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Elizabeth's Discussions

Interview with Elizabeth, Take 2

Started this discussion. Last reply by Elizabeth Oct 22, 2019. 85 Replies

Hey everyone!So I know I posted an interview here a while ago, but things have changed a bit since the last interview, with new people and myself having changed as well. AMA, and I'll answer if I think it is ok. If something goes too far, then I…Continue

New Profile Pic In Full Size

Started this discussion. Last reply by Elizabeth Apr 22, 2019. 32 Replies


Interview With Elizabeth

Started this discussion. Last reply by Allen Witts Sep 10, 2019. 185 Replies

This will be the first time I posted anything here, so be nice please!Ask me anything, and I will decide if I will answer or not on a case by case basis.:DContinue


Elizabeth's Page

Latest Activity

Elizabeth commented on Jane Tanskii's photo

Angry bullseye!

"Definitely a much different audience than the people I spar with. We are located in a locale that is definitely a more upper class populace, and the attendants reflect that as well. The "meeting violence with violence" is something that I…"
Sep 11, 2023
Elizabeth commented on Jane Tanskii's photo

Angry bullseye!

"Having a cell phone is great and important, but there are a lot of places where the cell reception is not good or even nonexistent in some places.For the girls that dislodge or dislocate the cup on males, if the women aren't good at protecting…"
Sep 8, 2023
Elizabeth commented on Jane Tanskii's photo

Angry bullseye!

"Our violent crime rate is not that low. But the main thing reason for that is because of a low population here, so percentage-wise, it makes that really high compared to what actually is. The real danger is from all of the driving on the rural roads…"
Sep 7, 2023
Elizabeth commented on Jane Tanskii's photo

Angry bullseye!

"I don't live somewhere with the same level of crime as you live, by the sound of it. That is something that I am really glad about, though I also understand that it isn't somewhere that everyone can live as well. The police are able to…"
Sep 6, 2023
Elizabeth commented on Jane Tanskii's photo

Angry bullseye!

"I'm sorry to hear that you've been through all that. I can't say that I can imagine what that must've been like, since I have never experienced anything like that before. The place I attend has female instructors, and the male…"
Sep 1, 2023
Elizabeth replied to Sav V's discussion Just thought i would share my bdsmtest.org results! Would love to see everyone else’s if you’ve taken the test!
"Grading on a curve, with the highest equivalent to 100%, the brat tamer goes up to 83%. Really shouldn't be surprising though, don't you think?"
Sep 1, 2023
Elizabeth commented on Jane Tanskii's photo

Angry bullseye!

"1. How come that prerequisite is only enforced for males? It only takes one kick to an unprotected pair of folds to potentially result in certainly very painful, and potentially long term, consequences. There are a decent amount of first time…"
Aug 31, 2023
Elizabeth commented on Jane Tanskii's photo

Angry bullseye!

"Groin strikes are a part of kick heavy martial arts like taekwondo, so anytime people are actually going to be doing contact sparring training, we require that the males and females wear a cup before starting, but I've been to places where only…"
Aug 31, 2023
Elizabeth commented on Jane Tanskii's photo

Angry bullseye!

"Yeah, it only seems to keep things from hitting the testicles directly, but inertia and momentum are still a thing so the impact can still make the cup itself slam into the parts they are supposed to protect. The stronger the impact, the more that…"
Aug 30, 2023
Elizabeth commented on Jane Tanskii's photo

Angry bullseye!

"As someone who is experienced with busting guys who have a "ball protector" on,  I'll be the first to say that the protection they provide is not absolute."
Aug 30, 2023
Elizabeth replied to Sav V's discussion Just thought i would share my bdsmtest.org results! Would love to see everyone else’s if you’ve taken the test!
Aug 30, 2023
Winkin left a comment for Elizabeth
"Great profile"
Mar 16, 2023
Ben replied to Elizabeth's discussion Way of the Bust in the group Martial Artists
"Did the guys wear cups?"
Jul 19, 2022
Karate_Aaron commented on Elizabeth's group Martial Artists
"Has anyone seen the latest season of Cobra Kai yet?  If so, there is a great scene in Episode 7:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pvE-pSTphY ; :-)"
Jan 5, 2022
Elizabeth replied to Jack Port's discussion Tamakeri-Do in the group Martial Artists
"Which martial art did you practice, and how long have you been sparring before your first bust?"
Jun 18, 2021
Elizabeth replied to Jack Port's discussion Tamakeri-Do in the group Martial Artists
"I am guessing the friends also practiced a martial art too, so they have that control over their kicks."
Jun 18, 2021

Profile Information

**PLEASE NOTE: ONE-WORD ANSWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE PUT A LOT OF TIME INTO THIS WEBSITE, SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE COMPLETELY. THANKS!** What Country are you from? How many languages can you speak? We have members from all over the world here; if English is not your first language, use Google Translate on our homepage.
United States of America. Two languages.
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
Found out on CBAforums. Wanted to see more CB material.
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
For over a decade. First was introduced to bb, then eventually discovered cb on my own, which then became my preferred busting.

