I have experienced so many opportunities that could have ended in a ballbusting situation, if I had dared to steer it the right way, that I think it is worth a story thread to tell the alternative endings. Probably many of you are in a similar situation...

Here is how it works:

The first part of each story must be a true event, written in Italics. The point from where it is fictional is written in standard letters.

Also, everybody can make suggestions for more alternative endings. Let's try...

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While still at highschool I knew a younger girl, who was quite pert and sexy, with oriental background, always wore skirts and liked to threaten boys with kicking them in the groin (though I never saw her actually do it). One day I sat opposite her in a bus, surrounded by several other girls, and had some fun dialogue, bantering with her. As I had hoped, at some cheeky remark of me she eventually said her sentence "I will kick you somewhere." To provoke her, I answered: "Do it if you dare". As I was sitting slightly spread (as cool boys did) and had my hands in front of my groin, she demanded: "Take away you hands then."

I took away my hands, acting as if I wouldn't believe she would actually do it, but secretely hoping she would. She hesitated, saying "I will do it." I continued my plan and just shrugged. Now she couldn't withdraw in front of all the others and stomped straight between my legs. She didn't pull her leg back instantly but just left it there with some pressure and watched my reaction. While the pain built up I found myself wondering if that could actually have been her first ballbust, too. Probably not quite the first, but she seemed quite excited about it, too. The other girls partly gasped and partly giggled or both.

I tried to enjoy my success while at the same time staying cool, but of course I couldn't help myself and groaned adequately, while my counterpart grinned broadly. She asked: "Enough, or do you want another one?" Some part of me kept a cool head and decided to motivate her for the future, and so I said: "Wow, you're so cool. If you think I have deserved it, you can do it anytime." She looked a bit surprised but at the same time proud and empowered and just answered: "I will, don't worry." while slowly drawing her leg back and grinning the rest of the trip. I also heard one of the other girls say to another one: "I want to do this, too." But that's another story.

lovely ! 
known some girls like that too.
Could you describe more what she physically looked like?

And I have had a pretty similar IRL bust too.

Later, still at highschool, I had my first girlfriend. She was quite average, actually, but pretty, curly, smiling a lot and had some nice C cups. After a while I had cautiously told her about my fetish, though still hesitant. She was not really into it, but obviously found some fascination about it and played along somewhat to do me a favour. Sometimes, when she wanted me to do something which I didn‘t like, she used to say: „or else… krrk“, and the „krrk“ was accompanied by her hand turned palm upwards, slowly closing as if crushing my balls. I loved that. About real ballbusting she always said that she wouldn‘t want to hurt me, but maybe when we split up one day, she would do it. Eventually, after almost two years, the day came, and we finished our relationship in mutual agreement. She was at my home, and I knew we would be alone for the next three hours at least.

„So…“ I started, „there is one thing left. You always said, you could well imagine to really kick me in the balls, if we are not together anymore. And I also feel, this would fit very well to ending a relationship, don‘t you think?“

She smiled and answered: „I already wondered if you would ask for it. Actually, I had hoped you would. It‘s still a strange idea, but you made me think about it so many times, that I really want to try it. Maybe I will enjoy it as much as you always said, and after all… now I don‘t need to worry anymore that your balls might go, you know… krrk.“ At that, she made the crushing gesture with her hand again and smiled. I looked at her, as if expecting her to say more. „So how do you want it?“ I started thinking rapidly. What would be my preferred fantasy for this unique opportunity?

„Hmm“, I mused, „I think it should be intensive enough to be a good remembrance. And you should tie me up, so I can‘t back down, but you alone decide when I have had enough. The details I would leave to you, so I know it is how you enjoy it the most. „Ok“, she said, „where I can I tie you up?“ I answered: „In the basement, the pillars of the staircase are perfect for tying my hands and feet. I have one rope and some belts.“ She asked: „And maybe something to gag you? I don‘t want you to scream, and neither do I want to argue with you about how strong or how many kicks it shall be. I just want you to take it like a man.“ I swallowed, but fetched two pieces of cloth I used as scarf or bandana, one to stuff into my mouth, the other one to fix it.

So we went downstairs. Fortunately, it was summer and not very cold, because my girlfriend, ex-girlfried that is, ordered me to undress. I obeyed, of course. Then she tied my wrists to pillars as far apart as possible. Next, she stood in front of me and looked me up and down, smiling at my boner. Slowly she moved her hand to my balls, grabbed them and squeezed. Easy at first, but then harder until she heard a first groan and my eyes widened. „Spread your legs“, she said. Reluctantly, because my body wanted the opposite, I did as I was told. Then she let go of my balls and tied my ankles where they were. Now I was in place. Unnecessarily, probably out of some mischief, she pushed back my foreskin, making me even hornier, but leaving it at that. „A little warm-up“ she smiled, stepped back, took her aim and kicked me lightly right in the balls. „Oum“ I made through the gag. It was not too hard, and I was excited, because these were, to my knowledge, her first real kicks lke that. She continued for about six or seven kicks. „Now kneeing“, she continued and kneed me several times. After hitting my pelvis a few times, she readjusted her angle carefully and almost always hit my balls straight after that, so I was already quite bruised.

