Something different here what top 5 video game characters would you love and could destroy your nuts?

1 Tifa from FF7 (she makes a threat the remake could be interesting in this)

2 Maddison (heavy rain. has 3 BB scenes the squeeze one is epic)

3 Chun Li (although not really any real busts this would be amazing

4 Sonya (MK. had a stomp bust in a cutscene in MK10 and has that move recently where she burts the testicles with a stomp move it shows it on the X ray

5 Laura Croft (Tomb Raider has had a couple of busts over the years. 

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Anna Williams has never been hotter to me.


1. Samus Aran (Metroid)

2. Selphie Tilmitt (Final Fantasy VIII)

3. Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)

4. Sophitia Alexandra (Soul Calibur)

5. Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)

Which Zelda?

You said Nina Williams just like me

I forgot Tomb Raider and Ivy from Soul Calibur

1. Nina Williams from Tekken her kick in the balls and pulling the shoulders down and knee I like

2. Anna Williams from Tekken

3 Ivy from Soul Calibur

4. Tomb Raider

5. Bayonetta

1. Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII)

2. Chun-Li (Street Fighter)

3. Zelda (Twilight Princess)

4. Sophitia (Soucalibur)

5 Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)

Honorable mention goes to Larxene from Kingdom Hearts. It's just... she might be too sadistic and intimidating for this. LOL



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