All characters in the present day are 26, and 19 in the flashback.
Melanie lay awake in bed, kept awake from the snoring of her man, and the last of the party goers heading home through the darkened streets outside her window. She turned to look at him, deeply asleep. What was it with men and being unable to stay awake for long after... her mind trailed off, remembering the number of times she had made him cum not so long before. She smiled as he shifted in his sleep; none of the men she had been with had been barely able to truly keep up with the voracity of her sexual appetites.
As she laid there naked, she opened up her phone to find four missed calls and a message from her college sweetheart, Cole.
Hey Melanie.. Happy new year! It's been awhile.. congratulations on the new job! I saw your post but forgot to wish you.. you look so much happier from when we last met. Or maybe I'm drunk, and it's new years day, and I just wanted to hear your voice again. Among all the selfish men, telling you this when I'm in all likelihood the last person you want to hear from. But I would be lying if I told you that I never stopped thinking you, and all the things I did that made you have to leave me. I'm sorry again for this. goodnight.
She sighed. She never had the heart to tell him the truth, about why she abruptly ended things with him when it had seemed like their love was reignited. It would have broken him even more than he already was, she had felt. But it might have been the more merciful thing to do, sparing him a lifetime of never knowing. She was an ardent believer of love, but a healthy woman of her biological urges needed a man who could match it, and not be incapable of fulfilling all of her deep, aching appetites.
It pained her deeply to keep the true reason for their breakup from him, but he probably knew it himself but was unable to accept it until she said it. Picking up a paper towel and reaching down to her unshaven womanhood to wipe down the residual discharge from her earlier fornication, she thought back to the events of their past.
Seven years ago
Melanie rushed over to see the commotion, pushing her way through the crowd to see what was going on. She had heard that there was some kind of fight, that her ex-boyfriend Cole had pushed the new girl Vicky, or something. Upon spotting Vicky in the middle of the crowd, Melanie noticed a fierce glare in her eyes, radiating a malice commonly found in young women like them.
Apparently, Cole had said she was "triggered again, like a typical woman", after he had made a disparaging comment about her body arguing. He had criticized her physical appearance again, particularly the size of her breasts, which was something she was very self-conscious about. Her small breasts had always made her feel like she was less of a woman, and now she wanted to make him feel less of a man. She was now fixated on unleashing all of her vengefulness in the most heartless way possible on the poor guy in front of her, completely unwitting of what Vicky was thinking of. She had been bullied harshly for it by the girls she grew up with, and what Cole just said was the final straw for her. Melanie wanted to step in, but decided to see how things would unfold.
Vicky was a good looking girl, but she had a nasty temper, as many of her new classmates found out. Up until this moment, the most contact that Vicky has had with a guy was when her date put his hand on her waist at the dance, and on another occasion, when a guy stood closely behind her on the train as she was on the way home from the gym, prodding his genital against her butt. She was too scared to do anything then, but she was not going to let another man get away with pushing her around this time. She was not to be blamed after all, coming here from an all girls school before. While she was aware of the differences in the anatomy between her legs and his, she did not realise yet how much it would irreversibly hurt a male if she used this difference to her advantage.
His legs were far apart enough that she knew she could kick right upwards to get him where she wanted to, as she eyed her targets, moving forward. She imagined where his penis would be, and the approximate location of the two organs directly beneath them, as seen in Sex Ed classes she had attended before. While she had never interacted with the body of a man before, it was obvious to her that the two dangly oval shaped egg yolks below his sex organ looked easy to hurt.  All she could think of as she stared into his unconcerned, angelic eyes was the bullying and abuse she had been through, the sneers of those mean girls that made her life hell, as she prepared to take out all her ill feelings for those girls all right onto this unwitting male with all her might.
She really wanted this kick to hurt him badly, so he would suffer greatly, as she prepared to swing her toe upwards and right into the "V" in between his legs. She visualized his testicles as two juicy oysters hanging loosely below his penis, as she swung her leg up and swiftly drove her foot right up between his legs, making full contact with his balls. She could feel his balls even through her boot, as the unforgiving toe of her boot swiftly plunged into his soft, major organs. Her small foot continued crashing his two reproductive glands into his body until she hit something solid extremely hard, her boot cushioned by his utterly helpless, plump nads.
He didn't even see it coming. As her boot made contact with both of his testicles, he let out a loud moan. His large gonads desperately tried to escape her slim leg mercilessly delivering her tiny foot crashing into them, but failed to do so in time before she forced them against his pubic bone devastatingly. It was the most powerful kick she could muster, directly into the weakest area of his body. Despite her small frame, it was more than these two organs sitting on the outside of his body were able to withstand, and it was enough make any male with working testes crumple in pure agony.
