OK, a few things I've learned about Balls...

So I get alot of comments and questions about my experience with balls. Here's the top 10 strange things I've learned about balls through my experience. Read at your own risk.

1. A quick, sharp hit with my fist is basically almost as effective as a hard, deep knee.

2. A squeeze and a twist are effective, but both combined are almost deadly. (Except for guys with LONG sacks LOL)

3. A solid squeeze and hold give much more control over a guy than a punch.

4. When squeezing nuts hard, and one slips out of my grip, it apparently hurts ALOT. Which is weird, I thought it would feel like a relief.

5. Nuts get more sensitive the more you bust them. Which I guess makes sense when you think about it, but like why would I ever think about it lol!

6. If a guy gets a vasectomy, DO NOT bust him within the first week after the procedure. It can extend recovery by over a month. (story incoming later...)

6.1. After a vasectomy, a guys nuts are 100% weaker than they used to be for a solid three months. As a girl, I've got total control basically forever. His nuts are not near the strength they used to be.

7. Above all else, stepping on a nut hurts worse than any other form of torture. (This was learned by accident!)

8. If a guy offers to pay you to bust his nuts. Make sure to get the payment up front. Its hard to collect after he is in the hospital... a story for another time LOL.

9. Balls need recovery. Which makes sense, but make sure he is bonded down and then you/I can torture him on your own schedule.

10. Messaging a guys balls is a faster way to get him hard than massaging his sausage. I don't know why, but its true.

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Comment by D Rawk on December 13, 2023 at 5:14pm

I don't know how true these are but one thing I have noticed is that the fastest way to get my man hard is giving his balls some light slaps. Also I'm laughing at Foo Bars response because I seem to remember Moon is under 100 lbs and is able to make you blubber.

Comment by Donald Veracrow on December 12, 2023 at 9:46pm

5. Is wrong ime. Sometimes, during BB, after the first couple, I can start taking really hard, repeated kicks for a short period of time before I’m tapped out. Tbh I haven’t tapped out in a LOOONG time. I think now, tho, partially regrettably, the woman will get me to cum before I’ll tell them I can’t go anymore. Casual BB — no sex included — will always be my original mode.

the going home with blue balls part is the best.

Comment by Foo Bar on December 12, 2023 at 9:00pm

Number 1 is totally true.  Moon can put me on the floor with a knee or kick.  But she makes me blubber and beg like a bitch during "boxing practice".

Comment by Joe on December 9, 2023 at 4:07pm

It's very wonderful Tara.  Yeah squeezing is super brutal and the best.  I'm glad you like and the other techniques too.  It's really great.

Comment by giordy on December 3, 2023 at 11:39am

I can vouch for n.10

Comment by Tara J on December 3, 2023 at 3:43am

Well... I assume its all accurate? Let me know. I don't have balls so I'm assuming it tracks.

Comment by Tara J on December 3, 2023 at 2:39am

Wow, thanks for the support for those that PM'd me. Like seriously. Makes me feel so sexy. There will be a link for yo u soon!\

Comment by volcan51 on December 2, 2023 at 7:33pm

Science, lol.

If any the real interesting questions are

Can you make a random guy like even a bit bb?

How little you need to get control over a guy? do you need to grab them or a threat may work if he knows what you are capable of?

How hard is to bust balls on a casual day and get away with it?

But if any what you learned its really valuable on this surprisingly not so much researched topic


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