A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Guys overall what is your prefrance on busting style. Some say spontaneous other like sessions, some say both. Tell me yours and why?
Hmm... well, sessions can be very fun and everything (and, for me, usually overlap with sex, so that's a big plus :D ), but, overall, I prefer spontaneous busting. There's something about how it completely underscores a woman's power (that she can just casually decide to drop me for no real reason) that makes it so great. I think most of my fondest BB memories involve me teasing a girl one second, and laying on the ground watching her walk away the next :D
Another fun little question: Have you ever been ever threatened with castration during BB or by a woman who was interested in BB? Regardless of your views about the subject, how did it make you feel when she did? And not the what would go threw your head when your favorite little BB buddy started to tease you about castrating you?
Yes, this has happened! Growing up, I was a bit of a perv when it came to my older sister and a few of her friends (in high school), they didn't always take kindly to it, and this is sort of how busting became a thing for me. Well, my sister would bust me a lot, and, quite a few times, would jokingly threaten to "crush them" or something along those lines (and, quite a few times, whether it was stomping or squeezing, I was a little afraid she wasn't saying it 'jokingly' :D ).
It's a wonderful sense of vulnerability and humiliation, as well as uncertainty - sometimes, I'm not entirely sure if my busting buddy is joking. If she casually mentions it, it's usually just short of a shudder+cringe reaction, but I love when she'll test my confidence (the first time I was ever squeezed, actually, was after I laughed at a girl's - my sister's - castration threat).
What made you uncertain? What do you do when your not entirely certain she is joking or not? Lol hot scene though, especially the testing your confidence part. It sounds like a good story, you should write about it. The secret to a good castration threat is you have to have your poker face on
The most memorable incident that I can think of was the first time my sister and I had an explicitly sexual ballbusting session. So, I'll probably write about this eventually, but, basically, throughout highschool, my sister knew that I thought she was hot, so she would routinely tease me about it (as well as casually ballbust me). Basically, the summer before college (I was 18, which would have made her 21 at the time), we were both home alone for a week while parents were away... so, naturally she amps things up and is teasing/ballbusting me constantly, so that after a few days of this I have to walk bow-legged everywhere (which makes it a lot easier for her to aim, lol), and I also had the worst blue balls of my life.
I have a more detailed version of this story that I've shared with some people, but, basically, she got pissed at me because I made fun of a charity program she was part of, and she demanded I apologize or she'd "Hurt them worse than ever"; I said no, and she straddled me (I was sitting in a chair, and she sat on my lap, facing me), giving me one last chance to apologize. I said no again, and she replied only with "You've made a big mistake", reached her hands into my shorts and boxers, got ahold of my balls, and started squeezing. It took me about 10 seconds before I was begging her to stop, but she had this determined, pissed off look in her face that made me worry that she actually intended on crushing them... she gave me a "quick little smile" like you mentioned (more like an extended, evil grin), but it didn't make me any more confident she wasn't trying to ruin me :D
i like sessions, iwould be really paranoid if i dont know when i will be busted, at its more sexual from the beggining.
Respect with castration, no, never )probably cause of what i answer in point 1), that would scary me, i believe actually, that balls make a man, at least hormonally, sometimes could be temptating to abandon the world of manhood, its risks and responsabilities, but that it wouldnt make me happy, be a man at its full its an important part of my happiness.
Mel i can understand you and him, too its quite hot to have a dominant woman who its actually pretty and kicks balls, but it looks like you own him, you always can look for another guy for kick him or tease him or whatever, he simply after all that kicking dont have the balls to go for other girl )even without your threat of castration),
Thanks Mel, its about time to get the dude perspectives on ball busting!
First, let me describe my relationship and personality. My wife and I have been married 20+ years, she is a very strong willed person and will get her way, and leans just slightly on the quiet introvert side. I am an outgoing, friendly person, a basic take charge and get r done sort of guy. She busts my balls for two reasons, 1. to make me happy, 2. to get my dick hard so she can get happy.
We love and respect each other, have found the roles that make our relationship work, and couldn't give a rat's ass as to who is the 'boss'. In my experience, I have never had a woman think less of me due to ball busting, or knocking me down a peg with it. It takes a real man to get back up and take another shot to his most prized possessions.
How do I feel afterward... hmmm, generally I feel a full body glow, a warmth throughout me. I feel loved and extremely close to my girl. Saying I feel affectionate would be an understatement. I am in awe of this beautiful, kind, gentle creature who has stepped out of her base persona to beat my most favorite, yet delicate organs. That she can deliver such delicious fear, and pain, and be so stunningly gorgeous while delivering it! It just rocks my world. The exchange of power, trust, intimacy, it's just off the chart. To do something to a man that a woman just isn't supposed to do. To let a woman do that to me, a man, something that a man should never let anyone ever to do him. It's highly intoxicating for both of us.
The harder the beating, the more affectionate I will feel post busting. Having sore swollen balls for a day, two or three. What a treat! To say this turns me on would again be an understatement. It makes me super-horny, but with my nuts in a such a delicate state, it is wise to tread lightly. And I feel indebted somehow, in someway. To have been beaten in such a specific way, oh it just makes me want to follow her around like a lil puppy and to do stuff to make her happy. The irony in this hilarious.
And it gives me a glimpse into nirvana, I feel so preternaturally calm. All the stresses of life have left and my mind is clear, my heart feels light, my soul feels warmth and love. This feeling has lasted as long as two weeks post busting.
Ballbusting is a part of our relationship, always has been. The level and frequency of ballbusting has fluctuated quite a bit, as should any activity in a good long term relationship. At times I feel it is cheating when she squeezes my nutz to get me hard so she can have her way with me. It's a shortcut, and when it comes to love and sex, sometimes the best route is the long one. But, no complaints. And since the kids have grown up and moved out, we have more time, and more privacy, so we have picked up level of bbusting. She really has surprised me with how hard she can deliver a blow. We do something with a rubber mallet that is definetly not for the weak of heart, nor would I reccomend that anybody try it. It wouldn't surprise me if I lose a testicle to this one day. We get the mallet, or mallets out only a couple of times a year, and have gone periods of several years without doing this at all. When we do tho, the woman puts a hurtin on my boyz like you would not believe. She even gets quite bossy at times, and tells me to put the nutz back on the table, countertop or chair, or whatever cuz she ain't done yet o!o
All this has brought us closer together because it has allowed us to feel comfortable opening up to each other and sharing our desires, dreams and fears.
So... there, that's my story and I'm stickin to it ;P
To me it's always paralleled sex. They could go together or they could not, either or is fine with me. I'm naturally cuddly anyway, but busting does increase my huggy tendencies.
For me, it'd be required. Not necessarily all the time or whatever, but I'd encourage it to relieve both of our stress. That and I'm a very open person, so it comes up pretty quickly in a relationship for me.
As far as castration goes... The reality is absolutely not, of course. Can't be kicked in something you don't have, etc. But I LOVE threats or just talking about the vulnerability, etc. I often joke about it myself to get reactions from women. "Wow, that team really has the other team's junk in a vise." (Couple minutes later after a touchdown) "Oh, looks like one just popped." Or "Jesus, I think I'd rather get my balls ran over by a car." The responses are usually pretty good, a couple friends have even started coming back at me with them.
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