• 35, Male
  • Marshall, TX
  • United States
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Bren Kim commented on KDB's video
Jun 3, 2022
KDB replied to Emma Cook's discussion Interview with Emma
"Did you ever accidentally turn up the heat too soon and put him down in an embarrassing way for him"
Feb 3, 2022
KDB replied to Lil Suzy's discussion Lil Suzie's ballbusting interview
"Have you ever kicked a guy as hard as you could? Does it still feel amusing when you bust the guys that did not want to be busted? Were those self defense busts, the hardest busts you referenced? Does a self defense bust still give amusement and…"
Jan 12, 2022
KDB replied to Melinda the Ball Breaker's discussion Melinda the BallBreaker Interveiw Part II
"Hahaha this comment made my girl and I laugh. She likes your page and she looks up to you. Thank you for the dm about bb advice. We had a lot of fun. Thank you"
Jan 12, 2022
KDB replied to Emma Cook's discussion Interview with Emma
"Have you ever had to bust a guy in a real life fight? or self-defense situation? If so please explain. If you had to do it to defend yourself would you go with a kick or a knee if either  had a shot? Also how hard would you hit your shot in a…"
Jan 9, 2022
KDB replied to Emma Cook's discussion Interview with Emma
"On a 1-100 scale how hard did you bust him this time and the other time that was the hardest?"
Dec 29, 2021
KDB replied to Emma Cook's discussion Interview with Emma
"Ha e you ever busted a guy during sex while riding him in reverse cowgirl. It seems like a rather easy access position for busting him right as he is about to climax. "
Dec 27, 2021
KDB replied to Emma Cook's discussion Interview with Emma
"Olay that actually makes alot of sense. what is a medium hit for one guy could be way past another guy's limits and have him crying in the fetal position."
Dec 27, 2021
KDB replied to Emma Cook's discussion Interview with Emma
"What's your advice for a girl that wants to try Bob asking a guy with a hard knee for the first time? She has done it lightly, do you ha e any advice on how to knee when she really wants to make it count and drop the man immediately. He is…"
Dec 17, 2021
KDB replied to Emma Cook's discussion Interview with Emma
"Have you ever busted a guy with a hard knee in public? Or in front of friends? Have you ever invited another girlfriend over to try busting for the first time? Ever taught another girl how to properly knee a man or kick a man?"
Dec 12, 2021
KDB replied to Emma Cook's discussion Interview with Emma
"How soon did you bust him after meeting him? Was the first one a surprise bust to test his reaction and see if he was into it? Or was it a planned bust with communication before hand?"
Dec 12, 2021
KDB replied to Emma Cook's discussion Interview with Emma
"Did you ever make one of them cum from one hard surprise knee? Do you notice they are more sensitive if you knee them by surprise when they aren't expecting it at all. If so how much more of an effect does it ha e on them. Do you enjoy shocking…"
Dec 8, 2021
KDB replied to Emma Cook's discussion Interview with Emma
"Did he start crying from that kick? How long was he down for? How did he act after it? Was he shy to ask for the next session, or was he nervous about it after that? Did you laugh at him?"
Dec 5, 2021
KDB replied to Weak dude's discussion 7 things every women should know about ballbusting!
"You sound like alot of fun. The teasing and fake swings that never connect can be the most nerve wracking as you embarrass us about our complete vulnerability. "
Sep 23, 2021
KDB replied to Weak dude's discussion 7 things every women should know about ballbusting!
"Honestly from personal experience instead of comforting me when a girl laughs or makes fun of me that's the best part of the experience and adds to the emotional hit. It feels as dominating as her dropping me with a knee."
Sep 23, 2021