Vicky couldn't help but grin, realizing that his testicles were larger than she had expected. They were closer to small eggs, than grapes, she thought. It would have been her first time feeling this powerful against a man, as she felt a tingling sensation between her legs. She had never felt this kind of arousal before, watching him suffer so much at her feet from one kick from a mere girl like her to these two silly little organs. A rush of blood flush through her now erect nipples, pushed up against her bra.
He didn't feel it at first, as he hunched slowly staring at her with a confused and pained look in his eyes, his hands flying to hold the part she had just kicked as he tried to blabber, his mouth struggling to put words together. Nerve endings that traveled throughout his body went into overdrive, as he stared at her desperately. His body was struggling to process the trauma she had just dealt to his groin, spoiling many delicate veins and blood vessels all the way up to the microscopic cells that gave him his male traits.
And then pain came on at full speed right after that, and he dropped to his knees, completely powerless against her now as Vicky burst out laughing over her womanly victory. "Bullseye!", she thought. The look on his face assured her that she had gotten him in his crown jewels perfectly. He laid down, squirming and rocking back and forth gasping for breath, because the pain was so great he could not stay up on his knees. She thought that it was funny, and that he looked like a worm. It kept getting worse with each second, and after 20 seconds it peaked, as his eyes begin watering. To Melanie it looked like he was going to pass out, but he did not, and just kept thrusting his hips back and forth in a bid to make the pain stop. The scornful Vicky just kept laughing, finding the pure expressions on his face and his actions quite cute. His stomach tensed up as he turned over, his hands still going below him. The pain was at a crescendo, and it was so incredible that he wished he didn't have testicles or that he would pass out just to make it stop.
Still pissed, Vicky leaned over, not even caring that he could see down the top of her shirt like this to ask the injured Cole:
"Aww, what's the matter? Does it hurt you when I do that? That's what they taught me where I'm from to do to guys who touch me without my consent!"
He glared up at her, and she noticed his face was bright red. He alternated between looking at the cleavage her smallish breasts formed, and the wicked look on her face. He was very angry at her, and all he wanted to do was to get up and punch this skinny, push-up bra wearing bitch in the face. But he was more concerned about the status of his testicles than anything else. What Vicky had not known was that he had a pair of extremely sensitive testicles, something that only Melanie found out when she gave him his first handjob.
He shifted again, moving from his position to curl up into the fetal position, as he made soft whimpering noises, which Vicky found really cute. He was really worried that this kick was going to cause him permanent damage, and he felt like he was going to lose a nut. He finally could not bear the pain any longer, and started weeping openly, to Vicky's amazement. She had been in two fights in her past with other girls, where she had kicked them in the groin to cause some pain, but she finally realized how effective those same kicks were on a male. And she hadn't even kicked him as hard as she did to those girls. She was vaguely aware that the organs she had kicked him in were responsible for not just producing his sperm, but also his sex hormones, and that what she did to him would probably directly affect the potency of his maleness.
Surely he would have been able to resist it. He's two years older than me! But then again, what do I know? All I know about his balls are the diagrams they showed me in Sex Ed. The teacher did tell us that boys were sensitive down there.. I guess it really works to protect myself by kicking that part huh?
She looked around at the amused faces of the girls standing around, and noticed Melanie looking very worried watching the felled man she used to fuck curled up on the ground at her feet. Melanie had convinced herself at first that Vicky had kicked him in his leg, or stomach, but had now accepted that it was his male sex organs that got kicked. Still on the ground, Cole laid in misery. His right testicle was aching as it would from getting kicked, but his left nut felt more painful than anything he ever felt before in his life. He tried to get up, pushing the wall for stability as he got dizzier getting up. He dropped to his knees again, fighting the nausea. It felt like he was bleeding internally, as the image of two eggs, with one cracked flashed in his mind.
The crowd had started to disperse as everyone went on their way, as Melanie ran to get the campus nurse. Vicky left him alone after about five minutes, laughing as she walked off. Cole laid there for another five minutes or so, still in pain, and very angry at Vicky. He was still gasping for breath, and sweat was pouring from his face.
The nurse found him eventually, breathing shakily and hunched over alone in the hallway, with the cold hearted Vicky nowhere to be found. She walked over and pulled him up, coaxing the poor guy to his feet.
She made him walk, and led him through her office as he couldn't help but stare at her voluptuous figure as he followed her into a private room with a hospital bed and some medical equipment.
"From the looks of it, she got you right in the love bag, huh?"
"Yeah, I got kicked by this girl..."
She smiled, lifting an eyebrow.
"Alright, I'll need you to take your pants off and put this on, so I can have a look at you."
