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Interesting!  And that makes sense.

Can you tell the difference in the guy's reaction if your ballbust has fear or anger behind it?  (Meaning you did it that one notch harder)

I am sure you're very good at making guys realize their vulnerability even when you're calm and having fun.  Then double that if you're adding fear/anger energy to the mix.

Yup, you see more shock and fear, I'm going to take this description from one of the other members...the look on his face is like he's been shot and he's confused on whats going to happen next which is pain.

It must be an awesome feeling for you to witness that, and know it's because of the knee you just gave to his balls, that you have this power.

How many busts like this have you given out?  Did any guys who got these really hard busts manage to cope with it at all, or were all of them totally incapacitated from the pain?

You mean with that look on his face? Several, my husband, my bb buddies, some friends and of course everyone's favorite, the random asshole. The really hard ones i dished out, i never saw the guy again and i didn't stick around long to see how he was going to cope with it, but for those brief moments i was looking on...it seemed like it wasn't too good for him.

@ Lil Suzy

That is really awesome. 

I am not surprised to hear that your bb buddies have shown you the "shock and fear" look.  :)    But I didn't know you coaxed that reaction our of your husband too.  When was that?  I remember a Valentine's Day boot kick and a beach house slap fight kick that both put him down.  Were these the times he looked shocked and afraid when you connected with his balls?

And with the random asshole :)  I think you are really brave to have stepped toward this big angry guy and got right up close so you could plant your knee in his balls.  Good for you.

It must also have been really satisfying to see his angry face turn instantly to shock and fear the moment your knee connected with his balls.

Did that guy drop to the floor or was he the one who doubled over and stood still?  Just wondering.  Either way your knee was totally effective.

@ Smoo

Then what makes it embarrassing if not being exposed in public? 

Well, once back in HS, I was with some friends in a Dunkin Donuts parking lot.  One was on the phone and I was picking on him a bit and ended up taking a light/medium shot to the nut.  I stumbled back a few steps and ended up going down in the middle of a parking spot!  Now that was embarrassing.  But not that it was a nut shot.  He could have given me a gut punch, or a slug across the jaw - wouldn't matter.  What made it embarrassing was that I was down in the middle of a parking spot and everyone had to park around me.

Another factor I think is my martial arts training.  There are many other ways to hit someone that are just as debilitating and painful, without being damaging.  A quick shot to the eyes, neck, throat, knees.  I'm only 5'8" and 136lbs so most other guys in class are bigger and taller then me.  Having a weakness doesn't follow that one is weak.  Just the other day in class, I was floored from an ankle shot.  It got me just the right way that not only did it hurt, it mussed up the muscle for abit so I couldn't put weight on it for a few min.  The human body has a zillion weaknesses.  Sure, balls are easy to exploit, but many others are as well!

Now, I know al guys don't feel the same.  Some do find it embarrassing/humiliating and that's cool by me.  We all have our own interests and feelings toward the topic and they can vary wildly!  I'm not trying to convince others they wouldnt feel that way - just stating why I dont.  :)   (sorry for the terribly long answer - I hope I didnt miss any points, but I wanted to try and explain it well)

I wonder if it was one of your female friends that dropped you to the parking lot ground, if tjhat would have been more embarrassing for you.

But no other point on the male body makes for a sexier target, even you have to admit to that.

Speaking just for myself, the sex of the buster makes all the difference.

I've only been busted by a guy one time (in a football game) and it just got me pumped and mad.  There was no embarrassment at all.  More just... watch out #56... I am coming for you.  LOL.

Being busted by a female is different (and so much better).  Whether it's a hard or soft hit, it always makes me blush.  :) 

And smile and laugh and love it too, but I'm always a bit bashful because she just targeted my sexual weakness as a male, and she's enjoying my vulnerability.  And I can't try to explain it away.  She's got me and she knows it.

Smoo is correct to point out that the human body has many weak spots.  But for me, that's not quite what ballbusting is about.  Testicles are one of those weak spots but they're different from the rest.

Balls are... special.  :)

Only men have testicles, it's a sexual part of our bodies, and women (and girls) can use this advantage to overcome us guys when we are "supposed" to be the big strong ones.  But we sure don't feel big and strong when a woman plants her knee firmly into our balls.  (And yet it's awesome at the same time).

And the curiosity that women have about this mystery power they have over men just makes us guys even more nervous, haha.

Also, many of the body's other weaknesses require at least a little training to exploit, for example smoo's martial arts class.

But a good old fashioned kick in the  balls is something that any woman can do without special training.  Of course, practice and training make women even better at busting balls, which is scary yet wonderful, but all women know the basics of raising up a knee or foot to connect with a pair of testicles, and what the likely result will be.  And as we've learned here on this site, most girls learn this basic fact of life at a pretty young age and they never forget it.  (Another awesome thing).

So, a good bust to the balls from a woman is:

1. A specifically male sexual weakness that women enjoy

2. Easy to take advantage of, anyone can do it

3. Feels even more humiliating because women can bust our balls, put us down and helpless, yet a few minutes later we are OK and they purposely did not really hurt us.  They can even do this playfully.  Women can bust our balls and physically/sexually control us in a pretty easy way that we can't do much about.  Even if it's just for a couple of minutes, the effect can be profound. 

And yet that's also what makes a solid female-to-male ball bust so great!

But I speak only for myself.  Not all guys feel the same about it.

Nice job Tender Boy, I have to agree it has a lot to do with that guys have testicles exposed and how dare this women target that weakness (snickering), It really has a lot to do with the taboo and the old fashioned thinking that girls are "sugar and spice and everything nice", a swift kick to the nuts breaks that down fast, doesn't it...LOL.

True about the not needing special skills. Just look at all those bruised egos happening in middle school : )

Yes you are right about the taboo.  I get the sense that many females get a charge out of breaking the "rules" so to speak, and purposely not being the "sugar and spice", and instead showing a guy her real strength (and his weakness).

Some men really do have the "how dare you!" response, LOL.  It's a defensive reaction about our balls and how vulnerable they are.  Some men just don't handle the subject very well, especially when we're talking about women busting the balls.  The men are uncomfortable with women having that much power.  Especially, as you point out, even middle school girls can dish it out and the boys learn some painful lessons!

But some of us learn to embrace this fact of life and enjoy it.  :)

Good, i'm glad we can shake up that institution of male superiority. Ball busting is a very erotic way to do that too.



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