I went to a religious school from about 11-15, and the funny thing about this school was that the nuns there seemed to be mortally embarrassed by the sexual aspect of girls kicking guys in the balls. 
And so... they just completely ignored it!

We all picked up on this right away, and when I entered the school the culture of ballkicking was fully engrained and had been going on for as long as anybody knew. All the girls were kicking all the boys. 

It became a sort of right of passage, and the daily drama of who would get kicked by who just as fascinating as who liked who and who was dating who. In fact, at sleepovers and the girls would get together with markers and make charts about which girls needed to kick which boys.

I remember one instance where this smart boy with glasses was reading a book for an assignment and my girlfriend Amanda walked by him and for no apparent reason kicked him as hard as she could in the balls and then laughed, and all the girls laughed, and he screamed. Our very religious old english teacher looked up and said, Brian! Stop it! 
He said, "She kicked me in the balls!" 

The teacher said, "Brian! Quiet now, or go to the office!" and he just had to fucking suck it up lol

poor little Brian, he was only like 13. 
Anyway, at 11 and 12 the girls usually were more developed than the boys, and some of us towered over out little male colleagues. At the time, we were bigger and stronger. 
Another time, one of countless times, we were playing field hockey on the grass with hockey sticks and a little orange ball. I passed to my gf Kyra, and along comes this boy Aaron and starts to, very sportsmanlike, lead the ball away from Kyra. Well, she didn't like that one bit, so she takes her hockey stick and slams it up between his legs! Bam! Right in the balls, hard as ya like. All the girls laughed at him as he rolled around on the ground. 
The female PE teacher didn't even blow the whistle so we kept on playing and Kyra scored a goal and everyone was happy except for Aaron. 

In retrospect it seems almost, dare I say, just a tiny bit callous doesn't it? The boys in that school lived in fear for their balls, and they were traumatised with vicious sexual assaults on a daily basis. 
I'm sure we probably helped foster some secret ballbusting fetishes without knowing it. 
But we lived in a bubble of ballbusting, a tiny culture where it wasn't only acceptable, but encouraged. 
We sort of knew on one level that it was wrong, but everyone was doing it, and kids can be very cruel when status is involved. Eventually by the time I was about 14, kicking and kneeing balls was a deeply engrained part of life at school though by then it began to become more sexualised. Boys we liked would want us to kick their balls as a way to show our interest. 
I remember some of the boys would leave for the day after a particularly bad ballbust. 
Sometimes girls would gang up and beat a boy's balls together after school, but still on the school grounds. 
Sometimes the boys wouldn't come back for days. And every once in a while, they'd never come back. 
By the time I was 16 I started to realize from hanging out with kids from other schools that I went to a weird school. And that other schools didn't use severe ball pain as sexual currency or popularity tokens. I started to realize that it wasn't very ladylike to kick balls. Though I still did it. But not with as much enthusiasm. Until I was about 18 and found on the internet that some people actually LIKED being kicked in the balls. 
Perverts who got off to it ;) heheheh. Well you're gonna fucking get it. 
School taught me how to nail balls perfectly. 
And when I look at those boys now, like on Facebook and stuff, how are they? Well, they all turned out alright as far as I can tell. So, maybe all schools should be like that really. It was very good for the girls, and that's good cuz we oughta catch a break now and again. 

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i love thiss

This was what I dreamt of in HS haha

Why didn't I get to go to a school like that?

Trust me Gabe, I'm sure before you were sexually mature it would have been terrifying.

I was an early bloomer. I'd have been turned on and terrified :p

I also came from a Catholic school, and I do wonder if that may have had something to do with my developing this fetish.

I remember being raised with that strict traditionalist mindset of men being the heads and women and girls having to be subordinate, but at the same time I also remember how most of the top performing students in my school were girls, which confused me since how can that be if boys are naturally better? Eventually, preteen me concluded "girls may be usually smarter, but boys are stronger."

Which was why the sight of guys getting hit down there both terrified and fascinated me at first, since my thinking was "If girls are both smarter AND can beat me up with one hit, then there MUST be something or anything else that boys are better at!" I remember there was a period when I was a preteen/early teen in which while watching a movie or a show where a girl and guy fight, if there was anyone else watching (especially girls) I absolutely dreaded the sight of a girl hitting a guy in the balls, but if I was alone I still dreaded the sight but part of me also wanted to see out of a sort of morbid curiosity, since what little I knew of human anatomy told me that balls were a "boys-only" thing, but never quite managed to put two and two together until I received my first bust.

I hope this is all just a story, because if not that's very bad and the nuns should be locked up for child abuse.

They were just old and embarrassed by anything remotely sexual. They weren't abusing the boys themselves. Also the school is no longer boys and girls, just girls these days. 

I'm pretty sure letting children hurt each other legally falls under abuse. If a parent was just letting their children beat up on each other and never doing anything to stop it, they'd have their kids taken by CPS.

Yes, I think that's why it was allowed at my school on recess. Female teachers were embarrassed and didn't know how to handle it. I remember there was a big sixth grade girl that was terrorizing all the boy bullies and supposed tough boys in school. She caused one to lose a testicle, that's when the boys mother came in and caused a huge deal and took him out of the school. That's when the make principal had all the boys in the cafeteria meet and girls weren't allowed. He was very intimidating and said anyone that gets kicked in the groin will get suspended. A few chimmed in and said it was the girls doing it though! He slammed a book down on the cafeteria table and was yelling it didn't matter. True story. Oddly, getting racked stopped after that day. Even though his approach didn't make much sense, it did work. The boys told the girls about it and didn't do it again that I recall. The whole thing was very memorable and traumatizing. This is the earliest memory I have about it, so I think this had an effect on me. First I've heard of this going on in another school and getting a blind eye turned also. Thanks for sharing Stacey :)

I guess a part of the approach might have been a similar meeting with the girls, no boys allowed: anyone kicking someone in the groin gets suspended?

In the marines they would make everyone in the platoon: perpetrator, victim and bystanders, get the exact same punishment as the perpetrator. It is a way to make the whole group responsible for any individual misdeeds and enforce discipline within the platoon...

I'm actually kinda curious how everyone would react if guys started kicking girls between their legs at this school you went to. A thought experiment, if you will.



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