Hey Guys. I know the lighting and angle aren't the best, but I have been a member of this community for a while and haven't had a lot of spending money that I was able to donate in recent years. I have had a really hard time finding female friends who would be interested in something like this. Also, I know other producers here have had a bigger issue with content being shared elsewhere, and the content being stolen from them is on a little bit of a different playing field from this video, but... all this to say, I want this video to stay within this community. The chances of employers or others seeing it are probably slim but just in case...


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Comment by Keith preisser on April 7, 2021 at 10:00am

Sorry guys... I’m not sure how, but someone I know found out about this video. I’m trying to sort that out right now 

Comment by anthony white on April 7, 2021 at 9:45am

"im nervous" .001 second later kapow! hard kick! lol

Comment by anthony white on April 7, 2021 at 9:42am

best kind of video! that last kick would have floored me! i love there laughter! thanks for posting!

Comment by Keith preisser on April 7, 2021 at 9:37am
  • @Joseph- she had never done this before so her technique wasn’t the greatest either. She mostly kicked with her toe making accuracy an issue. I tried working with her After this but she didn’t want to continue
Comment by joseph pipitone on February 1, 2021 at 5:25pm

That kicker had some solid legs! She was afraid to go all out tho??

Comment by Seth Settles on December 28, 2018 at 12:39am

You’re a boss man! Killer video, thanks for the post

Comment by Beaten13 on December 18, 2018 at 11:19am

Love it!

Comment by Keith preisser on December 17, 2018 at 4:49am

Also, I apologize for the delayed response to your guys' feedback and comments. I just got out of finals week this past week and had a few internet difficulties that needed to be addressed over the weekend. Thanks again for the kind sentiment and helpful observations :) 

Comment by Keith preisser on December 17, 2018 at 4:47am

Scarlett - Them having fun is a huge plus to me. If they aren't enjoying their time as well, it starts to feel a lot like I am taking advantage of them .

Wutcha - Thanks for the feedback man! I have been a fan of yours for years now and really wanted to at least have something to share with you all. You've shared so many wonderful videos over the years (until those stealing content took advantage of your work and that of many others) and I wanted to finally find a way to make one and share it for a change. 

Nathan - There's just something about the combination of kicking and giggling that makes me happy haha. 

Zwyxx - I was happy to share this with you all, since money has been on the tight side in recent months, I was convinced contributing (and trying to do so regularly is the right thing to do. 

Thanks for the comment Dustin. I think at first they didnt know what to expect, but once they realized this wasnt a huge deal for me, they started to enjoy it more... which is a borderline must for me. I don't want them or whoever is in their role to ever feel taken advantage of. 

Comment by Dustin on December 15, 2018 at 9:25am

Keith, epic video! Thanks lots for sharing. The first lady to kick you is a cutie for sure. It seemed like they were having fun which is awesome. I hope you get to enjoy more of that type of fun my man!


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