Profile Information

**PLEASE NOTE: ONE-WORD ANSWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE PUT A LOT OF TIME INTO THIS WEBSITE, SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE COMPLETELY. THANKS!** What Country are you from? How many languages can you speak? We have members from all over the world here; if English is not your first language, use Google Translate on our homepage.
USA, English is my only language.
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
Looking for mixed wrestling videos to show my friend that it is 100% natural for a girl to knee a guy between the legs during a wrestling match.
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
A friend I was sleeping with at the time did this one time. it was with the hardest knee she had ever hit me with.I was wrestling her for the remote she laid on her back and lift remote up above her head when I climbed on top POP!!! Ooooohhh.... I immediately curled up and started crying. She slapped her knee up really quick and I was in a ball crying like a baby for 5-10 min she said I bet you don't do that again. Her knee hit so hard it made me prematurely ejaculate alright when it popped up between my legs... I felt the slap of her knee and I was pumping out a premature cumshot in my shorts... She noticed too and never let me live that down... She nicknamed my spot my "easybutton", the last two times we have wrestle she has surprised me by popping her knee up ending the match in what she knows is a deeply embarrassing moment for me... She gets a power strip being able to embarrass me how she can end a wrestling match in 5-15 seconds while gigggling the whole time.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
My girlfriend and my ex-roommate have both busted me several times. One of my friends need me in a wrestling match, she said it was accidentally but she kneed me really hard and I cried for 5+ mins. I get the urge often but a hard knee it's past my limit and makes me cry bad, make me only do it 2x a week maybe..
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
As soon as her hard knee connects in between my legs immediately start to prematurely ejaculate from how hard her knee popped me down there. It happens suddenly and it's uncontrollable it doesn't stop until I have been emptied. My friend thinks this is hilarious she even did it in front of her best friend one time to show off and embarass me.
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
I love the breathtaking agony that overwhelms me so intensely I prematurely ejaculate in my shorts or across the girls thighs if we are fooling around in the bedroom naked. My favorite part is when she quietly and sweetly starts giggling at what she has done to me and lights up blushing with an ear to ear grin.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
All three girls have made me curl up in a little ball and scream and cry when kneed. Roommate make me cry like a baby for a while.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
I was talking smack to my friend before a wrestling match, making fun and taunted her about being short... (I didn't have to get her good and riled up that way I knew I would get hit with an a hard knee) Ha little petite woman why can't you do...hmmm?... You are so small so it will be easy to win at wrestling with you...POP!!! Ooooohhh!!! No!!! Ooooh! Noooo, fuck not so hard...nooo!!! What has she done? My thoughts racing as I hollered loudly crying hard. My knees hit he floor curling up in a little ball, with tears streaming down my face crying as I start prematurely ejaculatimg in my gym shorts. How does that feel does it feel like a little short girl kneed you??? Huh baby does it feel like a small woman did it???? How's that little dick phelan feeling??? she knew it would make me come prematurely because it did when she hit me there wrestling for the remote. Still she purposely did it in front of her self-defense class when she had just reached down and patted me gently o the front of my shorts
checking me for a cup, giggling alot. saying,"Uh oh, somebody isn't wearing a cup..."smiling ear to ear gigggling and blushing. Baby please don't do that to me not now, please baby not in front of your friends, please... You know that makes me have accidents, baby please....she said, "Ooooohhh, what's wrong is someone nervous... huh baby is a big grown man nervous to embarrass himself.... Oooooohhh I think he is... I think your scared you'll bust off in your shorts.....Hmmmmm, maybe, just mabye you are about to dearly regret making fun of me.., the match started and she pulled me down on top of her when we landed on her back I climbed on to pin her she grabbed me by the shoulders and flicked her knee up so hard... Ooooohhh I was crying so quick, Her knee Slapped so fucking hard... She starts to laugh... Ooooohhh,d to me jumping into a little ball Crying out as tears pouring down my cheeks.... oh fuck, I know you wish you wouldn't have made fun of me in front of the class now...giggling now don't you?"she gasped gigggling and snickering as she tried to hold her snickering in as I was crying badly within seconds... She kneels patting me softly on the back. Awww baby, poor guy, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kneed you that hard I was frustrated at you for embarassing me... I'm sorry baby I just realized how hard I kneed you, fuck, fuck I'm sorry baby. that has to be so embarassing!
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
barefoot kick, quick hard knee, knee hard & hold, quick hard thigh, thigh hard & hold, quick punch hard, flick with fingers

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At 4:37pm on August 4, 2020, April Castro said…


At 12:43am on August 2, 2020, April Castro said…

You are welcome. Unfortunately, I do not have much time for social media these days.

