This guy thought it was ok to joke about being 13 then 14 - YOU MUST BE 18 to join this site.

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Thanks for keeping the site honest dvhour!
We have to do this... Both mallory and I are extremely diligent in making sure the jokers and troublemakers are removed from this community. As long as we have people like you Jonathan to help police and reinforce the rules it makes our job easier. Thank you for your support sir. 

Jonathan Rahn said:
Thanks for keeping the site honest dvhour!
whoa wait his last comment was yo a guy or a chick XD? thats just stupid
wow thats just stupid and i agree with joe thats the worst last comment a person can make it has nothing to do with that
wow why even joke about ur age thats just stupid
"yo a guy or chick"-how retarded can he be??
love the last question. im dying on the inside XD
Im just saying "bob" could join this site again from going on a proxy and login in on a proxy with a differt ip. Or he could easly use another computer in his house if he has another one and he'll have a different ip. Just letting you know so you should keep watching out for other people like "bob". One way i could tell that bob could of been a fake was his name. It could be his real name but bob is just one of those names ya know.

Liked the ending!


"But mistah... I gots to know!"
Im sorry XD i agree with dvhour and all but this exchange is pretty funny.



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