Hey. Knowing me this is weird i know..lately i feel a nonsexual motivation wishing to cause actual harm. Every day im under akind of misanthropic pressure.  This is to be called a crisis for sure

A masochist emo bot could sure end this for me but somehiw theres no emos around anymore. Let alone masochist ones

Oh my. Head's killing me. Thanks for reading

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Oops. Wanted to knowvif youce been there and how you handled it

I am new to that. But aren't I right assuming that a female ballbuster would always be slightly misanthropist. A minima you should be disregarding of male agony... No?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Personally I don't think that you are in a crisis. I think that most people sometimes have the urge to cause actual harm. If you cause someone harm then it means that you are stronger, superior, more powerful. Deep inside us humans there is an urge that causes us to feel strong and powerful, but it is just disguised under the veil of civilization.

I suppose that women have greater problems accepting this urge because the patriarchaic society has always forwarded the notion that women have to be weak and meek. So when a woman feels this urge she thinks there is something wrong with her because society has always taught her that women do not feel this way, let alone act on it.

But there is nothing wrong with women feeling this urge, but with men who wanted women to rob of that feeling.


A Woman should never worry about seriously damaging a man's testicles, she has every right to, castrate anyone you want, anytime :)

I'm sorry, but I don't agree with you :)

If you feel uncomfortable, you can see a psychologist.
Talking to a psychologist should help with any problem.



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