Finally she played some more with my balls, took them in a firm grip, smiled broadly and said: „OK, I have made up my mind. You have asked me to kick you in the balls for so long. You wanted me to be excited about it. You found it so exciting when I threatened to „krrk“ your balls. And you have deflowered me.“ She laughed: „You can also say, you have popped my cherry. So, in exchange I will pop your balls. That is actually what excites me most. The idea that after you have had me, I will make sure that you won‘t have any other one.“ My eyes bulged. Was she serious? But due to the gag I could not object, of course. I could twist, but there was no chance to get my balls free from her grip. „After all, that will be a full castration at no charge. Are you happy?“ But she did not really expect an answer.

„You will be the first man I castrate. I have no experience, but I thought if I kick and knee your balls long enough, they will become so soft eventually, that I can crush them with my hands.“ She giggled. „So the „krrk“ will come true, after all. Let‘s start with 100 kicks for the first.“ And she started. Now she kicked harder than before and counted. Every ten kicks I got a short break while she felt for my balls. After 20 kicks there was no trace left of a boner, anymore. When she realized that she slapped my limp dick and said satisfied: „the first effect already“. When she tested my balls after 70 kicks, she said: „They are starting to soften. Feeling a bit like mozzarella“ she grinned. My balls were hurting so much and continuously now that I could not really feel any differences anymore. After 100 kicks she felt again and said: „Mmh, we are on a good way, but they still need more softening. Maybe another 50 knees.“ So she did. I had given up and just let it happen. I could not focus anymore and just thought „I am getting castrated by my ex-girlfried, because I wanted it“, if I thought anything at all.

Finally she said „one hundred and fifty“ and again slammed her knee in my testicles. Then she grabbed them, one in each hand and said happily: „That‘s it. Now they are ready. Like overripe cherry tomatoes, maybe, quite soft and mushy. Are you ready, too?“ She looked at me. As I did not answer (I was still gagged) she said: „Come on, you don‘t want to miss out your castration. Stay focused.“ I even agreed somehow and looked at her. She smiled: „That‘s a good boy – still a boy, but not very long anymore. Ready? Three, Two, One…“ And then she squeezed really hard. I could not feel details, I just felt the pain. Her muscles strained, her hands seemed to close somehow, and finally my ballsack slipped between her fingers. „I did it.“ she jubilated. „Your balls are just a pulp now. You are castrated. How do you feel? Was it what you had hoped for?“ My head was spinning. What had just happened here? Somehow my fantasy had come true, but somehow not. She took the gag from my mouth and asked me again: „Are you happy?“

At this point I started to cry: „I did not want to get castrated…“ and so on. She listened to that some time and then suddenly started laughing uncontrollably. While I stared at her, not understanding, she said: „Come on, I did not castrate you, it was just a prank. Your balls are still there.“ As if to assure herself she grabbed them again and said: „Maybe they are indeed a bit mushy, but still two round orbs“. I had still tears in my eyes: „But, but, it hurt so much. I really thought…“ But she just shrugged: „Don‘t be such a baby. It can‘t have hurt so much. I did not even kick full force. But you wanted a good remembrance, that‘s what you said. And you were right: it was a lot of fun, after all“. There she smiled again. Only when I had calmed down and was finally convinced that my manhood was still intact, she released me of my bonds. When we parted we said that maybe we could meet again for more ballbusting. But none of us took the initiative, and I must say, I had enough for quite some time.

In the first years of university I lived in a flat for five students in a mixed group of two male and three female students. On one I really had a crush, but was never successful. She looked somehow like a modern and prettier version of da Vinci‘s Mona Lisa, had very long brown hair and a sportive figure with remarkable boobs. Unfortunately, she preferred me as a nice friend. One day, when we went to the beach, she wanted to change and told me to turn around. Since I really fancied her, and I knew that she knew it, I pertly answered: „Why should I?“. Much to my surprise, she just grinned and changed her T-Shirt against Bikini top right in front of my eyes. Sadly, that was the only time I got to see her boobs. It was almost a bit of tease-and-denial, though I did not know that term by then. At another opportunity I talked with her about some rape that had happened near the university, and about what should be done to such assholes. During that conversation she actually said: „Castration would be perfect.“ Some time later she was quite down, because a notorious womanizer who studied the same as I did, had scored with her at some party, had sex with her for several days, and not really surprisinlgly dumped her soon. Obviously she had expected that it would be something more serious with her – but it wasn‘t for him. Being her good friend and flatmate I was the one to listen to her grief during many wine-soaked evenings.

„Men are all pigs“ she said gloomily. „Sometimes I really hate them all.“

„I can understand that,“ I replied honestly. „I just want to have sex with you, too.“

She smiled a bit: „Yes and no. You are different. Really nice, actually. It‘s just…“

She trailed off, but I knew what she wanted to say. I am nice, but not sexy. The bad boys are sexy. But maybe here was at least a chance to get something else I was dreaming of...

