So, What do you all (mostly dudettes, but anyone in general) find hot about a guy getting bashed to the ground?

So, is it the guy himself who's hot, and his weakness just brings emphasis to his hotness, or is it the situation itself that is hot, and the guy is just a ridiculous victim to it?

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It’s the whole thing that men are meant to the stronger sex. And women use what makes us men, our balls to show that it is easy to dominate us. 

What's really funny though is when a guy who's not supposed to be strong gets unfortunately caught in the crossfire of reality.

personally I think it’s more of the situation itself based on its “unfairness” with the fact that other people find it more humorous to them than they feel any sympathy for the victim. So to me it’s better when it happens to a more innocent victim, perhaps a loser, than to happen to a strong guy needing to be knocked down a peg because it’s twice as unfair in that situation as well as humiliating. If you were a kid in school that wasn’t very popular and one of the more popular ones kicked you in front of everyone and they all laughed it would be very frustrating. That’s typically how I saw it happen and I often fantasized it happening to me so that’s why I think it’s hot in that scenario I guess

I'd agree with this!  A woman kicking a guy in the balls who annoyed her because she knows he would never even think about hitting her, just because she can.  A douche-bag picking a bar fight with an honorable dude, and the douche-bag absolutely wrecking the guy because that guy would never even suspect someone would go for the balls, and the douche dressed for the occasion (the right boots go along way!). A gang leader of either gender playing a bit of baseball, because their posse have the unfortunate mark held, leg's spread...

It's the culmination of the extreme vulnerability, societal lack of caring, and the "bully" knowing it's not going to happen to them.

Guy here, so who knows what my answer counts for, but I think the role reversal is the hottest part of it. Like, the fact that women are usually thought to be physically weaker, more submissive, etc., and that is very visibly, very painfully refuted in a single kick. That's why I think the hottest situations of girls kicking guys in the nuts tend to be where a dude is very cocky and arrogant and ends up being quickly humiliated (this has happened to me more than a few times, and I definitely cherish those memories lol).

This is one of my favorite things about ballbusting. One of my favorite times I busted my bf was while we were play wrestling and he thought he had the upper hand.

Oh yeah, I've definitely had that experience. My sister and I used to fight when we were growing up, and, at a certain point, I got bigger and stronger than her and could win... only, whenever I'd get the upper hand, she'd target the family jewels, and it would be all over.

I was play-wrestling with my (at the time) girlfriend a little over a year ago, and I started to pin her down... all it took was snaking her hand into my shorts and a tight squeeze and I immediately surrendered.

So those are some fun, vivid cases that just remind me how being more muscular doesn't count for everything.

I'm in the power exchange camp. My BF can literally toss me around like a rag doll so the fact that I was able to send him to his knees in agony was such a power rush and exhilarating. In a very strange way I now look at it as an extension of a man's masculinity/sexuality. 

Exactly!  It's the same with Moon and I.  There's no question at all about physical power - I'm much bigger and much stronger than her.  Like you said, I can toss her around like a rag doll.  

Nevertheless, when we're together I know she's going to have me in tears, begging for mercy on a daily basis. I'm completely whipped - by a woman half my size.

I love this! That is hilarious that you have to beg for mercy.

It definitely gives her a confident little smirk. ;-)

Often she giggles too. She says I make "funny noises"...

Yeah, it's especially embarrassing if the girl is much, much smaller. I'm a tall guy (6'1"), but a few years ago I was dating a girl who was much shorter, like 5'2". Any time she would put me on the ground, whether it was erotic or just for fun (or bc she was mad), it would be super embarrassing.



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