Marina Glückskeks
  • Female
  • Germany
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  • UmaLoli
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Marina Glückskeks's Discussions

Workout dedicated to busting?

Started Mar 14, 2022 0 Replies

Do you warm up before sessions too? I do, to give people the best I can.And main question, in regular exercise, is it partially (or even fully) done because of  "this is to maintain  my busting…Continue

Workout dedicated to busting?

Started Mar 14, 2022 0 Replies

Do you warm up before sessions too? I do, to give people the best I can.And main question, in regular exercise, is it partially (or even fully) done because of  "this is to maintain  my busting…Continue

Workout dedicated to busting?

Started Mar 14, 2022 0 Replies

Do you warm up before sessions too? I do, to give people the best I can.And main question, in regular exercise, is it partially (or even fully) done because of  "this is to maintain  my busting…Continue

A misanthropic motivation

Started this discussion. Last reply by Petron Lason Mar 19, 2022. 7 Replies

Hey. Knowing me this is weird i know..lately i feel a nonsexual motivation wishing to cause actual harm. Every day im under akind of misanthropic pressure.  This is to be called a crisis for sureA…Continue


Marina Glückskeks's Page

Latest Activity

Sai commented on Marina Glückskeks's status
"Anger relive is hard kicks in soft areas  lowers aggressions and make you smile while reckless smashing fan jewels  all the problems drown in fun ;P hatte diesen Status bis jetzt wohl übersehen o.0"
Jul 5, 2022
Marina Glückskeks posted a status
"She got to be the most seductive buster ever"
Jun 15, 2022
Ryan moorehouse commented on Marina Glückskeks's photo
Apr 27, 2022
Bernd Balls replied to Marina Glückskeks's discussion Und woher kommt ihr und was macht ihr so?? in the group Germany
"Zum Glück zwingen klingt lustig, Du meinst nicht eher Unglück.... PS: Wenn Du gut in die goldene Mitte treffen kannst und treten, wie ein Pfohlen, brauchst Du keine Fellowbusterin..."
Apr 26, 2022
Bernd Balls commented on Marina Glückskeks's photo
Apr 26, 2022
Bernd Balls commented on Marina Glückskeks's photo


"I think Ding Dong..."
Apr 26, 2022
Marina Glückskeks posted a status
"Stronger than before and technically better than ever. Trefft mich - oder sterbt ohne meine heiligen Füße gespürt zu haben. :D"
Apr 25, 2022
Petron Lason replied to Marina Glückskeks's discussion A misanthropic motivation
"I'm sorry, but I don't agree with you :)"
Mar 19, 2022

Profile Information

**PLEASE NOTE: ONE-WORD ANSWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE PUT A LOT OF TIME INTO THIS WEBSITE, SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE COMPLETELY. THANKS!** What Country are you from? How many languages can you speak? We have members from all over the world here; if English is not your first language, use Google Translate on our homepage.
Germany. My languages are English, German and im fluent in Pain, which is pretty much a universal language.
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
By referral.
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
Discovered 2007, rather appalled
Interest sparked in 2009.
My first experience was early 2010. Heavenly drunk.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
The urge to wreak pain is the urge for delight. I have it daily. And if i ever manage to host certain parties, that renders me quite the Saviour, behold my Halo :D
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
Satisfying my sadistic hunger. Thers always a balance between "Why doesnt he take more" and "Why does he take so much"
Guys provoke me with this, im never satisfied, that tickles / triggers my sadistic anger. At one moment im very caring, like "no worry i wont go hard", next moment it overcomes me and i baffle / surprise myself that i go sadistically hard before i regain my self discipline. This is the "pulse" of sadistic greed. Its the inner demon i keep talking about..
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
The drop of course, im a flooring oriented type.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
Um... dont they always make funny, whiny noises :P HAHAHA. Yea but mainly boys asking for a break in a combination of astonishment, embarassment and painful regret after they overestimated what they could take asking for a full force kick, so like... you... and you.. and you over there.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
First one will forever be cherished ) I was drunk like a teen when we went into that park. I still associate that green Vodka with being a BB beverage.
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
back heel kick, barefoot gas-peddling, other

I'm the fruitiest. Try me!

This paranormal fruitcake (aka Marina the witch) levitates inside of the KITG snack vending machine in the center of the world famous KITG chat from where you can dispense it (alongside of our exclusive Cara-Mal bars which are back in stock now!)
The chance of your life, im even psychoactive and with added vitamines so come on!

An epic cake, containing "high caloric hilarity", sometimes hard to digest but DV approved me
so I suppose I'm quite safe to eat. NOW EAT ME ALREADY YOU SUCKER IM HORNY!

