You have one hit to drop your busting buddy to the floor. Which method would you pick?

I found this question on reddit and I'm super curious to what ppl here would pick. All methods are open =)

For me I think a hard kick would send me to the ground.

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I love delivering knees. I like being close to him. It is a more intimate way of busting him. Easy to look into his eyes and love the feeling of his shoulder muscles tensing up as I swing my knee into his crotch. 

Ohhhh nice choice! I totally agree, it's intimate/hot af when a kiss turns into a knee. 

Yes! It is fun to tease with the promise of sex before busting him.

Oh totally. If you give a guy blue balls before a busting session the pain is like, 2-5x more in my experience, so that kinda adds to the whole effect.

I have observed this. I have noticed I get a great reaction to the bust out of him when we haven't had sex for a little while. 

For a long time Moon would only allow me to have sex with thoroughly busted balls. Thoroughly busted, like purple and a little swollen after being beaten to tears.  Of course I gladly paid the price...

Lately she's let me fuck a couple times (just a couple) "like a man" - on top and with my balls unbusted.  Mostly because I needed the emotional support, and she knows at this point I'm so completely her sub that she can indulge me a little.

And when she is beating my testicles - obviously she keeps me hard, teased, desperate, and begging the whole time.  

WOW! Moon sounds intense. I love it!! Busting your balls until they're purple and swollen sounds so hot. 

Moon visited over the holidays.  Mostly it was just playful.

But one day she gave me an angry ballbusting, after an argument in the morning.  Moon can be a serious ballbusting bitch when she's pissed off - she knows she's allowed to take out her anger on my nuts, and she doesn't hold back.  

So yeah, she beat my balls purple and swollen. Made me cry and beg like a little bitch.  And I am - she has completely emasculated me in our relationship.

Wow damn that's incredible. She's a keeper!

So true, it's such an intimate and sexy way for a woman to bust a man. So close up and personal, and he will never see the knee coming up = instant crush and crumple at the womans feet...;o)

Hard front kick with stilettos

Ouch. Those are brutal lol



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