I love BB. Pretty self explanatory right? I am going to be getting into feelings  and thoughts, what I think about BB, some of my favorite busts, questions that get asked often, and random tidbits hear and there. So I hope you enjoy.

     First and foremost, I absolutely love ballbusting. Why do I love it you ask? Let's look at that a bit shall we? We all know that busting balls can be considered taboo for the average person. We are told that a guy should never be hit in his "Manhood" because it is the source of his masculinity. It is really important for reproduction and testosterone production, essentially it is what makes him a "him". That also happens to be the exact thing that draws me to it.

     There are usually two initial feelings that happen when I start busting balls. One is a very naughty sensation mixed with excitement. Like when doing something you know is bad if your caught. The second is power. I feel SO powerful when I am busting a man's balls. There is something about hitting a guy in his nuts who is twice your size and weight and watching him crumple up at your feet gasping for air is just so intoxicating.
      The fact that what is supposed to be a man's very source of masculinity, fertility, sexual prowess, and "Strength" literally dangles between your legs is what makes ball busting alluring in of itself. One heavy boot smashing into your testicles at full force reduces all this to a whimpering mass on the floor and it makes me feel wonderful!
      A question I often get is "Does busting turn me on?". In short, yes it does. It tends to be a little more complicated then that though. I just don't kick a guy in the balls and get turned on, it doesn't work that way. It usually is a combination of emotions  and feelings  that trigger arousal when I am crushing  a set of balls. As I mentioned earlier I get a naughty and exciting feeling when I am busting. I also feel empowered. These two feelings can very easily turn into feelings of intense arousal when I am busting balls if I let them.

    Many men fantasize about a woman who gets turned on and generally enjoys busting your balls, but in reality they are few and far between. I find that this is the ultimate desire for men who like ballbusting; a woman who really enjoys doing it. I am not saying they aren't out there, but part of the problem is that most woman don't fully give into the feelings and emotions that it brings when doing it. It is restricted, tempered by too much thinking about it and worried what others  think about it.
      Me? I don't think about it. I let my feelings and emotions flow freely, which in turn enables me to be quite the ruthless ballbuster. What do i mean? Why feel naughty when I can actually be naughty? Why feel powerful when I can be powerful? You get it? There is a difference between feeling and being something. With me, it's a mind set. When I feel naughty, I become naughty. Being naughty makes me feel sexy, so I become sexy. Being powerful makes me feel dominant, so I become dominant. Feeling in control makes me in control. My feelings in turn, become my reality. 
     I will give you sort of an example with scenario that happend not long ago.

     I was sitting on my couch one morning in pink sweat pants and my white tanktop, drinking my coffee, trying to get awake for the day. As I was watching TV, my husband kept stepping in the way of my view. I believe he was picking up the front room as the kids had left their toys all over place the night before. I know, sweet right? Well not when I am trying to see my show in the morning as I never really get the chance to just sit and chill. Now I know that some people assume that I am just a bad, hard-core ballbusting bitch, which isn't really case. I tend to get really playful when I am smashing nuts, regardless if I am going light or hard-core ball breakage. I like to have fun with it.
      Now after he had stepped in front of me a third time, I noticed he was wearing loose fitting gray shorts and then it popped into my head that he probably wasn't wearing any underwear underneath them. I begin to get that mischievous thought it my head, so I waited until he was almost done.  When he wasn't paying attention, I moved the last toy he had to pick up in a position that he would have to bend over in front of me to grab it.
      Just so you know, I tend to be infamous for setting him up in ways like this. He always takes the bait and its impossible for him to tell the subtle change in the environment around him to notice that I just put him in a position for a savage surprise Nut shot. Now back to the story.
       He came back around to pick the last toy up like clock work, and when he bent over in front of me, I used my arms to propel me off the couch gathering as much momentum as I could, trasnsitoning into a snap kick with as much power as I could generate. The top of my foot smashed in-between his legs from behind directly into his ball's. The sound of the impact was louder then excepted as I felt his loose nuts through the thin fabric of his shorts being smashed.
      He let out a loud  "ooowwww!", before he went to his knees, his top half pitching forward until is forhead was touching the floor, ass in the air as he clutched his jewels In agony. His feet flutterd like a kid throwing a tantrum as he tried to process the pain. His face tured bright red as he started to sweat, working on controlling his breathing.
      I broke out in an immediate grin trying not to laugh, butterflies in my stomach as I watched him sqirm around on the ground. The only thing he was able to mutter was "Oh my God babe, what the hell?".
       I tried unsuccessfully to hold back my laugh as told him "Well you kept getting in my way. I'm trying to watch something."
       He told me "geeze, all you had to do was tell me."
      I responded "Well I did tell you. What the hell do you think that was?", indicating his current position on the floor.
       He chuckled as best as he could while taking deep breaths. I knew he was hurting. Just the sound alone of the bust was enough to let me know I put the hurt on him pretty good.