He waited for her to leave, but she stood in front of him and put her hands on her hips impatiently. He was nervous about taking his clothes off, but he did anyway, as he took off his pants, and then his underwear gingerly, wincing in pain as he exposed his manhood to the cool air of the room. His left nut was hurting even more now, as she moved him to the bed and lifted the bottom part of the hospital gown to look at his testicles. "Now, I'm going to feel your testicles to see if there is anything unusual", she said, as she put a gloved hand under to rest his hairy, low hanging testicles on his thighs. She furrowed her brow, as everything was so swollen. He squeezed his eyes shut urgently as he felt her hands feel around the pouch of skin where his two eggs were. As her fingers held his left nut, tears started rolling from his squeezed shut eyes. While both of his testicles were still in incredible pain, his left nut was feeling worse of the two, and he was worried he was going to lose it. She observed the size of his cock, as she thought about what a waste it would be for the female population if this vicious girl had really neutered him.
She did some X-rays on his groin, and examined the x-rays of his testicles, taking notice of his left testicle, which had been the larger of the two, as she shook her head and frowned. From the x-ray, she determined that his left testicle had been ruptured. That girl's foot must have caught him the wrong way, she thought. It's completely pulped! How could she do that... It is so dangerous to kick a man in the breeding parts. At least his right testicle managed to slip out... She blew air out from her mouth and let out a sigh lightly, before covering her mouth and putting a gentle hand on his thigh, caressing it slowly as she thought of how she would inform him of it. She knew how precious these organs were to men, and that it would be devastating to him to lose one.
He looked at her confused and worried, as she regrettably informed him that he was going to lose his left testicle, and she would have to send him to the hospital for an operation to remove it. He broke down and started crying in front of her, as she gave him a moment to process things, her hand still rubbing his thigh in a comforting manner. He started to cry even harder when she did it, feeling angry at Vicky. She had really fucked his life up. The doctor assured him that he would still be a man, and able to get a woman pregnant, as she prepared him for the operation. She moved him onto a wheelchair, before wheeling him out to an ambulance. All the girls who witnessed him receiving Vicky's testicle killing kick looked out the window pointing at him, his teary eyed face still red as the nurse patted his back while an icepack rested on his groin.
Melanie visited him while he was in the hospital, knowing how much he was suffering from her knowledge of how fragile guys were in that area, and how badly this must have been hurting him. She promised to give him the most delicious blowjob of his life, once he felt better down there. If he could still enjoy a woman's touch, that is. She lifted up his gown while he was asleep once, to see what he looked like now that he was a few grams lighter. Melanie thought his sac looked pretty lopsided now without lefty, and his other nut had not yet returned to it's normal shape.
From all the handjobs she had given him before, and how he moaned when she would reach below often to play with his hairy, low hanging nuts, she knew just how delicate they were. She shuddered to imagine the effects the kick was going to have on him, and felt a deep sadness when he told her that he felt nothing even after she lifted her shirt, and unlatched her lacy bra to expose her C-cups to him while he laid in the hospital bed. She cried alone in her bed that night, thinking about him. Of all his body parts she could have attacked, why did she purposely aim for such a soft spot?
After a long break, he continued going back for lectures, but never participated in sports or looked at any of the pretty girls again. He was even shyer now that he had this injury. He felt angry at Vicky for almost making him into a eunuch, but he had been humbled so awfully that he could not do anything about it. That kick damaged his self esteem just as much as it did his virility. She had also fatally damaged his self-worth, reputation, and ability to function as a man all in a few seconds. While he was still hurting physically, he also felt emotionally hurt and undesirable. While he still had sexual urges for the first few weeks from residual male hormones, his testis was still very tender and he could not indulge the raunchy, eager Melanie. It struggled to produce enough to make him able to long for intimacy with her in the flesh the way she thirsted for him, to feel how much he wanted to taste her womanhood, his hands running all over her body like he used to, and his member throbbing inside her. By the time the tenderness had subsided, he just wasn't that interested in sex anymore. 
It didn't take long before the word got out that Vicky's kick caused Cole to lose a nut. She became extremely popular with the girls after that, and many of these girls were on the receiving end of being fucked over by the guys before. They hailed her as a hero for standing up to Cole, and nearly castrating him in the process. It didn't take them long to realize that they could hurt a male very badly by kicking him there, and some of these girls who had been bullied by him before too started using Vicky's special move to defend themselves from guys. Some of them even delivered unprovoked surprise kicks into the testes of boys that they didn't like. Over the years, many of the guys there would wind up getting their testes punted or kneed for offending a girl, and some even got it just because a girl didn't like them.

