Hello, hello, hello,

So I'm obsessed with playing adult games, especially the ballbusting kind but from what I've seen there's not a lot of 'em around.

The only ballbusting games I've found are BBHigh can be found on  http://www.ballbustars.net/. I've also found the short Ballbusting game made by one of the members of this forum called Jimmy, the game can be found here https://kickedinthegroin.ning.com/forum/topics/finally-episode-2-co.... Next we have a fighting game which you can play using MUGEN, it's called KOTM it's a fighting game which can be found here http://emezie.com/games/kotmgame.html. There's also games like nightgames and trounce, tickle, tease by Silver Bard Games which has occasional ballbusting but is mainly focused on different aspects of adult games such as sex, can find the links for the downloads here http://www.silverbardgames.com/. Dirty fighter game is another game which has ballbusting/cuntbusting and revolves around it but the game is very simple and you get bored pretty quickly, can be found at https://www.dirtyfightergame.com/DirtyFighter2.

Now I know games like Tekken, Mortal Kombat etc. also have some ballbusting moves but I prefer a game to be based on ballbusting, for ballbusting to be its main aspect. The problem I'm having now is that BBHigh is definitely my favourite ballbusting game but the developer hasn't made a 3rd episode in years so I'm gonna assume it's dead. Because of this I have no ballbusting game to play and support and I was wondering if there would be someone so kind to help me find a ballbusting game they know of. I love all ballbusting games, I prefer the ones made with daz3d studio because in my opinion the models look better using that software. 

If you know of any games that I could play/support that'd be great, thanks for reading and have a great day =].

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Do you have any recommendations in particular?

Depends what you like, are you into hardcore stuff like BDSM, verbals or just simple BB. Myself I cant stand BDSM, anything with the guy is nude, or anything too hardcore so a lot is locked out.  Most of the itchio games have demos, and some patreons have free versions of their games so u can check those out

Aside from that Smash boy is a decent enuff game on its own, and the BB moves are good, along with the verbals, BBHigh was a good game, but dont bother buying episode 2 as it doesnt work anymore, episode 1 is free tho.  I really like boko887 coz it also has other fetishes that I like, also it has some good animations (most animation is hard so most BB games have very little of it). Some of the itchio games I havent bought as they cost quite a bit ($15USD seriously?!) but they are solely about BB so the content seems nice.

The rest doesnt really hold much interest due to being not my style, too low quality or with too little content.

Saints Row 3 & 4 have a dedicated groin attack button (and a hell of a lot of mods to improve the experience).

What sort of mods? Have any links or more info?

Heres a compilation of the ball-abuse in SR youtube.com/watch?v=p2xCpH6-NzY

You can find a ton of mods on: https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/

(the adult section needs an account so just use a burner email).

In the adult corner you can find mods to remove the nudity censor and a way to add nipples to any character.

Gentlemen of Steelport (for SR3) and Sanbox (for SR4) basically revitalizes the whole game:



The Ecchi bounce mod is great if you are playing a female character https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/ecchi-bounce-sr-4.4772/...

If you would like any more feel free to ask!

https://www.patreon.com/fdvice - Femdom Hotel

Femdom game with 3d models in a 2d environment, saw a few kicks, didnt really play it much as it didnt appeal to me


Femdom game Domina, RPGMaker game with CG girls, contains a few kicks.

https://www.crazygames.com/game/whack-the-creeps - flash game with kick and handbag (clicking her foot and handbag give results)

https://snake-in-a-pun.itch.io/loss - Text based web browser game,

https://groinpaingames.itch.io/balls-on-the-line-demo - The start of an interactive ballbusting game, text messages sent on phones (Unity PC game)

https://volbells.itch.io/magic-femdom - Text based RPG Maker game (no cutscenes/animation)

https://github.com/Verballhits/bbvisnov/releases/tag/v0.0.1 - Text based web browser game (fairly short)

https://groinpaingames.itch.io/sac-demo-50-build - Combat Demo with animation ($3 USD)

https://www.patreon.com/pinclude_studio - Ultimate Fighters 2019 & Ultimate Fighters 2: Extreme

Mortal Kombat style fighting game (CB only)


RPGMaker type game with drawn graphics with kicks, knees and grabs

BBhigh was good but episode 3 never happened and it still says 'coming soon' I mean what was that 10 years ago?? how longs a piece of string?

I bought ep 2 and I can't even play it now. Locked out due to a weird licensing system



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