canciani said:

while i kick, i am fully clothed.

Also the guys that you have kicked, were always fully clothed or it happened that they were naked or lightly clothed?

how often u kick bro,is it always in playfight or u do it suddenly when he is not exepted for revenge or just fun and what hapened when u kick him?

u seems like very intelgent girl,in years i noticed that with "easy" girls u can have great bb session but only your kind of girl is real life ballbuster

Giulia Canciani said:

........ No, i (almost) never busted a guy if I was in a relationship with him. I don't like the idea. But besides this, i've kicked many males friends, but it wasn't reguarly done, and they were not willing to get the kick. I usually kick balls as a punishment for the boy, which is a great humiliation for him and amusing for me!........

So, couldn't you consider the possibility to play ballbusting for fun?
what do you think about him if a boy asks you to be kicked just for fun?

@ludo: They're usually fully clothed, but sometimes they're not: for instance, i've kicked boys that were wearing only their boxers shorts (usually for a bet) or when I kick a guy at the seaside he is not fully clothed obviously!


@Playfight: I usually kick him up to one time per week, but during some weeks i kick him more than one time, and during some other weeks i don't kick him at all! When i started to kick him, i kicked him everytime i could when he didn't expect it, so he was getting mad about that... But when he tried to react, well, i kicked him harder, so he eventually agreed to let me kick him when i want to, but he asked me not to kick him as hard as i used to do, in order to prevent his balls from rupturing! :) Ha ha, but he didn't know that I had already decided to stop kicking him hard, so i guess that he didn't get any advantages from this deal!


@ludo: ha ha, how would I react if a boy asks me to kick his balls for fun? If i know him (i mean, if he's not a stranger) I would kick him without any further discussion! After all, he asked for it!

How do you humiliate boys other than by busting their balls ?

Giulia Canciani said:

Hmmm, no... Well, i also like to humiliate boys, but 'm not that kind of girl! So, no!

About my hobbies? Well, i play the piano but i suck :/ I think that i tried because I love music, if this is what you wanted to know!

In which way you'd like kicking a guy in the balls:
in front of or from behind?
fully clothed, lightly clothed or naked?

If you had the possibility to manage the situation, how would you set it?

@BB goalie: I humiliate them because (sometimes) i ask them to kiss my shoes... So yeah, i think that kissing the shoe that kicked your balls must be a terrible humiliation


@Ludo: I prefer to stay in front of him, and i like that he is fully clothed (well, it's better if he's wearing light clothes of course). And if I could menage the situation, i'd love to kick him while looking directly at his eyes! ha ha, he must be scared :)

vedo che sei nuova del sito.. ma come ci sei arrivata?

mi piacerebbe scambiare due chiacchiere con te anche in privato se preferisci.

Mah, più per caso che per altro! Comunque non c'è problema :)



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