No muscles or social prestige could protect them from any girl wanting to cause them unimaginable pain, such as when a bookish girl ruthlessly plunged her foot into the balls of this jock for grabbing her butt, or when this popular girl kneed a loner for her own amusement. While no one ever kicked a guy as hard as Vicky, these pluckier girls got too enthusiastic and the males they injured were never able to fully heal, spending the rest of their lives with sharply reduced testicular volume and afterwards, deficiencies in their ability to function as a man.
The girls had taken videos of the incident, re-watching it at times. One of them even paused it at the moment Vicky's foot hit his balls, laughing at the face he made the when the pain sank in. "The exact moment that he lost his ball!", she captioned it to her friends, with a cracked egg emoji, as they laughed at the face he made the moment the pain really sank in as he started reacting to her ball destroying kick. "You almost turned him into a girl, Vicky!"
For a few weeks after he left the hospital, he was still having issues with his sex drive, and he would not even be able to get an erection, be attracted to her or have any lustful urges even when Melanie was completely naked laying in front of him with her legs spread open for him.
Vicky never felt guilty for what she did to him, but she eventually apologized to him for causing him to lose one of his testicles. While she had wanted to injure him in his private parts with her leg to teach him an extremely painful lesson, it had not been her intention to make him lose his left testis. She also felt bad because she had started to find him quite cute, while he was curled up on the ground gasping at her feet. She found the sounds he made while dealing with the pain from the bad injury she had given him in his critical parts quite sexy, and wanted to find other ways to make him moan again after that.
She would look at images of testicles in her medical books at times, about how males had two, and that if a male was left with only one he could still function sexually. She also read that because balls were not in a fixed position, trauma usually injures the larger one more.
Huh. Guess that's why he has two. Had two. Whatever. 
In her curiosity, she had tried seducing him, but because of the injury, he did not find himself attracted to the very pretty Vicky. Also, she had made him hurt so much that he was very insecure around her. But she sincerely apologized, and he softened his stance, as she leaned in to kiss him, her warm breath enveloping his tongue as her hand slowly slid down his pants until she felt what she was looking for. She explored his groin, running her hand past his thick sausage like appendage, until she found what she was looking for as her fingers pressed into a warm, meatier lump underneath it. She pulled his pants down, still passionately kissing him as he breathed heavily, pulling down the supportive sling wrapping his scrotum, no doubt because he was still badly hurt from the injury she caused. Her hand reached lower, under his fully exposed penis and testicle to gently cup his ball, hanging alone between his thighs. She found it comical that all it took to un-man him was to cripple these two small organs between his legs. As she explored his soft, warm sac deeply with her hand, it finally dawned on her how fragile and delicate this part of his body was.
It feels so squishy and vulnerable! I thought he was just a wimp that was too weak to take it, but I get it now...
He inhaled sharply as she continued playing with his sweetly sensitive testicle, as he took her hand away, before pushing her away gently in frustration, feeling ashamed at giving in to the urge to try to see if he could feel sexual urges again with Vicky. Out of all the girls who wanted him, he now had the tongue of the girl who deballed him in this mouth. She was not too surprised at his inability to be aroused by her touch of her hand and the taste of her tongue, as it made sense to her that if a boy's balls weren't working, he would not feel horny. She felt bad at first, watching the videos of her taunting him after the kick, imagining what he must have been going through. But her friends convinced her that she did not have to feel guilty, because he started it by laying hands on her in the first place.
Shortly after that, she posted a photo of herself in a bikini, talking about how she kicks boys in the nuts for touching her, as her friends congratulated her for her girl power. He felt a surge of arousal on seeing her barely clothed body, as his blood flowed to parts he had not touched since her kick killed his left testis. Before this, he had tried looking at all kinds of porn, from photos to videos of all kinds of different full figured women, but was unable to produce any arousal. However, the sight of Vicky's smooth, bare skin, her small breasts and the memory of the taste of her tongue in his mouth was irresistible and slowly awakening his genital arousal, to his confusion. His hands slowly began exploring his body again, as he played with his cock for the first time in ages. He gasped and moaned as he touched himself, and it felt incredibly good until he felt his empty sac and truly felt the physical void she had left in his life. He thought about her talking about kicking his nuts, as the painful memory replayed in his mind. Vicky's kick had damaged a lot more than his testicle, but also his masculine identity. He felt even more insecure and emasculated because of how perfect she looked, while he felt like he was not as much of a man as he was before her devastating kick to his gonads, and stopped touching himself.