         As I stood watching him down on the floor, my heart started to flutter.

        Now for those who don't know, my man isn't a small guy by any means. He is easily twice my size and could bench press two of me with ease. He can be  pretty imposing. Seeing him reduced to a heap on the floor with a single kick by me makes my heart race. It is extremely empowering. This is where the naughtiness tends to kick in as I watch him, contemplating the things I could do to him, what I want to do with him. This is also where my arousal starts to light up as it makes me feel super sexy to think about this.
        As he laid on his stomach on the floor still sprawled out in front of me, holding his battered fruits, that naughty peice of my mind compelled me to straddle him. I ran my hands up his back up to shoulders, leaning into him, pressing my body into his. I whispered into his ear "Aww, poor baby.", and started to kiss, lick and bite his neck, making his breath quicken now for a very different reason. I turn him over so he is now on his back, with me on top of him as I make out with him. I slowly grind my pelvis into him until I can feel him getting harder and harder. He starts running his hands all over my body, desperately squeezing and grouping whatever he can.
        So let's pause here for a second. I know, your probably thinking "Wait what? Right now? Dame it Melinda." Yes right now. I just want to point out that it never ceases to amaze me how quickly I man can go from agony to a hard on givin the right "motivation". I love being the cause and effect of that so to speak. I am naturally a aggressive person and the feeling sexy, naughty, and powerful emotions that come with ballbusting makes me highly aggressive sexually so I tend to really throw my man off when I get in that  kind of mood. One thing I have masterd besides the art of ball breaking is the art of absolute seduction. I love the fact that I can be hell bent on hurting his Manhood but making him completely ravenous for my body at then same time. Now that is true power. Alright continuing on.
       As I continued to ram my tongue in his mouth kissing him, his hands roamed where ever they could.  Thighs, breast and ass, he couldn't resist. I planted my knee firmly between his legs and pressed against his nuts. I continued to kiss him as I lightly lifted my leg and kneed him. It wasn't hard, but it was enough to make him grunt from it. He became more eager as he ran his hands over me. I lifted my knee again, but this time I rammed it into his ball's with a lot more force this time, making him flinch and stop what he was doing.  As he gasped, I gathered up his bottom lip between my teeth and bit until hes eye's watered.
     I pulled away from him as I could see he desperately wanted more, but I wasn't prepared to give it to him. I switched positions on him, turning on him so my back was facing him in reverse cowboy like style. I could see his hard on sticking up in his shorts, eager for more attention. I ran my nails up and down his thighs, getting closer  and closer to his groin as he used the opportunity to grab my breast, one in each hand lightly squeezing. I pulled his shorts up and away, exposing his raging hard on and two ball's waiting to be abused.
       Now this is usually about the time I build him up and then leave him hanging, desperate for more. This usually accomplishs two things. One; I get him eager for more simulation before I ruin the idea of him getting off and leaving him straight blue balled. Two; It builds up my excitement and arousal which ends up being worse for his Manhood in the long run. I get horny, and belive it or not, their is a female version of blue balls. It Is sexually frustrating and feels a lot like cramps, which tends to make me more aggressive and a lot meaner busting his ball's.