At 2:44pm on July 17, 2020, April Castro said…

I am pleased, to have been of any assistance. Do not hesitate to contact me, if you have other questions, relating to testicular health / injury. In the interest of full disclosure; I am not  a genuine aficionado of so-called ballbusting. That is, I prefer to view / read about fictional blows to the testicles. Generally, in the context of dealing with men with 'wandering hands' or that, in some other way physically abuse women.

At 12:35am on July 17, 2020, April Castro said…

Yes, you 'may ask'.<chuckle>  "Is it he hunches over a little, or he in on the floor in a ball afterwards?" Ideally, neither is the case. The point of a modest knee or squeeze is discretion. The goal is to correct inappropriate behaviour, without making a 'scene'. Also, to avoid causing someone injury or subjecting him to public ridicule. Despite the (imho) false impression given by the overwhelming preponderance of masochists / sadists in this forum, most men regard a public strike to the testicles as an horrid humiliation.

As to the rest of your message, I am a woman. As such, I feel ill equipped (pun intended!) to advise you. As a paramedic (and wife), I should advise against what, the girl you mentioned wants. It is quite difficult to deliberately rupture a testicle. However it is very easy to damage the 'little fellows' accidentally. The only real counsel, I feel qualified to offer is; NEVER EVER. let someone kick or knee you when, he or she is angry! I could prattle on and on about why not. Suffice it to say, you would (likely) dearly regret it. You are welcome re; my time.(smile)

At 12:04am on July 17, 2020, April Castro said…

The answers to your questions vary. In response to your first query, the answer is yes. The answer to your second question is; depends. No two individuals use the exact same amount of force to deliver a blow. Also, no two persons have the exact same pain tolerance level. Whether a testicle will rupture (as a result of a blow) or not, is dependent on how much force it is compelled to absorb. Also, many people have a misunderstanding of what constitutes a ruptured testis. Testicle rupture is any tear in the testicular tunica vaginalis. This is the leather-like coating that holds the thousands of tubules in place that, makeup the interior of a testis. Small tears can be repaired, large ones can not. The answer to your fhird query is; yes. A blow to the testicles can cause scar tissue to form on the inside of the testicle(s) Over time, enough of this scar tissue can cause the testes to be less effective. This often manifests as sterility.

At 1:35am on July 15, 2020, April Castro said…

Thank you.(smile)

At 1:34am on July 15, 2020, April Castro said…

Once again, thank you. I do not rupture someone's testes with every strike. Example; if someone has 'wandering hands' and I have cautioned him once or twice (to no avail), I will... depending on circumstances render a modest squeeze or knee to the lad's testicles. The only time I 'don't hold back and' (seem to) 'rupture them every time.' is in a life or death struggle. My reasoning is simple; a severe enough blow to the male gonads can be fatal. I do not 'know' killing, I have no wish to.

At 1:19am on July 15, 2020, April Castro said…

Thank you. Yes, I only strike testes when, there is extreme jeopardy.  However, it is not (necessarily) my intent to bring about testicular rupture. It kind of just happens.

At 2:22am on July 14, 2020, April Castro said…

If you are making reference to what is mentioned on my profile, there were two separate incidents. So, there are two lads who, finished up with ruptured testes..

At 12:34pm on July 1, 2020, BallbustingStacy said…

Thanks duuuude. I try to post on here but all my pics are still awaiting approval. Who approves these fukn things? 



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