He accepted her apology, but he would never forgive her. He felt shame and embarrassment every time he would look at himself in the mirror naked, or touch himself, or had sex, always remembering Vicky for deballing him. He never thought that pushing the skinny looking new girl would have led to him losing a part of his manhood and stripping him of his carnal desires. She would also think about him from time to time when she was making love, wondering if he could still be able to enjoy the pleasures she was feeling. Vicky also developed a fetish for testicles, and while she never kicked another guy as hard as she kicked Cole again, she would obsessively play with the balls attached to the men she would make love with, always remembering the cute boy that she kicked in the nads and sent to the hospital.
Because of how rumors had spread, lots of girls wanted to see what was between his legs, curious about his one nut. Also, the word had gotten out from Vicky about the size of his manhood, and many of them wanted to try it out first hand. Many a night he would hear a knock on his dorm door, to find a scantily clad woman in heat inviting herself in to hang out with him. He had many close encounters with these girls, making out and exploring their bodies, until it was his turn to remove his pants. He would back out then, because he never felt comfortable enough to let any of them touch him down there, insecure about his gonad. He would put his tee shirt back on, over his lean, muscled body, as the undressed woman before him would stare at him in disappointment.
Melanie despised Vicky upon seeing that post, for being so cold hearted after mercilessly kicking the poor guy in his testicles and causing him so much suffering. It made sense to her after reading his medical report after the operation, why he was in so much pain that he was completely floored, because his left testicle was ruptured. It infuriated her even more when she found out that Vicky had tried to seduce him, after semi-gelding him. Not only did that flat-chested slut almost unman him, she also tried to be the one to make him cum!
While his testicle struggled to produce enough to make him a fully functioning male again, it eventually healed enough for him to have a working sex drive, although it could not keep up with Melanie's deep, aching bodily appetites. Melanie realized that he was healing, when she put her hand on his thigh while they were kissing one day before moving it upwards, finding an erection. She took pride in being able to make him cum many times, but now it was enough for her to just to make his dick hard. She continued kissing him slowly and sensually, as she slid her knee between his legs cautiously, rising it upwards until it touched him between his legs, gently rubbing him through his shorts with her bare kneecap. She wanted to touch and kiss him below the waist naked, as she slid down his pants, the salty, pheromonal odor of his pre-cum informing her of his excitement. She brought her kisses lower and lower until she was face to face with his privates, staring at his engorged and fully erected male organ.
Beneath it, hung a lone testicle on his right side, and she put her lips on it, kissing it gently as he moaned with pleasure. She missed this more than he knew, the sounds he made when she pleasured him. It looked so lonely that she wanted to give it some love, as she continued to massage it tenderly with her soft lips and tongue as he gripped her shoulder tightly, moaning. He missed the feeling of her playing with both of his testis, but this was still enough to put him in a lustful trance .He reached his other hand down to hold one of her pendulous breasts, fondling the soft and warm melon as she let out a soft gasp over his middle leg, putting all of it into her mouth slowly, her supple lips gliding over his shaft sensually. She slurped on it passionately, her nimble tongue gliding and polishing over the most sensitive parts of his penis repeatedly, as he started to buck his hips, moaning and grabbing her head. She knew he would not be able to take it any longer, as she lusciously tasted the savory, flavorsome aroma of his maleness getting strong and stronger as his swimmers prepared to spurt down into her. She moaned with all of him still in her mouth, her passionate wails from her emotional fireworks showing him how much fun she was having.
She thought about how good he tasted, as she licked the metallic sweetness of his shaft voraciously, his toes curling while she gently played with his plump ball with her lithe fingers until she felt it loosen up in her hand, right before tightening against his body as his penis started to twitch in her mouth. She knew that his was his body signaling to her that he was about to release his DNA into the soft wetness of her mouth, as she increased the intensity of her oral caressing. Let's taste what you've got left in your sac. She looked up at him, staring into his eyes, baring his all, desperate to release his ejaculate into her. His stomach started tensing up as she watched his abs contract for the approaching orgasm, lifting his ball upwards in his scrotum as he let out a loud howl, squirting load after load of his pent up seminal fluids for her.
He slowly regained virility as time passed, but the frequency of his libido was too unstable to keep her satisfied sexually. She knew it was not his fault that his body could not do what it used to, but as much as she loved him it made her feel like she was not enough. She would feel inadequate as a woman during the times when he would not be interested in sex acts with her.
It had actually made him feel even worse than she did, to be with such a beautiful woman before him but unable to have the ravenous hunger for her body he once did. He would fake it at times, but she could tell that he was faking it when she was touching him, and she started feeling depressed for not being pretty enough. Melanie eventually made the decision to break up with him to spare both of them the pain.