     I can hear some now, "but your  the one who stopped". Yeah but I never told him to feel me up and start getting me hot on bothered. That is his fault.
        Enough  of that, back to the tale. I grabbed him buy his Nut cordes, trapping them in my fist, forcing his balls to the bottom of his sac. The best way to grab a set of balls by the way. Get a good grip and he isn't going anywhere. I yanked up on them until he lifted his pelvis of floor to prevent them from being ripped off. I balled up a fist and slammed it into his pulsing balls several times, wracking him with pain as he bucked and tried to reach for my hands.
         I swated his hands away and said "Don't  even think about it."

         I stared to squeeze his trapped testicles with my other hand. He gasped as his body tensed up and he put his hands on my hips, not knowing what else to do with them.
       "I am hungry" I said all of a sudden while I sat on top of him. "You should get me food".
        "Huh?" He said in confusion.
       I love throwing him off like this. Fact is, he never knows what is going to happen when I get in my mood. He is usually hoping that when I play with him that it's going to end in a nice lay. Which is does occasionally but I was actually hungry, it was still early and I hadn't had breakfast yet.
       I switched my grip and grabbed a ball in each hand and begin squeezing, digging my thumb into each one, increasing the pressure rapidly, making his body spasm from the pain as he groaned in agony. He went to reach for his Manhood again, hoping to pry my fingers off of them.
      I light heartedly said "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I might get the urge to feel them burst before you can get my hands off of them".
      I giggled at his perdicitment as he grabbed my thighs instead, letting out a small whimper as I let off some of the pressure.
     "So" I said, "what about the food, I said I was hungry." I squeezed really hard quickly  and eased up to get the point across. 
       He was sort of panting as he responded quickly. "Eh..yeah, we should go get breakfast. We can go out".
    He was raging hard. I let go of his balls and begin to strok his dick making him lightly moan at the quick change in sensations.
      "That sounds like a good idea" I said. "Think about where you wanna go, I am going to jump in the shower."
       I was still stroking him, so I still had a firm grip on dick. I moved it to the side and without any kind of warning I slammed my fist into his nuts, letting loose as hard as I could over and over, increasing how hard I was hitting with each punch. I am not even sure how times I managed to smash them before he had to force his legs closed and try to protect his precious stones from my sudden assault.
        I quickly got off of him and made my way to the bathroom. I stopped and looked over my shoulder and said "Don't think about it for to long and try not to stay down there forever, you need to help wash my back".
       Now guys, not sure if you noticed this, but I never actually asked him for anything. I just kind of told him. Now let's get back to that shower.
       I stood in the shower letting the water run over me. My heart still pumping from the light ballbusting I had just given my poor man on the front room floor. The euphoria from it was quietly buzzing in my head still. I was antsy, resisting the urge to haul him in the bathroom by his ball's. I was also horny from all the physical contact when I was playing with him, which didn't help. 
        He finally  got his ass in the shower about 10 minutes later. He got in behind me and pressed his body into mine to get under the water. If felt good feeling our body's touch with nothing between us. I reached down behind me and found him already hard so I begin to stroke him again until he was breathing heavy, desperately needing relase. He could no longer keep his hands off of me as he began to rub me all over. I stopped stroking him as I didn't  want him to get off, and redirected my hand to gather up his nuts so I can crush them with one hand.
      " Hold out your hand" as I grabbed my soap,  indicating I wanted him to wash my back.
      I begin to squeeze his nuts as he begin to soap me up, gradually increasing the pressure until I could feel him shaking, struggling to stay composed and kept him there. He worked on my back and then begin to wash the rest of my body. His hands moved to my neck, and then my arms. He was paying attention to every part intently. When his hands moved to my chest, I squeezed even harder, stopping him immediately. I could feel him shaking even more now from the pain.
     I whispered to him "I never said to stop, keep it up" and applied more pressure, almost  bringing him to his knees. My hands were actually staring to get sore as he tried not to hunch over.
      He continued washing every inch of me, at least what he could reach in his position.  He was going slow, trying to fight through the agony between his legs. Once I deemed it was enough, I slowly pulled his balls down forcing him to get lower before letting go. Relief wased over him as he sunk down on one knee catching his breath. 
       I supported myself with my arms and lifted my leg, placing my foot on his thigh. Not a word was spoken as he began to wash my feet and leg thoroughly before switching to the other one. It was like he was in a spell, completely enthralled, so focused on just me. Once he was done, I pulled him up by his arm's and put them around my hips as I turned, pressing my back into him.

