Hey guys, 
             So I'm lucky in that I've recently started BB with my gf. Long story short she recently kicked me pretty damn hard with a pair of clunky platforms (awesome) and I actually had like 4-5 seconds where I couldn't breathe at all then when I eventually did hit the ground the pain so was intense that all I could do was moan in a heap on the floor (again, awesome! lol). This was the first time I'd experience a kick that hard, does anyone else get this?

Also does anyone know the science behind it? I would imagine it's to do with the nerve endings in the testicles going up to the abdominal muscles, which then clench real hard and maybe pull your diaphragm down or something?

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I'm pretty sure it's just sensory overload.  You'd probably have the same reaction (though enjoy it less) if you were like shot in the leg or something.

Once my gf at the time bit my left testicle super hard, practically closed her teeth and was chewing on it "like food" (her words).  I could't breathe, all I could do was let out a high pitched squeal.  Also, same girl, stood on my testicles tied up on a book in her nike running shoes, she knelt down full weight the toe of each shoe on each ball.  I "finished" and could barely get out "stop... please stop" in whisper.

I have been kicked full-force dozens of times but I haven't experienced quite what you described.   But I would like to!  For you, did it happen from just one kick or did she kick you multiple times to build up and amplify the pain to get to that level?

For me, I find that lighter but faster hits (like a slap) have a little bit of that light-up-my-nervous system effect where I feel a little bit of that gasp, abdominal muscles contracting, hard-to-breathe sensation. 

But oddly it does not scale up.  When the force is increased, like a full-strength kick, the pain increases a lot but it feels somewhat different.  It's a sharper pain, concentrated mostly just in my balls, not spread around as much in my body.  The pain is strong but it doesn't seem to affect my breathing or my ability to stand up.

I would dearly love to be kicked like you were, so for a few moments I could not breathe or even stand up.  Talk about being totally overpowered by a woman... wow, it would be fantastic.  You must have loved it.  If the pain was that intense, did you love it while it was happening or just afterward?

I am not sure how to get there though since I've already gone full force.  Maybe just increasing the number of kicks could do it.

It did happen to me once or twice. Ached for days as well.

Well I can't say myself, but I can say That when I have kicked my husband hard enough, he starts sucking wind lol and his face turns red. If I kick him harder, he looks as if he is going to puke.
Luckily I've never had the nausea associated with a good kick to the balls. Yet... Lol
That sounds like exactly it! Lol take it from me, you got them good when he does this. Lefty hurt for like a day after lol

There's also a psychological component.

No matter how experienced a guy is with receiving ballbusting, no matter how mentally or physically prepared he thinks he is, the first kick a woman gives him in a session is always a shock.  Even if it's not that hard, the guy still feels surprised by how intense and violating it feels (in a good way), the wonderful boldness the woman is showing, and of course the pain and vulnerability he's suddenly feeling in his balls.

It's a sort of "Oh my god, she actually just kicked me in my balls!" -- it's breathtaking even if the guy was ready for it.  And right there that that exciting, shocked feeling is enough to make his mouth open like a letter "O", eyes go wide, and stop breathing for a moment.

And of course if it's a really good kick then his testicle pain will amplify this effect on a physical level.

Thanks for the input guys and gals, it was a fairly hard kick (nowhere near full force, but these were killer heels), and it was after a few medium kicks I was able to stay standing through, but they left my balls already extra sensitive!
It was definitely a physical response rather than psychological, I physically couldn't breathe, and even the moaning seemed completely involuntary! Lucky girls lol

Were you enjoying the experience during the pain and inability to breathe?  I mean was it a total rush, or was it more just pain and the enjoyment came later when you could recover and reflect a little?

How did your gf react when her kick affected you so powerfully?

I was somewhat enjoying at the time, but it was on reflection of the whole thing I felt the most turned on, definitely the hottest kick I've ever taken! She was very apologetic, she immediately sat down beside me to kind of rub my back while I was sucking floor lol
That's pretty much what it felt like lol it was awesome =p



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