Ask me anything and I will let you know my thoughts as a mature Ball Busting woman!!

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Yes, as it's a sexy sensation feeling a mans balls get sqhashed under my bare feet! And can see the face better too so know doing th e right thing! xx


That's a really lovely thought.  What a wonderful way of ballbusting.  I'm sure you're expert enough to know just how to hurt a pair of balls.  mmmmm.


By now I am xx

Now I know how to do it without squashing them flat it's fun!


do you prefer the guy be hard or soft when busting or does it matter to you?

I don't mind, but when he is hard at least his cock is out of the way and his balls are easier to kick!! My partner, John, always goes hard - what about you?

Hi Jackie,

Do you prefer BB to be lighter and last longer, or harder kicks that put your man down on his knees in less time?  Or do you enjoy both types and which one you choose depends on your mood?

Hello Tender Boy - and I can guess what is tender!!

John likes me to start slowly and build up to harder kicks or punches depending on our mood. I have shocked him on a very few occassions when I have kicked him slowly & gently a few times and then full force!! The last time I did that he was on the floor for quite sometime and I did get worried.

We enjoy both slow and gentle as well as quick and hard, but quick and hard can be very quick!


Yes you are right about which bits of mine are the tender ones!  :)

You said you were worried the last time you kicked John very hard and he was down for a while.  Aside from the understandable concern, what feelings and thoughts do you have when you kick his balls and he is down on his knees from it?  Do you feel powerful?  Sexy?  

How does he feel about it when you go hard like that?  He obviously feels the pain, but what does he tell you about it?

That's a hard question to answer!!

Most times it just happens as part of our foreplay together, but on occasions John will tell me that he feels he needs his balls kicked!! He knows when I am in the mood to kick his balls as we have a favorite pair of boots I wear to kick him where it hurts. They are quite soft & allow me to kick very gently & build up to a massive kick.

I hope that helps answer your very hard question.............

Do you enjoy busting younger guys?



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