I have never been a fan of the typical busting videos where a guy just stands there legs wide open and a girl throws kick after kick doing seemingly no damage. To me it kind of defeats the whole turn on about ballbusting, that it's a vulnerable spot. Even when I had a busting buddy (GF), it was always more fun when there was some point behind it all and not just me asking her to kick me...and it always turned me on more when one hit could bring me down instead of standing there taking a bunch of light blows. 

Just wondering who else feels the same? It surprises me that there aren't more realistic or role playing videos out there. By role playing, I don't mean that it starts off with a plot and then ends up the same old video of a guy standing there taking kick after kick. I mean videos kind of based on what you'd see in movies (or real life if it happened). 

Only thing I can think of is that there would be a lack of continuity with things like kicking or knees. I mean you could have a scenario where a guy is coming up and touching a girl from behind, she gets mad and kicks him...he falls down and then what? You'd be left with a very short video or an hour long video of separate clips. 
With grabs and squeezes I feel like it can go for much longer though, a girl can hold a squeeze for as long as she likes.

Anyone enjoy this kind of stuff? I realize that girls may not like enacting things where they feel like they are defending themselves, but there are other scenarios you can have. Think of movies, a female spy squeezes a guy to get information. Maybe a girl 'accidentally' hits her karate training partner. Even  having some kind of competition (battle of the sexes, betting the girl can't drop you with a kick) seems like more of a turn on to me than just standing there doing it.  

Guys, is this something you'd like too? Girls, is role playing realistic scenarios something you've ever tried? If not, do you think you'd find it fun to do with a partner?

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I totally get where you're coming from here. The majority of ballbusting clips are just a guy getting racked over and over, with no interaction between the participants, which is something I find disappointing.
Particularly when all it would take to make it much better is the ballbuster teasing the ballbustee, saying stuff like "Awwww, do your poor balls hurt?" and "Wow! You can still get it up?".

what I hate the most in some videos is guys that just stand their arrogant smiling like the video is about them, I hate the holding the cock up too its giving the guy to much control

I agree with Chefda. There has to be interaction between the 2 besides the busting. I wouldn't call it role playing for me. I like to dress up for it, anything he finds sexy. I always tease and threaten him during a session. I always have a reason to bust his balls. It could be something he said or did (something he grabbed lol). I like to do everything I can to make him horny while I bust him, especially when he knows he isn't getting any kind of release from me :) I like drawing it out making it last long. If he can't take the "punishment" then he has to convince me to stop, and I am hard to convince. It's basically a game I love to play, a game he will never win but still has to try to win. :) I have done the betting thing, usually it's how many full power kicks he can take before he drops, he gives a number and I deliver. I have interrogated him by busting. That happens if I catch him checking out another woman, he has to explain why he was looking and what he thought attractive about her. Making your husband tell you why he was looking at another woman while you are crushing his nuts, and then hurting him for what ever he thought was attractive about her until he changes his mind :)

"Making your husband tell you why he was looking at another woman while you are crushing his nuts, and then hurting him for what ever he thought was attractive about her until he changes his mind :)"

That is hot as hell, Melinda! <=O

Wau,after i read this only role play i want is this.

Melinda, your ways of busting your husband's nuts are very sexual and kinky.  I especially love the interrogation scenario.  How well thought out and kinky as hell.  You've got it down woman!  I hope your husband knows just how lucky he is to be married to a woman like you!   :)

omg that is the most perfect way for me to be busted.  Being in trouble and not stopping till I convince you.. I like that.

If I knew enough karate to not look like a total ass, I would totally do this instead of standing there taking kicks.  I've done that and its rather boring.  It takes away the vulnerability aspect of things.  If I stand there and let a girl punch me in the arm, then my arm is vulnerable, but only because I allow it to be.

Maybe I should take karate lessons and then find a willing girl to "spar" with...I totally would if I had the necessary sense of commitment.

You've basically captured 100% of my ballbusting "philosophy". I absolutely love the videos where the guy is floored after only a kick or two. Regarding video length, I personally really love it when the girl mocks the guy, so she can do a kick or two, then spend the next couple minutes just mocking him verbally or physically (e.g. grabbing her crotch mockingly or putting her crotch near his face), then when he starts recovering or tries to retaliate, she effortlessly kicks him again. There actually was a series of videos I remember a couple years back, where it was this black guy who would get busted, and he'd go down after just one or two kicks, then while he's down the girl would do things like make him kiss her feet, or slowly walk around him looking down at him, or grind her foot into his crotch. I don't know what happened to that guy; his videos just seemingly vanished, except for a couple reposts on bbtube.

I also agree about roleplaying. When I have busting sessions with my gf, there's almost always some kind of roleplay involved. Sometimes she'll be a submissive obedient girlfriend or wife who accidentally busts me, sees how weak I am down there, and starts taking advantage of it to turn the tables; or she'll be a college student who just started taking a women & gender class (which she actually has taken irl) and wants to convince me that women are the true superior sex. Whenever we cosplay for Halloween or for conventions, our roleplay matches the cosplay.

See I like it when he guy is standing there attempting to take the kicks. I see it as punishment. I think all us guys should be required to have our balls busted monthly just to keep us in check. Would love a ballbusting type clinic ;-)

I'm with justaboy and a few others who have commented here in that I don't see the appeal in just standing there and taking kicks. Something about it makes it feel too staged I think. I always want it to be the female's own doing to hit me low, without any like hinting from me. Of course, that's not to say that I don't sometimes put myself in vulnerable situations!



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