STORY DISCOVERY!!! KITG member wrote this sensual BB Story about me on Fetlife. HOT!!!!

So tonight I was looking for something on FETlife about BB and stumbled on this sexy story and oddly enough it's about me and its from 2012 and I definitely remember the moment.Caroline Jones and I have been BB partners for years but we rarely get to play all that often nowadays but maybe 2 or so times a year minus COVID. Anyway Its a super sexy story so enjoy. 

Oh and she is a member on this site as Caroline Jones too but good luck in getting her to show up she stopped coming long ago. 

Ball Busting 1

On Tuesday I finally got to spend some time with my bb buddy. He and I have been doing this for about a year I guess.
If you knew him personally you would liken him to a very bouncy puppy, full of energy and enthusiasm. And he never stops. Well that is until I start busting his balls. Suddenly, he becomes very quiet except for the moans as my stockinged feet massage, mash, squish and grind my heels into his balls. I don't hold back.

We're lying on the my couch facing each other with each of us at opposite ends of it. Feet to balls. I have my laptop on my lap as I check my emails and the few websites that I regularly frequent. All the while I am doing my best to make him calmer than the day after a summer storm. He starts off with his hands going for the block but I do my best to kick his hands away as I tell him to move his hands. Finally he relaxes into it and I start to really play. My legs are definitely getting stronger as I spend over an hour messing with his balls. I love to watch him squirm a little and watch his eyes roll ever so slightly to the back of his head. His groans are intoxicating and spur me on to give him a few more real forceful heels to the groin. I love to run in the spot pounding my feet into his groin. I usually alternate that with holding his sac in place with one nylon encased foot while I do my thing with the other. Did I mention that I am still on the laptop doing my perving of the internet? lol...

Now what makes this session different than the rest is that I got to kick some balls, his balls, for the first time. Now remember he's a titch sensitive after over an hour of my feet mauling his precious equipment. I was worried about falling over to be honest as he is taller than me back at least 6". I gave a couple of light test kicks to get my positioning right. dvhour adjusted his stance and his special goodies. And then I went at it. A total of 6 kicks. I know I missed once or twice, grazed a couple but the last one was the money shot! After the final kick, I felt so empowered and powerful. I positively radiated joy as I sparred with an invisible opponent, throwing punches and jabs. I felt like Cassius Clay showing off his prowess!

I may not have brought him to his knees but as he was driving me to get my car he went on about still feeling the kick. Heck, even on Main Chat tonight, he said and I quote " That last kick I (edit) felt for a long while actually. I was walking funny by the time I got home. hahaha! like a cowboy." So I guess I done good?

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Comment by greeneyedsusan on August 24, 2021 at 5:09am

WOW, that's so cool you discovered this about you nine years later, I love her description "A bouncy puppy, full of energy that never stops". From all our chats and correspondence, I can believe that :)

Comment by dvhour (Site Owner) on August 11, 2021 at 8:39pm


Coming from you thats a heavy compliment. Glad I could finally entertain you with something seeing how you have been mega generous with your thoughts as of late yay you :) 

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on August 10, 2021 at 1:26pm

This is yummy :)


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