„I wonder…“ I mused, „would it make you feel better to kick someone in the balls? I mean, like substitutionally for all men, just showing him that being male doesn‘t always mean to be on the winning side?“

She looked into some distance and seemed to think about it. I knew that she also had some feminist streak and always bemoaned our patriarchic society.

She said: „It would be cool if women could kick men in the balls whenever they need it. Maybe that would make it a better world.“

I asked: „Have you ever done it? Kicked someone in the balls, I mean?“ She looked a bit angry and answered: „No. Because from the time I knew hot it worked, girls were always told that we must not do it under no circumstances. Now that I think about it, I wonder why this is. Some of my classmates did it anyway, but I never had the opportunity somehow.“

I was excited. The conversation was going the right way. „Would you like to do it now?“ I asked carefully. She did not even think about it. „Yes, right now I would love to kick someone in the balls many, many times. But you can‘t just walk around and kick someone, can you?“

I shrugged. „Why not? I mean, you are right, but imagine that there are males that also think that women should have the right to do that when they feel like it. Not all males want to be alphas. Some are just nice and maybe want to be mastered by females. And aren‘t you actually a woman who would like to take the lead?“

She smiled and took another long sip of the red wine we were drinking. Since she rather considered me a beta male anyway, the conclusion was at hand. „And you are such a man?“

„Yes!“ I answered. „It would be my pleasure to serve and be controlled by you. And if what you need right now is letting off steam by kicking my balls, I am at your disposal.“

Her smile became broader. „Let‘s go to my room“, she said. I could not believe my luck.

„Undress“, she said while looking at me. Maybe she was still testing my resolve. So I showed it by undressing immediately. As I stood naked before her I wondered if she was serious or was just going to laugh about me. But then she asked: „Do you think you can stand it, or shouldn‘t I better tie you up, so you don‘t move around?“ I was surprised. She was obviously considering seriously how it could work. „Well“, I hesitated, because I didn‘t know myself yet, „probably you should better tie me up.“ She had some metal construction at her window, that looked strong enough to restrain me, and the roller shutters were closed already. So we collected four of her belts and tied up my wrists and ankles. It went so fast: 10 minutes ago I was not really expecting it, and now I was about to have my balls kicked by a girl I adored. Hopefully she knew what she was doing, but I told myself that it was not my place to question her. She could do to my balls whatever she wished, but still…

She looked at me and seemed satisfied. Of course I had a really hard boner now, but that did not seem to surprise her at all. Saying nothing she turned to her wardrobe and started to change. I watched as best as I could, but this time she did not bother to tease me but showed me her back and I could only use my imagination when she removed her bra. As she turned back to me, she was wearing sexy party outfit: a tank top with no bra, a mini skirt, biker boots (much to my distress) and her long hair open. „Now, man (she emphasized that word), how much can you take?“ I was scared from her boots and probably had big eyes: „Well, maybe… 50 kicks? Would that make you feel better?“ Instead of answering she asked: „And how much more to see my boobs while I kick you?“

I had not expected that, but my boner throbbed at the prospect to see them again, even all the time, probably bobbing up and down by her kicking movements. I smiled: „Wow, that would… I mean… 100 in that case.“

Her angry reply got me by surprise even more: „You pig. Men are all the same. You would do anything just to see a girl naked. On the other hand, only 50 extra kicks for these boobs? Do you want to insult me? I will tell you something: for this insolence you will get 200 kicks and no boobs. Maybe after that I will show them to you, if you are still interested. Now shut up and take it like a pig.“

And with that her first kick slammed right into my nuts. I gasped. Hadn‘t she said, she had never kicked someone before? At least she was not reluctant. The next one hammered in. She always left a break to watch my reaction (I had the feeling that was what she enjoyed most) and let me catch my breath, just to land the next one. I lost count pretty quickly, and I don‘t think that she actually counted. These boots were really hard, so it was almost a relief when she kneed me for a change. I must have passed out once in a while, because then she made a longer break, sat on her sofa with a glass of wine and just watched me. But only after – I have no idea, perhaps two hours? - she said: „I think that‘s enough for tonight. And you were right – I feel much better now. What is probably not true about you, limp-dick.“ She laughed and slapped my very limp dick. „Here, take a look“. With that she lifted her top and exposed her wonderful, admirable boobs. I tried to focus, but my eyes were still foggy. „Too late“ she said and covered her boobs again. Maybe caused by this ultra-short stimulating moment another heavy pain shot through my groin. My flatmate was already loosening the bonds, after which I immediately collapsed to the floor. „Now out with you, before I start it all over,“ she ordered. I got up as best as I could, collected my clothes and stumbled out nakedly. Luckily no one else was at home to see me like this. „Wait,“ she said. I turned around, expectantly. „Thanks for your help“ she smiled and gave me a kiss. „That was really good and will certainly not remain the last time.“ I felt happy and scared at the same time as I slowly limped to my room to cradle my bruised nuts.



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