I've been reading through some of the interview posts, and they looked like fun so i decided to make my own. So go ahead and ask me anything! :)

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@ Eliza, thanks - it's also a fantasy I have but like you it's too extreme for me to go through with it (pain, health and having children someday). Still I like thinking about it. 

Hi Eliza

Whats your method for squeezing? How do you do it?

I have a few different ways i like to squeeze him. The first one I mentioned above, where I pull his balls behind him while he is on all fours and squeeze them. I usually throw in some punches and slaps with my other hand in this position. Other times I will squeeze him while im watching tv or on my phone and ignoring him.

There are also some different techniques I use. Most often I grab both of his balls in one hand. When I have them like this I will squeeze them against each other, but also yank them around, and roll his balls around between my fingers. I will also take one ball in each hand and really clamp down hard on them.

Ive recently found a new way to squeeze him too. I will wrap one hand at the base of his scrotum and pull his balls tight. Then, I will use two fingers to squeeze one of his balls from the front and the back, instead of squeezing them into each other like normal. I hope that makes sense. I've tried to explain it to someone before and they didn't get it, but I don't know how else to describe it. Anyway, he says its super painful, more than a regular squeeze.


The last method sounds really painful, probably one of his less favorites, or not lol

It made enough sense to make me squirm reading it anyway.

HI Eliza

Have you note a change from him as result of your combination of chastity and ballbusting?

He has become more submissive over the years. I've been busting his balls since we started dating, but in the beginning, he was a pretty alpha guy. Not to say he was dominant in our relationship, we were pretty equal, but he was a real "manly man". Over time I started taking more control, and he starting becoming more comfortable with his desire to submit to a woman. Now i totally own him. He's my little bitch and he loves it. I give him chores everyday, and he is responsible for all the cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, everything. He also gives me lots of footrubs and generally worships me when we are together. Its great. It makes my life easy, and he is living out his sexual fantasy 24/7. The one downside for him is he is constantly aroused and lot allowed to cum. He does miss orgasms. Oh well.

Our "regular" sex life has changed drastically too, mainly because of the chastity. When we started he was able to preform pretty well, despite his small penis. But now that I've been controlling his orgasms more strictly, he is so desperate all the time he can only last a few seconds inside me. So now our sex consists of him going down on me, or sometimes using a dildo on me, and a teasing handjob for him if he is lucky. This also works out great for me because I really prefer oral anyway. 

Curious if friends & family are aware of you being the boss - obviously not the sexual details (I assume) but the fact that he's your "little bitch"?

I do like to boss him around a bit in front of people sometimes, but mostly in a playful way. I'm sure some of our friends have gathered that I'm in charge but none of them know the full extent of it. Definitely not about the ballbusting and orgasm denial. Well except for Julie, but thats a recent development. 

Have you ever done any role playing fun? I was looking at the idea of using famous movie scenes (thread I posted  and role playing them out, we like to roleplay so was wondering if you do too and if you do what do you do??

We have done some roleplay but its not something we do often. Ill give some examples though.

We are roommates (that aren't dating) and he isnt able to pay his rent, so in order for him to stay he has to let me beat his balls. I'm not sure how that solves the rent problem, but that parts not important haha.

I am his boss and he messed something up, so I give him some punishment in my office. Somedays i really wish I could live this one out in real life :)

Once I tied him to the bed and we pretended he was a prisoner in a female run world, and he had been sentenced to a slow painful castration 

Thats all I can remember right now, but if i think of anymore ill let you know. What are some of the things you have done?

I have a ballbusting buddy; she and I have done tons of role plays! 

My favorite is where I'm a peeping-tom and she catches me spying on her in her bedroom as she is undressing.

Another favorite is where the two of us were out on a date and she spikes my drink. I wake up naked and bound and she tortures me for my PIN number.



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