Marg and Bob were heading home after the session that night after making a stops. Marg had to run into the pharmacy but Bob stayed in the car not wanting to walk more than necessary.
She had a pep to her walk in store thinking about how much fun it had been seeing her husband getting kicked, kneed and grabbed by his balls by her self defense class mates. The faces, the noises, the manly yet pathetic grunts while curled up on the mats – it all added to her amusement at the situation. It wasn’t what she had expected but now she couldn’t be more happy it had.
As the got home she helped him out of the car and into the house. Every step seemed to cause him discomfort and she still couldn’t believe that three women in their 50s could do this to a grown man, especially when she had gone easy on him. Neither could Bob, it was starting to dawn on him that these weren’t exactly pro athletes that had done this to him, just regular women who didn’t even seem to be in particularly good shape. His whole life he had assumed he was stronger than women but this made him reconsider. All this pain and humiliation and all while he had been wearing a protective cup for most of it. Something else was happening too, it turned him on a bit. Despite the ache in his balls he was getting a bit hard just thinking of it. It had been decades since a woman other than his wife touched him, but deep down he knew that wasn’t it. There was something about the control and dominance they showed over him that excited him sexually. However, he wasn’t ready to admit this yet.
Knowing what he had been through and knowing it was to make her happy, Marg was extra nice to him that evening, she sat him on the couch, got him a beer, and made sure to check in every hour or so. Her mind was still racing however, and she knew she wanted to do it all again. She knew bringing it up was going to be a challenge so she would have to pick her moment.
At around 11 that night Bob got himself up and went to bed. He was surprised to see his loving wife already in bed dressed in a night gown he hadn’t seen her wear in some time. ‘What’s this?’ he asked ‘Just wanted to show you how much I appreciated what you did for me tonight’ she replied ‘I know you’re probably a bit upset and I want to make it up to you’. She then proceeded to do just that hoping he would forget about what a raw deal he had gotten earlier that night.
Afterward they were laying in bed pillow talking and he seemed quite relaxed. ‘This is my moment’ she thought to herself. ‘I must confess, I didn’t know how tonight was going to go but there was something about it that turned me on’. He looked at her sternly. ‘What turned you on about it?’ he asked. ‘Well.. seeing you there holding yourself while me and the girls watched you squirm on the mats just made me feel so powerful’ adding ‘it’s hard to explain but knowing I could do that to you or any male made me even more attracted to you. And knowing you had let it happen because I asked just makes it that much more satisfying’. ‘Wow’ he said, he always knew she was his soul mate but this took things to an even higher level. Marg looked worried however as she didn’t know if that response was good or bad ‘Go on hun’ she said. ‘I’ll confess as well…I didn’t like being hit but there’s something that I liked about it too.’ He said looking into his wife’s eyes ‘it’s all I’ve been able to think about’. Her jaw dropped, she never thought he would actually like getting hit in the testicles, after all what man would? ‘Doesn’t it hurt’ she asked making sure she understood. ‘Yes, very much. But afterwards I find it thrilling in a way I can’t even believe.’ he responded. ‘Wow’ she said taking a moment to take it in ‘well we can always go back next week?’ she said half joking half hoping he would. ‘You know what I’ll give it another shot. I don’t know if this can be weekly but I’m pretty curious now.’ There was a long pause where they both stayed looking at each other, neither could believe after all these years they were discovering for the first time they shared this little kink.
As the next week’s class came Bob and Marg showed up holding hands as they had the week prior. This time when they entered the class it was immediately obvious that it would be different this week. Bob was the only man to return. Secondly the instructor had drawn some illustrations of the male anatomy on a white board at the front of the room. The board seemed to show the male anatomy with arrows pointing towards the underside of the testes. Bob gulped as he realized this class would be more of the same from last week with an emphasis on the most effective and painful ways to drop any male in his tracks. He had worn his cup again this week but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be asked to remove it again…he’d just have to wait and see.
The instructor looked over at them as the entered with a wry smile that seemed to show a mix of relief that at least one male was present, as well as enjoyment at the look of fear on Bob’s face. ‘Welcome back!’ she said smugly ‘it seems we have one very brave solider from our session last week.’ Bob tried his best to be a good sport about it, even though his heart was pounding with both fear and stage fright as all the women were clearly giving him the up and down.
‘I think we can begin now’ the instructor said clasping her hands together. ‘So, in my 30 years of martial arts and self defense training I have yet to find a more effective and easy way to drop a man than a shot to the groin. However, this is not fool-proof. Testicles can be difficult to hit dead on, which is what you’ll need to do if you’re ever in a life or death situation. That said – this week will be all about perfecting our technique. I have drawn on the whiteboard the angle and location to hit for the most impactful strike.’ She looked over at Bob and Marg gesturing for Bob to come to the front.
‘Please remove your jeans as well as any protective device you brought, you won’t be needing it today’ Bob looked at her stunned and his face said as much.
The instructor looked at him impatiently and added ‘don’t give me that look, you knew what this class was after last week’ she was right but he never thought he would be asked to strip down to his underwear in front of them. ‘Can I at least have some privacy to undergrads?’ he asked hoping she would show some compassion. ‘You can if you wish but trust me when I say there won’t be anything to hide after today’s class’ she said with a snicker. He realized it was a bit too late to back out and decided to just go with it.