Me comes in the three epic flavors "Spicey spectral kicks", "Naughty Nutcracker knees", and "Super-Sadofruitic squeezes" and each costs just one republic credit. Every package comes with a free bumper sticker.

And if that still doesnt get you satisfied you get kicked in the ass, not the groin.

Hello fellow bakers and clairvoyant consuments of pain, welcome to my updated profile page :)

After advertising myself as a snack, time for personals. This cake got legs and such.
All i can tell is: Im not the cutest, not the strongest, not the moss relentless, not the X not the Y not the Z. Im just myself.

Got two actually three friends who i will introduce to BB in the coming months, but dont ask me about Miss-Taken, Vybe and Lady Deathstrike yet. Before they prove to join my side, who cares about them.

There is no way to salvation and these three that comes not through the pain I wreak.
You little masofruits. Masochists are sexiest, don't you agree? :)

Im 179cm tall, shoe size 42, weight "Pizza influenced", I like many things but my most faves are effeminate masochist boys, masculine girls girls (hell yeah O_o), asian girls, cheeseburgers, cuddling and ducks.

Yours fruitfully,

Meenah Blitzcake

I love masofruits. Our guys are the sexiest, don't you agree? :)

Yours fruitfully,

Meenah Blitzcake

Yours fruitfully,

Meenah Blitzcake

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Marina Glückskeks's Blog


Posted on August 12, 2020 at 5:24pm 1 Comment

My sunburn still plagues me, more in the face though, the one at my feet is gone. I picked a Sony Bloggie Cam for 20 in Ebay and thought im well equipped or sake i picked that tiny cam up. Because the large Cam is out of play for the most banal reason in the universe Oo

Fun thing how i bragged to Nic about the 400min Lithium Ion Accupack and how it lasts forever, turned it on, 237min left... but the accu had been neglected too long and suddenly it went down to empty. And i cant…


She who drank the night

Posted on August 4, 2020 at 7:30pm 1 Comment

The boredom you feel others call depression

But you are used to so much more

You are not impressed, just bored

Just bored and lonely, that I am

Im Neris, i drank the night

Im Neris, I drink the night

Im Neris, I'll drink the night on

Until the night is me.

And they beckon better times would come

Claim its beautiful to imagine a bright horizon

But everything is empty and bland

Extinguish that tale of a light

Because i…


Galaczee Psyderial & Anathema Aeternum

Posted on July 22, 2020 at 5:30pm 0 Comments

Psyderfire!! Rapid repeat :D


In dieser Geschichte benutzte ich einfach FIguren aus meinen zahlreichen anderen Geschichten, ein Crossover of sorts. Es ist hauptsächlich Dialog, der auf detaillierte Beschreibungen der Umgebung verzichet. Malt sie euch selbst aus. Der Junge in der Geschichte ist das Objekt der Begierde, und es mag verwirrend sein, er wird sowohl in dritter Person abgehandelt als auch als mit "du".  Weil ich ihm beim Schreiben gern nahe…


Comment Wall (19 comments)

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At 3:33pm on May 6, 2023, Piece Chalief said…

Hello Marina...Yes, you too can have your own cheesehead hat.    (re: your comment on Knave's "GO PACK"

At 3:52pm on November 10, 2021, NatWest said…

Still gorgeous.

At 8:08pm on June 24, 2013, Marina said…
Hi, suche Girl(s), für Ballbustingparty mit meinem Bustee, im Bereich Ruhrpott!
At 5:46pm on March 19, 2013, Miguel Tavares said…

Miss our chats. When will we open the Pandora's box again? xP

At 10:50pm on April 20, 2012, Tender Boy said…

Marina, your blog posts are wonderful!  They are very personable and full of delightful details.  You are a great writer.  Please continue sharing with us!  Thanks.

At 11:13pm on June 23, 2011, Mallory {The Boss} said…
Lovely new avatar Marrriiinnnaaa :)
At 8:51am on February 21, 2011, Smoo said…
Been great chatting with ya lately.  Just thought I'd officially say Hello there!  I'd write more but I'm in the middle of cooking up some roast duck while bashing Star Wars  :-P   See ya!  *runs away*
At 1:00pm on February 7, 2011, kim Detorres said…
 Marina, ice bin kim ! I love your stories about bb.!!
At 3:26pm on January 12, 2011, Jared said…
Fun questions on the survey and it was well thought out.  I really had to look deep inside myself on a couple of them to know how to answer.
At 7:12pm on November 12, 2010, dhim said…
thanks for watching my vid!


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