       I couldn't take it anymore and moved his hand between my legs as I grabbed hold of his balls once more and squeezed. He knew what I wanted, and used his fingers to enter and caress me. He started slowly building me up to my orgasam. Lightly squeezing his nuts as my breath quickens, I begin to squeeze harder as they turn into panting. I start to moan as he works his fingers faster, getting me closer to cumming, struggling with the pressure being applied to his grapefruits. The build up inside me is becoming deafening as it bubbles up, stripping coherent thoughts from my mind as every muscle in my body becomes tense before ecstasy wracks my body in waves of convulsions.
        Once my mind comes back into play after who knows how long, I find my man trying to stay standing, overcome by pain as his balls are threatening to explode in my iron grip. I let out an satisfied chuckle as I let go and he sinks to the shower floor, finally able to get air in his lungs. He leans  against the wall, and he almost looks nauseated from it. I finish rinsing off and get out of shower to dry off.
       Before I leave him to contemplate what it's like to have balls, I tell him "The water is getting cold. That should cool you off. I'm going to get ready, I am still starving."
      Once I got dressed, I waited in the bedroom, setting on the edge of the bed patiently waiting, still on cloud nine. He came into the room wearing his towel around  his waist and I already had a big grin on my face. He looked unsure as he came in.
      I asked him sweetly "how are you doing?", unable to hide my enthusiasm.
     He took a deep breath and said "I am okay. I felt a little sick for a minute there"
     I smiled bigger, "Good." I said.
     I pointed to a spot on the floor in front of me indicating him to stand there, and he obeyed.
     Once he was in front of me, I took the towl from around his waist and dropped It on the floor. I love admiring him and I love seeing my handy work. His balls were slightly swollen and red. I flicked one with my figure causing him to flinch.
       I told him "Oh yeah, your going to be kind of sore today.", as I laughed.
      He said "A little sore? My balls feel like bowling balls right now."
      "Bad case of blue ball huh?" I asked
      "That is an understamenr" he respoded.
       I looked him dead in the eye and said "Well it be worse, you could have no balls. I can fix that for you if you would like?"
       I swear I could hear his heart skip a beat as I couldn't help my evil smile from emerging.
       He nervously replied "Heh..no, no I am good"
      As he stood in front on me, I reached out grabbing his now growing dick in my hand, stroking it. I pulled him closer and stuck the tip of it in my mouth, swirling my tongue around the head until he was gasping. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he desperately wanted release but I had no plan on giving him any.
      I pulled him out my mouth and stood up, circling behind him. I grabbed his arms and guided them to the bed so he was bent over it and tapped his leg to spread them wider. I gave him a quick tight hug from behind and told him "Don't move."
     I backed up about three feet, eying my target now dangling between his legs as he was bent over. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down as my heart always starts to race right before I do this.
     I called out and said "I love you babe!"
    He tried to respond, nervousness in his voice " I love you too ba...oofh! Ooowww!" And whatever sounds that he made as I cut him off with a running full force punt to the testicles,  using everything that I had, driving him to the floor. His eyes bulged and he started to thrash around on the floor gripping his eggs like they were going to run away from him.
       He whimpered "Oh my god" and "Holy fuck!", as he rolled around almost on the verge of tears.
      I said "I am going to go get my shoes on and wait in the car, hurry up yeah?", then I walked out of the room a did exactly that. 