As he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans one of the women gave him a whistle from the back of the class, it was his wife which gave the class its first big laugh of the class. He dropped his jeans revealing his protective cup. ‘That too’ the instructor said as if he’d forgotten. He was extremely nervous and embarrassed as he didn’t anticipate having to do this and had worn a paid of white briefs underneath thinking they would help hold everything in place under the cup. He now realized all these women were about to see a very revealing outline of everything because of that decision. As he peeled off the cup you could clearly see the outline of his balls with a nub in between, the embarrassment of the situation had caused him to shrivel up a bit which was bad news for him considering he wasn’t a very well endowed man to begin with.
He looked up at the class of all women and saw how much they were enjoying this. They were not hiding their smiles and had their eyes locked on his crotch. His face went red with embarrassment.
The instructor began ‘As you can see on the board I have drawn an arrow pointing to the bottom part of the testes, this is the most sensitive part and also is not protected by anything handing in front’ she looked down at Bob ‘or not’ she added which gave the class their second big laugh. He couldn’t believe she said that, this woman truly had no compassion for him and what he was feeling, as he would soon learn for certain all too well.
‘When we strike it is important to swing underneath and come up with the fist, hand, knee, or foot. This will both hit the most sensitive part but also push his balls into the pelvis creating an even more devastating effect on a guy.’ She pulled Bob sideways to face her ‘if you are using a fist do not punch downward as that may be less impactful’ she demonstrated by slowly moving he first into his groin from above, touching his penis first and pushing his balls downward. She really didn’t care about the wide eyed expression on his face. ‘Instead we want to get low’ as she crouched ‘and punch his balls from the bottom and up into his pelvis’ as she demonstrated with a closed fist pushing his balls up his penis handing over the edge of he hand ‘You see that?’ she remarked pointing to the head of his dick ‘that means he has absolutely no protection from the strike’. The women watched intently as she did the same thing with a slow knee and very slow kick. They were not fast enough to cause any physical pain but Bob was almost in a state of shock at how humiliating this all was. However that was nothing yet.
‘Most guys arnt just going to let you do this however so the set up is very important. So now I’m going to do a couple of live scenarios. Please grab me by the shoulders’ she asked him. Bob did as he was told but very softly. ‘No I want you to grab me as if you were trying g to mug me’ Bob tightened his grip a bit even though he knew this wouldn’t end well. ‘OK so what I’m going to do is instead of pulling away, he’s already given me his hands so I’ll lock his arms like this by grabbing them’ as she did this twisting her arms around his ‘I also want to widen his stance so I’m going to try to move to the side erratically’ As she did this Bob couldn’t let go with the arm lock and had to pull his feet apart to stay standing. His back was to the class now. ‘Now I want to set him up so pull away and then launch your foot into his groin’. As she did this Bob realized his balls had been positioned by the instructor to be extremely visible to the class, she pulled back and launched her foot at about 25% speed into his testicles. She got them right underneath however and it made him stand on his tip toes. She held he foot there while talking ‘You see how he has nowhere to go? I could give him as many kicks as a want and he’d just have to take it.’ She lowered her foot down and released Bob from his predicament.
‘Next thing I want to show you is a grab. This is better for very tight quarters where a man is grabbing you from behind or in front.’ Just gestured Bob to grab her which he did ‘So again this is where technique is everything. Do not simply grab at the general area, reach far underneath and try to get your fingers behind his balls, then scoop them up as you pull forwards’ she did this with remarkable efficiency as she grabbed both balls in her strong hand and lifted them away from his body. Again Bob had no choice but to stand on his toes as she held him there. Again she held the position for emphasis. ‘You see what I have here in my hand’ as she jiggled his balls around ‘this is power, this is owning the situation, this is control. He’s not going anywhere unless I say so. A man will do anything to get out of it even when your not squeezing them as hard as you can. Isn’t that right?’ she said to him as he nodded vigorously. That caused the third big laugh of the night. ‘Bark like a dog’ she said to further prove the point. Bob didn’t want to as at least before he was helping, this was just purely to humiliate and decided to give a look as if to say don’t do this. But as he was giving her this look he learned how little she cared about what he felt. Instead of letting it go she started squeezing, and in that moment Bob learned what ‘by the balls’ really meant. It meant he literally had to do anything she said, and she said bark so he did.
‘Ruff’ he said meekly. ‘Louder!’ she yelled putting a bit more pressure on his nuts. ‘RUFF’ he said loudly this time. ‘Good boy’ she condescendingly and released his balls, but not before giving them two loving little light taps with her hand.
The women were in shock. They had never seen a grown man so at the mercy of a woman. Clearly this was about more than just self defense, there was an element of superiority, of making males regret being born with testicles if they dared step out of line.
‘To close today’s class. Each of you will do to him what I just did. Grab him and make him do whatever you please. If you grab a man right, he belongs to you. Now form a line and we’ll go one by one.
If Bob thought that was humiliating he hadn’t seen anything yet. The women relished the opportunity to do this to a guy and came up with some creative phrases for him to say while they held his little nuggets hostage.
By the end of the class all 15 women had made intimate contact with Bob and made him say some truly humiliating sentences. Bob’s own wife had made him say ‘please squeeze my little balls’ which she did upon his ‘request’. Any notion of guilt had left her and she now felt like he was her possession. After all he had balls and she knew how to use them.
When they left class that day they both realized that this was the beginning of a new chapter in their relationship. One were she said ‘jump’ and he said ‘how high?’.

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