It was an long time ago, in a martial arts studio. Me and girl were about to do some full contact sparring, so we started to put on our gear. I looked over at her when I heard the sound of Velcro ripping. She was pushing a female groin protector onto the outside of her gi, having stepped into one side already. She did the waistband on it when I asked her why she wore it, to which she said it made her feel safer. By then, we had already put on our shin and arm guards. I asked her if she thought it would hurt to get hit there, and she said no. I asked her why she put it on if it didn't hurt, and she said it made her feel safer, although less comfortable. We left it at that as we finished putting our stuff on.

By the time we were about to spar each other, we had already went against a couple other people. She dropped down a bit, spreading her legs a bit while pulling her pants down near her crotch, before we bowed at each other. The front flap covered most of the peach pad, but there was still some of the white vinyl visible underneath the white cotton.

The bust came several kicks later. She was quite flexible, so she went for a high roundhouse kick for my head. She kept her arms close to her body, so there was nothing protecting her womanhood besides a piece of foam held onto her by elastic and Velcro. I went for my basic counter, a quick dodge back, and a fast roundhouse with my back leg at chest level. The impact didn't have the hardness of hitting the chestgear, but it was still an impact to something. I quickly planted my feet again when I see her falling to her knees, both hands grabbing her covered groin. She was sobbing as she curled up into a writhing ball. Eventually, she had recovered enough to stand somewhat with my help. I helped her to the side, where I helped take off her gear, including the foam female groin protector. After that was off, her hands went straight back to her bruised mound.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
I have busted many boys and girls repeatedly. Individual boys about 70-80, and individual girls 50-60. In total, my legs have delivered thousands of busts to boys and girls.

I have been busted more times than I'd like to have been. At least 200-300 times over the years.

I get the urge to bust almost daily, while I don't like to be busted at all.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
Aroused, funny, wanting more/again. Accidental sometimes. Accidentally on purpose a lot more. No formal buddy, but random pairing between dozens of boys and girls younger and older twice a week, two hours each guaranteed.
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
Everything is my favorite part. If they are wearing a groin protector designed for them, its even better, as their protection has failed then, and they are grabbing themselves through their gear. For guys, wearing their protection also means I don't have to be as careful and can kick there harder.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
Yes, multiple times. The girl would always have a higher and tighter voice than usual, and would groan and moan. On the harder hits, they would lose breath and cry. Some would shiver and shake on the floor depending on the hit. Have seen cases of puking, but not passing out yet.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
Sparring practice. The girl I was sparring wore a martial arts groin protecter made for females on the outside of her uniform. We both kicked full power with opposite legs at the same time; her leg went up to the torso, while my leg went straight into the other's protected crotch. There was a loud slap/impact sound as a shinguard was propelled into the foam of the girl's groin guard, although the impact seemed very soft to me compared to other ones. She let out a cry as she fell to the ground, hands clutching her womanhood through the apparently useless guard. She rolled around for a bit until she was finally able to stand up. I help her take of her gear, as she was done for the day. Turns out, it was sore until the next day when she woke up again.
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
sneaker kick, boot kick, heavy shoe kick, barefoot kick, back heel kick, wheel-barrel kick, barefoot stomp, footwear stomp, footwear gas-peddling, barefoot gas-peddling, barefoot v-stomp, footwear v-stomp, shin kick, quick hard knee, knee hard & hold, quick hard thigh, thigh hard & hold, quick punch hard, flick with fingers, throwing something, other

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At 7:06am on March 16, 2023, Winkin said…

Great profile

At 9:41pm on December 29, 2018, CBsister said…

Hey I accepted your friend request, did you recognise me from CBA?

At 4:29am on November 6, 2018, Phoenix Rising said…

Miss you bestie

At 1:33am on September 20, 2018, Phoenix Rising said…

Nice chatting with you KITG bestie



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