Hello there.  I have a close friend who's also a bb-er and she was curious how much men will pay for BB?  Now, she's not a professional Dom or anything, just a casual enjoyer, but genuinely does enjoy it as I can personally attest.

So, for say 45-55 min, what would people here be willing to pay?  I have no idea what kinda rates are even "standard" if there is such a thing so she asked if I could post here.

Love to hear any feedback!

Thank you and Happy New Year!

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Since no one has offered any answers here, I will try. It's going to depend on a lot factors. For some people, $50 is a lot of money to spend on something like this, for others, $500 is a drop in the bucket.  It will depend on how badly they want it compared to how much money they have to spend. I hate to say it, but how attractive is she? That might come into play as well.  Attractiveness can be an important component to some.  I have seen Pro's charge $300 for 30 minutes, and I have seen "regular" girls get $100 for an hour.  I once got kicked in the balls by two college girls for the price of a couple of mixed drinks... There is no standard.  The real answer is she sets the price, and then sees what takers there are. This is a narrow fetish, there won't be tons of guys, but there will be some. Just be safe about it.

Hi Smoo, I doubt there are "standard union rates" as though the DGA (Directors Guild of America) rules would apply... 😁

It will depend so much on the context. Is She a professional Domme who travels internationally to meet clients? In such a situation, rates will be high to cover the cost of travel, hotel stays and of BDSM venues. On the other end of the spectrum: girls who BB someone they already know and partly for their own amusement, but also to earn something, they will ask way less!

My own experience, in Europe: I once had a date with two Dutch college girls who were on a weekend trip in a fancy hotel. They required me to cover the cost of their hotel stay + dinner + the nightclub we went to, but I did not pay any hourly rate. All together it cost me about 550,- euro and we had several hours of intense busting but no sex.

Another time I met an American lady in her forties, who happened to be traveling via Amsterdam. She actually did require an hourly rate of $200 USD and I didn't cover anything else about her stay.

For the indicated 45 - 55 min I would guess the equivalent of $150 to $200 USD might be considered 'normal'.

I hope your friend will have a lot of fun. Cheers!

Out of curiosity, how did you get in touch with the Dutch girls?  And what does "intense busting" mean to you?

I typically pay $50-$200.

Totally depends on what she's willing to do.



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