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I dont write much to give my thoughts but we are grateful to have you as one of our most prolific and talented BB writers on this site ... love your work and would love to chat sometime about your process ... at any rate I love this description here among other things:

"She visualized his testicles as two juicy oysters hanging loosely below his penis, as she swung her leg up and swiftly drove her foot right up between his legs, making full contact with his balls. She could feel his balls even through her boot, as the unforgiving toe of her boot swiftly plunged into his soft, major organs. Her small foot continued crashing his reproductive glands into his body until she hit something solid extremely hard, her boot cushioned by his utterly helpless, plump nads."

🥹🥹 this means so much to me!!  It's a only hobby and I love doing it for you guys (and gals!)! But I was a lil worried that this story might be too heavy.. it has been marinating in the recesses of my mind for like, forever

"She lifted up his gown while he was asleep once, to see what he looked like now that he was a few grams lighter."

Ahh, you actually used it! 👀

Amazing, as usual! I can see how you thought it might be too heavy or brutal. The way you delve into the psychology of what a brutal kick to the nuts can do, from both male and female perspectives. It can be a sensitive topic (no pun intended) :)

Thank you for sharing with us.

I think about it a lot more than you would think ;D

I see this as my magnum opus, I'm glad you enjoyed it

Well, I am honored to have contributed in some small way to you Magnum Opus.

I just re-read it again and it's really wonderful, I never thought a ball busting story could feel melancholic!

Well, leave it to me to make smut piece melancholic :P always getting my sappiness into places it doesn't have to be

It's a few years since I visited this site, guess I've moved on from a lot of this stuff now. I revisited because I remembered how good Erica's stories were and I'm really glad I did. Your story writing is phenomenal, I've been absolutely hooked on your latest works.

Around the same time before this comment, I revisited as well to pen down some long time lurking fantasies hoping some of you would enjoy it. I'm happy you had fun with them! I was worried it would be too heavy or dark.. 

Honestly, I didn't find it too heavy or dark at all. I love the way you really get into the mind of the characters, it makes your stories so compelling. I don't visit the site often anymore but I will check in occasionally to see if you've added another masterpiece :) 



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