If a guy asked you to destroy one or both of his balls, how would you do it?

As some of you may know or have read, I lost a testicle several years ago after a freak accident during a ball busting session with my wife. This has left me having very mixed feelings.

On one hand, I very much regret the actions that left me with a sac only half full. On the other hand, I’ve developed a pretty severe castration fantasy. My wife and I regularly fantasize and play with the concept of her “finishing off the job”

So understanding that this is truely best left in the realm of fantasy, but it’s fun to think about her being serious. my question is this:

If I (or some other guy) offered up his balls and said he would let you do anything you wanted to them, but wanted you to ensure that it ended with them being removed or completely destroyed beyond repair. How would you do it?

Let’s assume that you know he honestly wants it and there are no legal consequences. What are some of the most sadistic things you could think of to ruin a set of balls?

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i would probably have him watch as i use a vice on them

There is a writer you might be interested in, puts up some rather intricate stories involving roulette wheels, by the name of Liana M.   Looking again, the exact phrase you'll search is Liana M Story Collection, the result is on asstr.  What you're after is the Extreme section. It's a subject taht I confess to finding interesting, though I am honestly unsure if it's the matter itself interesting or the ideal of having someone I can trust with that sort of thing the more I introspect lately about a lot of things that interest me.

My own more or less emo state lately aside, if you find the castration fantasy interesting.  Liana M Story Collection, extreme section.  It's...rather well written and can make things that I don't normally go for interesting.  Just make sure you read the tags, some of them have one that I have precisely zero interest in.  The rest are good though.

If it is a girl i really like or attracted to then i would let her pop my balls

Me personally, I enjoy the thought of crushing them. So i am on par with the vice grip Idea. I am a very big fan of wanting to crush them until they pop, using some type of ball crusher or vice. Stomping on them is a close second though. I have a lot of ways that I would love to try to destroy a set of balls  but just something about making them burst is so appealing. I always wonder, will they burst like grapes or would they just turn into pudding in an instant. What happens when a ball gives? The civil human in me says sorry for what happen love, that cant be easy. The bitch in me says how awesome is it that your woman can literally look you in the eye and say she took one of your balls from you. That is true love. I am almost jealous. 

Re- when a ball gives, have you ever considered getting hold of some small lamb testicles from the butcher and bursting them, not the same thing, but probably close enough to the real deal to satisfy your curiosity,

There are clips on the internet, but all the balls are huge bull nuts, which is not very realistic.

Any good clips anyone ?

.......Well, I'm going to get some ice now.

I still have such mixed emotions about the whole thing.  Looking back on it now, several years later, we both think of it as a huge turn on.  At the time though, it was pure hell.  Maybe even more so for her than me because we really love each other and she never would have wanted to do anything to intentionally cause me any real harm.  We were just playing around and bad things happened.

Great post Melinda. So would you want to step on them and feel as they flatten, give way, and (hopefully) eventually pop? I imagine the looks on his face would be priceless as you’re putting all your body weight on his nuts. Or would you want to kick/stomp down as fast and hard as possible and obliterate his ball or balls in a split second? In that case, I can’t imagine what the look on his face would be. Like, one second his ball is there, and the next it’s not... and you getting to see that realization come to him.

My balls ache just reading this post lol

I'll go ahead and tell everyone my favorite fantasy

Here's a little more back story - My wife has 1 best friend that she shares pretty much everything with.  She's the only other person who knows the truth about my wife rupturing one of my testicles.  We had a lot of laughs about it at my expense a few years ago, but we've all moved on with life and it really hasn't come up since.  This girl isn't really my type at all, but I wouldn't say she's unattractive at all.  She is just a little bigger built and extremely athletic.

My favorite recurring fantasy is that we have my wife's friend over one night like we do pretty often.  The night goes like any other, until she makes a comment about me only being "half a man".  My wife busts up laughing at this and agrees with her.  I laugh along, being half embarrassed and half turned on about the topic of conversation.  But then my wife goes on to say "I've thought for a while that I really should finish off the job."  Her friend, thinking my wife is still joking around, says "yeah, I'd love to see that". My wife shoots me a cute, somewhat evil smirk and says "I'm actually kind of serious.  We've been talking about adopting anyway.  I don't see any reason why he needs it anymore." 

Her friend looks at me for my reaction, but I'm still somewhat in shock at the fact that my wife is actually talking about this now.  We've played around with the idea in the bedroom, and I know she's very open with this friend about everything, but I never expected this.  My wife stands up, walks over to me and gently pulls me up out of the chair by the hands.  She says "I know he'd let me do it...." while looking me straight in the eyes and giving me a gentle hug.  My wife's friend, still not totally believing any of this for real and continuing to laugh at the whole thing, says "I can't imagine any guy would ever let you do that!" then she turns to me and asks "would you?"

I'm still embarrassed, nervous, and turned on all at once.  Not knowing what else to say,  I just look at my wife and stare into her beautiful eyes and tell her "If that's what you really want, then I'm not going to stop you."  Her friends mouth drops in disbelief.  "Seriously???" she asks me.  I just nod my head, with my eyes still locked on my wife.  Her friend turns to my wife and says "Oh my God, you HAVE TO DO THIS!!!" and falls back down in her seat, ready for the show.  My wife, now having switched over completely into her more sadistic mood says, "Oh I will, and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it." then she tells me to stand back and spread my legs. 

I do as I'm told and spread my legs wide apart to give her a clear shot at my one remaining testicle.  Images of her hard kicks popping my other nut flashing through my head.  She moves her right leg back, and looks me straight in the eyes.  Her friend, sitting on the edge of her seat, says "last chance to back out"  I just shake my head no and before I know it, my wife swings her perfect little size 6 foot straight into my crotch with all the force she can muster.  She makes perfect contact with my testicle and I drop to the floor instantly like a ton of bricks groaning. 

My wife takes one look at me and says, "oh come on, this will never work if you can't take more than one kick"  she then tells her friend to hold me up so she can keep going.  Her friend gladly does.  Being that she's bigger, and honestly probably stronger than me, her friend has no trouble getting me to my knees, spreading my legs apart, and holding my arms behind my back and away from my crotch.  Then she tells my wife "give it everything you've got, he's not going anywhere"  My wife smiles and continues to give me kick after kick to my one lonely ball, checking to see if it's still there after every few kicks.  Getting a little tired, and  frustrated, that she hasn't popped it yet, she stomps down hard on it and her friend lets me fall over in the fetal position.  "Damn", she says.  "I'm going to need a break, I thought It would be long gone by now"  Her friend says "yeah, it sure looks like fun though"  My wife thinks for a moment and says, "you want to take a turn?  I need a break anyway"  She jumps up at the thought and agrees quickly.  They switch places and she takes a running start at my ball.  I think the impact of her bigger size 10 nike running shoe bursts my ball instantly, but my wife reaches down and says, "nope, it's still in one piece....Just one huge swollen piece."  and tells her friend to take a few more shots.  She happily does with all her strength.  Kick after kick, they take turns switching back and forth, until finally I'm about to pass out and my wife walks  up to me, reaches her hand down and lifts up my chin so our eyes meet.  she says "say goodbye" then while still maintaining perfect eye contact, she stomps down hard with her right foot on my swollen testicle and grinds it under the ball of her foot.  After about 10 seconds, we both finally feel it pop from the pressure.  I scream in pain and she screams in pleasure.  Then she and her friend then spend 10 minutes stomping on the remains on my ruptured nut making sure there's absolutely nothing left to be repaired.



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