   That ladies and gentlemen, can be a just a  typical Wednesday morning for me. Actually I think it was on a Wednesday. Remember, there is still 12 to 15 hours left in that day that I can decide to do even more to him. It's a good possibility that if my day starts out like that, it's going to end worse. I think I kept punching and kicking his nuts that day randomly and when the nighttime rolled around, the real ballbusting started. Do something like that three days in a row and try and tell me I am not a goddess. 

       Now seeing that this unintentionally  turned into a fucking novel I am going to stop right here for now. Consider this part 1 as I didn't even touch on half of what I intended too. I got too wrapped up in the writing if it. Until next time adios por ahora!

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Comment by KingMe on September 8, 2021 at 11:17am

Hey! This is really good. Not just story wise either. I mean I have always loved your content and the things you share. What I mean is that your writing has gotten a lot better over time. 

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on August 10, 2021 at 8:04pm

Oh trust me I know how dirty men's minds can be. If they had bubble thoughts I'm sure less would have testicles from yours truly lol. It's good to know your limits, most guys have a hard time judging on what they can handle.

Comment by Gabriel Walters on August 10, 2021 at 3:09pm

Oh, I agree. I had women who enjoyed busting but wouldn't say loved as you do, so I think that's a nice balance for me. I'm not deluding myself, what you're putting your husband through would be too much for me. I'd rather read about it, or as I said be that friend with snarky comments that gets occasionally busted because of that, it's safer that way :D.

And true about thought bubbles, but I think that goes both ways in general, us guys have some nasty thoughts as well :D

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on August 10, 2021 at 12:33pm

You should definitely be careful what you wish for. You guys fantasize about having a woman who loves Busting Balls, but I don't think you actually think of what that could intail. If a woman loves it more then you do, then your fantasy could become a nightmare real quick. My advice is be 100% sure your up for it guy's. You could be thinking in the realm of YOUR fantasy, but hers could be on a whole other level. Let's put it this way, A guy should be thankful we don't have thought bubbles that can be read. Some of the thoughts I have when I am Busitng ball's would make almost any man terrified. I know my husband is grateful he can't read my mind and that is probably for the best.  :)

Comment by Gabriel Walters on August 9, 2021 at 10:04pm

Yeah, a good deal of us fantasize about stuff like that, but the reality is something completely different. I think he can definitely consider himself lucky that the worse didn't happen yet.

"Hell, one time he kept them because we got interrupted" - now that is scary :O. I think that's a perfect example for all of us, be careful what you wish for :D

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on August 9, 2021 at 8:57pm

Thank you Gabriel, it is appreciated. Part 2 is basically done, just have to go over it. I think a lot guys have mixed feelings of envy for my husband. They should realize that sometimes, their is hair trigger on when he can lose his balls. There has been few times where I convinced myself my self I was going to neuter him.  Hell, one time he kept them because we got interrupted. I don't think he realizes most of the time on how close he has come to loosing them:) 

Comment by Gabriel Walters on August 9, 2021 at 8:30pm

Amazing! Thanks for sharing, you really do paint a pretty (and painful) picture.

Have to say, about the topic of husband envy, I have very mixed feelings, while hot and all, no way I could take that abuse and I'd be too scared for my manhood :D. I'd rather be a friend who occasionally gets a hit or two :D

Anyway, it was a joy reading this, looking forward to part 2 :).

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on August 7, 2021 at 4:20pm

Honestly, so do I lol! He has had more then a few close calls. ;)

Comment by Jake Smithee on August 7, 2021 at 3:01pm

Surprised he still has both of them at this point

Comment by Melinda the Ball Breaker on August 5, 2021 at 10:41pm

Thank you DJ, I appreciate it. I know there is a few guys who envy my husband, but if they knew what he has endured and what he has experienced from your truly, they would probably balk at the thought. 


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